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1、武汉市初中英语人教版目录武汉市初中英语人教版目录七年级上册七年级上册Starter Unit 1 Goodmorning! (meeting friends)Starter Unit 2 Whats this in English?(about things around you )Starter Unit 3 What color is it? (about the color of things )Unit 1 My names Gina.(making new friends )Unit 2 This is my sister.(family )Unit 3 Is this your p

2、encil? (about things in the classroom )Unit 4 Wheres my school bag?(Thing saround the house. )Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?(Spending time with your friends. )Unit 6 Do you like bananas?(food )Unit 7 How much are these socks? (Shopping )Unit 8 When is your birthday?(Dates )Unit 9 My favorite subj

3、ect is science. (School subjects. )1 七年级下册七年级下册Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? (Joining a club)Unit 2 What time do you go to school? (Daily routines )Unit 3 How do you get to school?(talk about how toget to palaces )Unit 4 Dont eat in the class.(Rules )Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?(Describe animals

4、 and express preferences)Unit 6 Im watchingTV!(talk about what people are doing )Unit 7 Its raining!(describe the weather , describe what you are doing . )Unit 8 Is there a post office near here?(ask for and gived irection sonthest reet. )Unit 9What does he looklike?(Does cribe peopleslook. )Unit 10

5、Id like some noodles .(orderfood )Unit11 How was your school trip?(Talk about past event )Unit 12 What did you do last weekend?(Talk about past events )2 八年级上册八年级上册Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?Unit 2 How often do you exercise?Unit 3 Im more outgoing than my sister.Unit 4 Whats the best movie

6、theater?Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?Unit 6 Im going to study computer science.Unit 7 Will people have robots?Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake?Unit 9 Can you come to my party?Unit 10 If you go to the party, youll have a great time.3 八年级下册八年级下册Unit 1 Whats the matter?Unit 2 Ill h

7、elp clean up the city parks.Unit 3 Could you please clean your room .Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents?Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains .Unit 7 Whats the highest mountainin the world?Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet?Unit

8、9 Have you ever been to amusement park?Unit 10 Ive had this bike for three years.4 九年级全一册九年级全一册Unit 1 How can we become good learners?(Talk about how to study)Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!(Give a personal reaction)Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?(Ask for inform

9、ation politely;Follow directions)Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.(Talk about what you used to be like)Unit 5 What are the shirts made of?(Talk about what products are made of and where they were made)Unit 6 When was it invented?(Talk about the history of inventions)Unit 7 Teenagers should be

10、allowed to choose their own clothes.(Talk about what you are allowed to do;Agree anddisagree)Unit 8 It must belong to Carla.(Make inferences)Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to.(Express preferences)Unit 10 Youre supposed to shake hands.(Talk anout custorms and what you are supposed to do)Unit 11

11、 Sad movies make me cry.(Talk about how things affect you)Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected.(Narrate past events)Unit 13 Were trying to save the earth!(Talk about pollution and environmental protection)Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.(Share past memories and experences;Look ahead to the future)5



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