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1、Page 1 of 21儿童西方文化导读第二册儿童西方文化导读第二册1.Spring-Thomas NASH 2.Tree-Joyce Kilmer 3.Five little Chickens-Penryhn W.Coussens 4.Work While You Work-McGuffeys Primer 5.I Meant to Do My Work Today-Richard Le Gallienne 6.Persevere -McGuffeys Reader 7.The Arrow and the Song-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 8.A Lovesy

2、Child-Author Unknown 9.The Little Red Hen-Penryhn W.cOUSSENS 10.The Tortoise and the Hare-Aesop 11.The Lion andthe Mouse-Aesop 12.The Boy Who Cried“Wolf“-Aesop 13.The Boy and the Nuts-Aesop 14.A Speech By chief Seattle-chief seattleSpring By Thomas Nash1 Spring , the sweet Spring ,is the year s plea

3、sant king ;Then blooms each thing ,then maids dance in a ring ,Cold doth not sting ,the pretty birds do sing ,Cuckoo , jug jug , pu we ,to witta woo !2 The palm and may make country houses gay ,Lambs frisk and play , the shepherds pipe all day ,And we hear aye birds tune this merry lay ,Cuckoo , jug

4、 jug , pu we ,To witta woo!3 The fields breathe sweet , the daisies kiss our feer ,Young lovers meet ,Old wives a sunning sit ,In every street these tunes our ears do greet ,Cuckoo , jug jug , pu we ,Page 2 of 21to wirtta woo ! Spting ! The sweet Spring !春天托马斯纳什Thomas Nash 托马斯纳什(15671501)英国小册子作者、诗人、

5、剧作家。15981590 年,他参加乐清教徒论战,之后写了他最成功的英文流浪汉小说倒楣的旅行家。这首诗描写了春回大地时,万物生机盎然的景象。1 春光!甜美的春光!生机盎然,衰领年光;万物绽放,姑娘们跳舞转成圈严寒不再刺骨,小鸟漫吟树间,咕咕,吱吱,喂喂,吐味特乌!2 棕榈、五月花装点村舍,小洋羔嬉戏活泼,牧人们整天吹奏竹笛,听到了鸟群在赞赏应和,咕咕,吱吱,喂喂,吐味特乌!3 田野飘香,小雏菊吻着鞋帮,青年爱侣幽会,家主婆坐着晒太阳,街头充耳而来的是这些欢唱,咕咕,吱吱,喂喂,吐味特乌!春光!甜美的春光!TreesPage 3 of 21By Joyce Kilmer I think that

6、 I shall never seeA poem lovely as a tree ;A tree whose hungry mouth is prestAgainst the earths sweet flowing breast ;A tree that looks at God all day ,And lifts her leafy arms to pray ;Anest that may in Smmer wearAnest of robins in her hair ;Upon whose bosow has lain ,Who intimately lives with rain

7、 .Poems are made by fools like me ,But only God can make a tree .树乔伊斯基尔默Joyce Kilmer 乔伊斯基尔默。作者通过对树的赞美来讴歌造物的神奇。小树自得天机自长成,于不经意中已经使得诗人的 才情在大自然的佳作前自叹弗如。想来,我永远找不到一首诗像树一样美妙。树的饥饿双唇紧偎大地把甜美的乳汁尽情吮吸。树整天仰望着上帝,祈祷时,举起枝叶扶苏的双臂。Page 4 of 21夏天,树还会把知更雀的小巢戴在自己发梢。雪花在树的怀抱里冬眠,树和雨露更是亲密无间。诗是我这样的愚人写的,而树却只有上帝才能创造。Five Little

8、ChicensRetold By Penryhn W. Coussens1、 Said the first little chicken ,With a queer little squirm ,“Oh , I wish I could finda fat little worm !”2Said the next little chicken , With an odd little shrug ,“Oh , I wish I could finda fat little bug !”3Said the third little chicken ,With a sharp little squ

9、eal ,“Oh , a I wish I could findSome nice yellow meal !”4Said the fourth little chicken ,With a smsll sigh of grief ,“Oh , I wish I could find a green little leaf !5Said the fifth little chicken ,Page 5 of 21With a faint little moan ,“Oh , I wish I could findA wee gravel stone !”6“Now , see here ,”

10、said the mother ,From the green garden patch ,“If you want any breakfast ,You must come and scratch .”五只小鸡彭林W库森斯讲述Retoid By Penryhn W. Coussens 彭林W库森斯讲述.九层之台起于垒土,千里之行始于足下。即使是一份可口的早餐,也要靠我们的实际行动才能 获得。1 第一只小鸡忸忸怩怩,带点夸张地说:“啊,希望我能找到一个胖胖的小毛虫!”2 第二只小鸡古怪地耸耸肩说:“啊,希望我能够找到一只肥肥的臭虫!”3 第三只小鸡尖声地说:“啊,希望我能找到一顿黄蓬蓬的佳肴!

11、”4 第四只小鸡发愁地轻轻叹到:Page 6 of 21“啊,希望我能找到一片绿油油的小嫩叶。”5 第五只小鸡有气无力地轻嘘一声:“啊,希望我能找到一粒小尿砾!”6“来,看这儿!”从青草坪传来妈妈的声音:“如果你们想吃早餐,必须立即行动起来。”Work While You WorkForm McGuffeys PrimerWork while you work ,Play while you play ;One thing each time ,That is the way .All that you do ,Do with your might ;Things done by halves

12、Are not done right .工作时工作From McGuffeys Primer “麦格非”初级课本学习、工作和娱乐,每次只做一件事,每件事都要一心一意地去做。正确与错误的标准不在 于成功或失败,而在于我们是否全力以赴。工作时工作,玩耍时玩耍,Page 7 of 21一次做一件事,才是好办法。你所做的一切,必须尽力而为,半途而废,岂不白白后悔? I Meant to Do My Work Today By Richard Le Gallienne 1I meant to do my work today , But a brown birs sang in the apple tr

13、ee , And a butterfly flitted across the field , And all the leaves were calling me 2And the wing went sighing over the land , Tossing the grasses to and fro ,And a rainbow held out its and fro ,So what could I do but laugh and go ?我正想工作里夏尔勒加利安那Richard Le Gallienne 里夏尔勒加利安那。当诗人刚要开始一天繁忙的工作时,不经意中看到小鸟唱歌

14、、蝴蝶飞舞、风吹草摆、彩虹飞 扬,面对这完美无暇不假造作的大自然,诗人顿然忘记了自己的工作,情不自禁地从心底发 出赞美和微笑。1 我正想工作,一只棕色的小鸟却在苹果树上唱起了歌,蝴蝶飞过了田野,所有的树叶都在和我打招呼。2风儿啊一路吹拂,Page 8 of 21小草的头啊也随风摇来摆去,彩虹伸出了光彩夺目的手臂怎么办?我只好开开心,走一走。Persver From McGuffeys Reader 1The fisher who draws in his net too soon ,Wont have any fish to sell ;The child who shuts up his b

15、ook too soon ,Wont learn any lessons well .2If you would have your learning stay ,Be patient dont learn too fast ;The man who travels a mile each day ,May get round the world at last .锲而不舍From McGuffeys Reader 采自“麦格菲”课本凡事欲速则不达。锲而舍之朽木不折,锲而不舍金石可镂。1渔翁抽网过早,没有多少鲜鱼可捞;小孩把书合早,不能把功课学好。2你要想学得牢实,还得耐心坚持学习不能毛躁,每

16、天坚持走一英里的人,总能绕完地球全程。The Arrow and the Song By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow1I shot an arrow into the air ,Page 9 of 21It fell to earth , Iknew not where ;For , so swiftly it flew , the sightCould not follow it in its flight .2I breathed a song inito the air ,It fell to earth , I knew not where ;For who has


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