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1、智课网TOEFL备考资料托福阅读机经背景解析:儿童营养不良是全球性问题Expertssay funding child nutrition is the highest profit-yielding strategy any countrycan take. If children are starving, they get sick more easily, need more costlyhealth care, and earn less than adults who had the right nutrition.专家指出,为儿童营养拨款,对任何国家来说,都是回报率最高的投资战略

2、。饥饿的儿童容易生病,需要花更多的钱看病,他们成年后比儿童期营养均衡的人挣钱少。Childmalnutrition is a global problem. It exists even in rich countries. It affectsa large number of children in Asia, especially in south Asia.儿童营养不良是个全球性问题,甚至存在于富裕国家。亚洲、特别是南亚有大量营养不良的儿童。Inparts of the world, such as sub-Saharan Africa, it threatens child surv

3、ival.在撒哈拉沙漠以南非洲等地区,营养不良危及儿童的生命。Dr.Peter Salama represents UNICEF, the United Nations childrens agency, inEthiopia.“Almostevery country in Africa today has an acute rate of malnutrition. The questionis how high it goes,“ he said.Newstudies published in the Lancet medical journal show that malnutritio

4、n causes45 percent of all deaths in children under the age of five. Other childrensuffer stunting, meaning their body and brain fail to develop properly.柳叶刀医学杂志发表的最新研究显示,5岁以下儿童死亡病例中,百分之45是营养不良造成的。营养不良的儿童发育迟缓,也就是说,他们的身体和大脑没有正常发育。Theproblem starts in the womb, says Dr. Robert Black of Johns Hopkins Un

5、iversity,who headed the series.美国约翰霍普金斯大学的布莱克医生指出,这些问题始于母亲怀孕期间:“Undernourished mothers have fetuses that dont grow as well, so fetal growth restriction itself is a problem.Babies who are born small for their gestational age have increased mortalityand increased stunting and developmental problems la

6、ter,“ he said.“母亲营养不良,胎儿也不能健康成长。胎儿发育受限本身就是一个问题,这种婴儿出生时体重过轻,增加了死亡风险和发育迟缓的风险。”Theresearchers say if countries take some simple measures, they can save the livesof one million children a year.研究人员说,各国只需要采取一些简单的措施,每年就能挽救100万儿童的生命。Theproposals include giving pregnant women folic acid and calcium suppleme

7、nts,promoting breast feeding, and giving young children vitamin A and zincsupplements.这些措施包括让孕妇服用叶酸和钙补充剂,提倡母乳喂养,给幼童服增加维生素A和锌补充剂。TheLancet reports that cutting child malnutrition by 20 percent would cost ninebillion dollars.柳叶刀杂志报告指出,如果要让儿童营养不良的情况减少百分之20,就需要增加90亿美元的拨款。HaroldAlderman is with the Inter

8、national Food Policy Research Institute in Washingtonand one of the Lancet series authors.柳叶刀研究报告的作者之一埃尔德曼说:“For every dollar invested, you can get between eight and ten dollarsof economic returns,“ he said. “And when I do these studies, I saylook, nobody knows how to say how valuable is saving a li

9、fe.“对儿童营养每投资1美元,就能得到8至10美元的回报。我做这些研究的时候就想,没人知道怎样表达挽救一个生命是多么有价值。”Aldermansays governments profit when they keep children well fed.埃尔德曼指出,让儿童吃饱吃好,对政府只有好处:“Im a little puzzled as to why governments stillthink of investments in nutrition, as how you compensate the poor, but well do our productive invest

10、ments elsewhere. These are productiveinvestments. There is no question. The numbers are there,“ he said.“我真不明白,为什么政府还在投资儿童营养和补助穷人方面犹豫不决,说什么我们会在其他方面进行有效投资,等等,其实,毫无疑问,这些就是有效投资,有统计数字摆在那儿呢。”Aldermansays investing in child nutrition will improve a countrys economy because well-fed children dobetter in sc

11、hool and eventually become a stronger labor force. That statementis supported by other research showing that adults who were malnourished aschildren earn 20 percent less than those who had proper nutrition.埃尔德曼说,投资儿童营养会提高一个国家的经济,因为营养均衡的儿童学习成绩会比较好,加入劳动大军时身体更健壮。其他研究也证实,儿童时期营养不良的成年人的收入比其他人要低百分之20。推荐新闻:托福阅读机经背景解析:克林顿等聚首巴黎托福阅读机经背景解析:树的年轮托福阅读机经背景解析:女人为什么爱哭相关字搜索: 托福机经


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