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1、7:30:起床。英国威斯敏斯特大学的研究人员发现,那些在早上 5:227:21 分起床的人,其血液中有一种能引起心脏病的物质含量较高,因此,在 7:21 之后起床对身体健康更加有益。At 7:30: get up. British Westminster university study found that those in the morning get up when points-but the people, the blood of a kind of can cause heart disease of the substance of the content is higher

2、, therefore, in when to healthy body after get up much more beneficial. 打开台灯。 “一醒来,就将灯打开,这样将会重新调整体内的生物钟,调整睡眠和醒来模式。 ”拉夫堡大学睡眠研究中心教授吉姆霍恩说。Open the lamp. “Wake up, will open the lamp, this will readjust the body clock, adjust the sleep and wake up mode.“ Ralph sleep research centre at the university pro

3、fessor Jim HuoEnShui. 喝一杯水。水是身体内成千上万化学反应得以进行的必需物质。早上喝一杯清水,可以补充晚上的缺水状态。Drink a glass of water. Water is hundreds of thousands of chemical reactions in the body to be able to undertake the necessary material. Drink a glass of water in the morning, can complement the night of water shortage state. 7:30

4、8:00:在早饭之前刷牙。 “在早饭之前刷牙可以防止牙齿的腐蚀,因为刷牙之后,可以在牙齿外面涂上一层含氟的保护层。要么,就等早饭之后半小时再刷牙。 ”英国牙齿协会健康和安全研究人员戈登沃特金斯说。At 7:30 a.m.-8:00 in before breakfast: brush your teeth. “In my breakfast before brushing your teeth can prevent the corrosion of the teeth, because after brushing your teeth, can in the teeth out coate

5、d with a layer of protection with fluorine. Either, and after breakfast half an hour to brush your teeth.“ British teeth association health and safety researchers Gordon Watkins said. 8:008:30:吃早饭。 “早饭必须吃,因为它可以帮助你维持血糖水平的稳定。 ”伦敦大学国王学院营养师凯文威尔伦说。早饭可以吃燕麦粥等,这类食物具有较低的血糖指数。8:00 at 8:30: eat breakfast.- “Br

6、eakfast must eat, because it can help you maintain blood sugar level of stability.“ At kings college London nutritionists Kevin Will Aaron said. Can have cereal for breakfast, this kind of food has low glycemic index. 8:309:00:避免运动。来自布鲁奈尔大学的研究人员发现,在早晨进行锻炼的运动员更容易感染疾病,因为免疫系统在这个时间的功能最弱。步行上班。马萨诸塞州大学医学院的

7、研究人员发现,每天走路的人,比那些久坐不运动的人患感冒病的几率低 25%。-9:00 a.m. at 8:30: avoid movement. From bloom Neil university study found that exercise in the morning of the athletes to be more susceptible to disease, because the immune system in this time of the weak function. Go to work on foot. University of Massachusetts

8、 medical school, the researchers found the daily walk, than those of sedentary colds a 25% reduced risk of the disease. 9:30:开始一天中最困难的工作。纽约睡眠中心的研究人员发现,大部分人在每天醒来的一两个小时内头脑最清醒。9:30: beginning of a day in the most difficult work. New York sleep center study found that most people in the wake up one or t

9、wo hours the most sober mind. 10:30:让眼睛离开屏幕休息一下。如果你使用电脑工作,那么每工作一小时,就让眼睛休息 3 分钟。10:30: let the eyes away from the screen rest. If you use a computer work, so each hour, let the eyes eyes rest 3 minutes. 11:00:吃点水果。这是一种解决身体血糖下降的好方法。吃一个橙子或一些红色水果,这样做能同时补充体内的铁含量和维生素 C 含量。11:00: some fruit. This is a kind

10、 of solution of the decline of the body blood sugar good method. Eat an orange or some red fruit, such doing can also added the body of the iron content and vitamin C content. 13:00:在面包上加一些豆类蔬菜。你需要一顿可口的午餐,并且能够缓慢地释放能量。 “烘烤的豆类食品富含纤维素,番茄酱可以当作是蔬菜的一部分。 ”维伦博士说。Scheduled on bread and some: bean vegetables.

11、 You need a delicious lunch, and can slowly release energy. “Roasted beans foods rich in cellulose, ketchup as a vegetable is part of the can.“ D Aaron said dr. 14:3015:30:午休一小会儿。雅典的一所大学研究发现,那些每天中午午休30 分钟或更长时间,每周至少午休 3 次的人,因心脏病死亡的几率会下降37%。And why stand: a while-lunch break. Athens university study f

12、ound that those who every noon nap 30 minutes or longer, at least three times a week lunch break, the risk of death from heart disease by 37%. 16:00:喝杯酸奶。这样做可以稳定血糖水平。在每天三餐之间喝些酸牛奶,有利于心脏健康。16:00 drink a cup of yogurt. : To do so would stabilize the blood sugar level. In between meals every day drink s

13、ome yogurt, health is good for the heart. 17:0019:00:锻炼身体。根据体内的生物钟,这个时间是运动的最佳时间,舍菲尔德大学运动学医生瑞沃尼克说。From 17:00-19:00: exercise. According to the biological clock of body, this time is the best time, give up sports anfield kinematics doctor red walter and university # 8226; Nick said. 19:30:晚餐少吃点。晚饭吃太多,

14、会引起血糖升高,并增加消化系统的负担,影响睡眠。晚饭应该多吃蔬菜,少吃富含卡路里和蛋白质的食物。吃饭时要细嚼慢咽。Dinner 19:30: eat less. Supper eat too much, can cause high blood sugar, and increase the burden of the digestive system, the effects of sleep. Dinner should eat more vegetables, eat less calories and rich in protein food. When having a meal t

15、o eat like a bird. 21:45:看会电视。这个时间看会儿电视放松一下,有助于睡眠,但要注意,尽量不要躺在床上看电视,这会影响睡眠质量。When: see TV. The time to watch TV for a while to relax, help to sleep, but should pay attention to, try not to lie on the bed to watch TV, it will affect the quality of sleep. 23:00:洗个热水澡。 “体温的适当降低有助于放松和睡眠。 ”拉夫堡大学睡眠研究中心吉姆霍恩

16、教授说。From: a hot bath. “Body temperature reduced help relax and sleep.“ Ralph sleep research center at the university of Jim Professor horn said. 23:30:上床睡觉。如果你早上 7 点 30 起床,现在入睡可以保证你享受 8 小时充足的睡眠。1: go to bed. If you get up at seven in the morning, now 30 sleep can guarantee that you enjoy 8 hours sleep. 任何试图更改生物钟的行为,都将给身体留下莫名其妙的疾病,20、30 年之后再后悔,已经来不及了。Any attempt to change the behavior of the biological clock, will be to leave the puzzling dis



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