初中英语教学设计第二册Unit5 Lesson 17

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1、初中英语教学设计第二册 Unit5 Lesson 17一、教材分析1、本单元及本课在教材中的地位与作用。上一单元的核心教学内容是“认物“,本单 元则是“认人“,这一交际项目涉及到的具体内容包括:A姓 名 Whats his/her/its name?B身 份 Whos he/she/it/this/that?C年 龄 How old is he/she/it?D所在处所 Where is he/she?二、教学目标的确立1、知识目标本单元选取了学生比较熟悉的“认人“场景或情景,进行具体的训练。而本课着重体现 和要掌握的是室外场景;识别人物,这些场景都是日常生活中容易涉及到“认人“,这一话 题的

2、,即说话人相互交换或了解人物的有关信息。在这一单元中有意回避了谈话双方直接 询问年龄的情景。这样安排既是为了突出语法教学关于 he/she/it 的内容,也是为了适应英 美人的文化礼仪习惯。2、能力目标:培养学生听、说、写的能力,以说为主。3、德育目标:通过“认人“贯输礼貌教育。4、情感目标:培养合作、友好的情感。三、教学法分析1、口语训练本单元的口语训练与前一单元有相似之处。为了加强课堂教学的交际性,教师应当充 分利用教材所提供的典型情景,务必使学生熟悉这些情景,进而使他们学会在日常交际中 作出恰当得体的反应。在运用情景进行“认人“方面的口语训练时,要特别重视引入情景的 技巧,情景引入必须有

3、助于刺激学生的交际动机,也就是说见到某种情景时应当产生询问 的欲望。我采用简笔画,与实物相结合的方法。2、笔头训练在英语教学的起始阶段,口语训练多于笔头训练是合理的,但每课时都应有适量的笔 头活动。为此我采用让学生画小人,或拿照片的方式一面认人, (口语)一面在画面上添加 必要的文字,以引起学生的注意。这样既练了口语又练了笔头功夫。3、语法教学本单元语法教学是介绍人称代词,he,she,it。其着重点在于运用。没必要特意安排关 于人称代词的语法讲解及引入相关的概念。重要的是把这三个代词用好。为此我采用的如 下教学措施: (1)用现场人物显示代词的特点;(2)用句型显示语法功能(作主语)主语用淡

4、蓝色,is 用红色,表语用淡黄色。四、教学手段本节课我采用了简笔画,实物和多媒体展示不同环境下的人物介绍,为求使学生全面 掌握不同交际情况下英语交际的方式与特点。采用五步教学法。五、教学过程Note:1.Make sure students pronounce girl and bird correctly.The/ u/sound in dont,know and old may also cause problems.2.Special attention should be paid to the difference between heand she,and its and its.

5、Step 1 Revision1. Revise the new vocabulary in Unit 4.2. Revise:Whats your name? Can you spell it,please?How old are you?3. Revise the numbers 0-20.Teach 21.Step 2 PresentationDraw a boy,a girl and a bird on the Bb,or use wall pictures.Pointto the boy and ask Whos this? This is David Smith.Write Dav

6、id Smith under the drawing.Then point to the drawing of the girl and ask Whos this?This is Joy smith.Write Joy Smith under the drawing.Ask How old is he? Hes twelve.How old is she? Shes seven.Draw Polly on the Bb,and say:This is a bird.Its name is Polly.(Write a bird on the Bb.)Ask How old is it? I

7、dont know.I think its six.(Teach I dontKnow and I think by gesture if possible.If not,translate.)PayParticular attention to the / u/sound.Write I dont knowon the Bb and explain that nt is short for not.Also,explainthat the k in know is silent.It is NOT pronounced.Step 3 DrillNote:Explain to the clas

8、s that in English people,especiallyyoung people,are often referred to by their first names only.Joy Smith and David Smith would usually be called JoyAnd David.Get the class to ask and answer as follows:Teacher: Joy Smith-Group 1Group 1: How old is Joy?Teacher: Group 3.Group 3: Shes seven.Teacher: Da

9、vid Smith-Group 4!Group 4: How old is David? Etc.Now ask the same question about boys and girls in the class,And get students to do the same.Step 4 Read,ask and answerSB Page 21,Part 1.Read Part 1 with the class.Get them to answer the questions.Say:Look at Picture 1.Who is this? (This is Joy Smith.)

10、How old is she? (Shes seven.)Now look at Picture 2.Whos this? (Hes David Smith.)How old is he? (Hes twelve.)Now look at Picture 3.Whats this?(Its Polly.)Yes,its Polly.Note:Polly has a female name.It is not incorrect to refer to Pollyas she but animals are usually referred to as it.For example,Shessi

11、x years old would be acceptable but not likely Shes Polly.Aswell,the question Whos that/this? Is often answered with Itseven when the subject is a person if the sex is not relevant.Thisis not true,however,for any other question.For example How oldis she?would never be worded How old is it?and is alw

12、aysanswered,Shes,NEVER ItsStep 5 Ask and answerSB Page 21,Part 2,Picture 4,Speech Cassette Lesson 17.Play thetape once.Then play it again and get the class to repeat,usingthe pause button.Half the class can be A and the other half B.Then change them around.Step 6 Pair practiceGet the students to rea

13、d the dialogues in pairs.They can continuePracticing using pictures of people they know or pointing toTheir classmates.Step 7 WorkbookSB Page 105,Wb Lesson 17,Exx.1-3.Ex. 1 is listening comprehension.See Foreword Pages 7-8Of the TB for advice on how to deal with listening practice.Listening textDavid:Hello! My name is David Smith.Im twelve.This is mySister,Joy.Shes seven.Joy:Hi! Im Joy.The answer are 1)twelve 2)No,shes a girl 3)Joy is seven.Do Ex. 2 orally in class.Ex. 3 can be started in class and finished after class.HomeworkRevise the new words.Finish off Ex. 3 in the workbook.



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