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1、 1湛江小家电产业的发展策略研究湛江小家电产业的发展策略研究摘摘 要要 本世纪 60 年代至 80 年代,我国处在公有制发展大趋势发展下湛江家用电器工业公司是处于垄断性的国有控股的小家电企业,湛江家用电器的生产与及出口是统一由国有家电企业包揽,而一系列优势发展和企业领导极具前瞻性的领导下当时发展到了全球性的知名品牌,然而,越发扩张之后,庞大的团体开支与领导无法顾及,从内部混乱无章到外部假货充斥,导致 90 年代初整个湛江家电产业的戏剧性急剧下落。本文从历史,内外部因素研究,再经过对比等,分析失败原因,然后结合现今湛江发展的一系列政策,从宏观调控,和历史、地理等优势,分析湛江小家电的一些代表性企

2、业,归纳总结一系列数据,结合理论,找到适合湛江小家电企业走大走强的发展之路。关键词关键词 小家电; 电饭锅 ; OEM 贴牌生产 ; 贸易出口2The Development Strategy of Zhanjiang Small Household Eectrical Apliances IndustryAbstract:from1960s to 1980s,our contry was throughing the public ownership ,ZhanJiang Household Appliance Industry Company,which was incharged all

3、 the household appliances manufacturing in ZhanJiang,had set up a campany,named “ hemisphere”that manufactured about small househould appliances including its import and outport.At that time, the state-controlled monopoly in the small household electrical appliance enterprises hemisphere Industries,

4、 a series of advantages in the very forward-looking development and business leaders under the leadership of the development to a global brand, “hemisphere“.However,with more and more expansion, the huge expenditure and leadership groups can not be taken into account,our theory learn the failure cau

5、ses from many source like history,interior or exterior,annalysised ad through a series of camparision, then we know the internal chaos full chapter to an external fake, leading to the early 90s dramatic falls sharply. Nowadays, with the development of a series of policies in Zhanjiang, from the macr

6、o-control, and the historical, geographical and other advantages, a number of small appliances Zhanjiang representative firm,we can summarized a series of data, combined with theory, then find a suitable way that Zhanjiang small household electrical appliance enterprises take the great strength of t

7、he development.Keywords:Small appliances; Rice cookers; OEM ; Exports3目目 录录1 绪论绪论.61.1 选题的背景和意义.61.2 文献综述.61.3 研究框架.91.3.1 研究内容.91.3.2 研究方法.91.3.3 创新之处.102 湛江小家电产业的发展史湛江小家电产业的发展史.112.1 国有企业时期的兴衰.112.1.1 湛江家电总厂的崛起.112.1.2 半球步向衰落的探究.122.2 民营企业百花齐放.133 湛江小家电产业的优势与劣势湛江小家电产业的优势与劣势.143.1 湛江小家电产业的优势.143.1.

8、1 地理优势.143.1.2 经验优势.153.2 湛江小家电产业的劣势.154 湛江小家电产业的机遇与挑战湛江小家电产业的机遇与挑战.1744.1 机遇.174.2 挑战.195 湛江小家电产业的发展对策湛江小家电产业的发展对策.205.1 企业自身的升级.205.1.1 节能环保策略.205.1.2 研发与制造创新.205.1.3 品牌与服务的建立.215.2 走扩大内销之路.225.2.1 新潮小家电和传统小家电.225.2.2 西式小家电和中式小家电.225.2.3 名牌小家电与非名牌小家电.225.2.4 面向农村的小家电与面向城市的小家电.22结论结论.24参考文献参考文献.25致致 谢谢.



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