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1、考研英语每日一课情态动词篇考研英语每日一课情态动词篇语 法 结 构- 情 态 动 词内 容 提 要情态动词有 can(能),may(可以),must(必须),have to(不得不),ought to(应该),dare(敢),used to(过去经常),had better(最好),would rather(宁愿)。在肯定句中它们后边都要接 动词原形 。在否定句中,can,may,must 和 dare 后边加 not;have to 和 ought to 分别在 have 和 ought 后加 not;used to 的否定式可用 used not to,也可用 didnt use to,但

2、后者用得较多;had better 和 would rather 的否定式分别是had better not 和 would rather not。这些情态动词与现在完成时连用在某种意义上有一定的虚拟性。I I 肯定句和否定句中的情态动词肯定句和否定句中的情态动词一、情态动词的现在式在肯定句中的比较1. can 表示体力或脑力方面的“能力”、“技能”或根据客观条件能做某种动作的“可能性”1) Mild forms of execrise can some of the loss of flexibility that accompanies aging.A stopB to stopC sto

3、ppingD be stopped但表示人体力或智力的具体动作时须用 be able toHe was able to do that without any help.他不需要任何帮助就能完成这项工作。2. may 表示“允许,可以”,相当于 be allowed to2) If there is social or political change in a region A where a standard language B is spoken, local varieties C of the language may developing D .may 或 might 可和 as

4、 well 连用,表示“建议”,译为“还是的为好”You may as well keep a certain distance from that mad man. 你们还是离那疯子远点为好。 You might as well go home now.你还是现在回家为好。3. must 表示“必须”或“应当”、“一定”3) The formation of snow must be occurring A slowly B , in calm air, and at a temperature near C the freezing point D .4. have to 加动词原形,表示

5、“不得不”,“必须”,它比 must 更强调客观Tom had to work into the deep night everyday to earn a living. 汤姆为了生计每天都得工作到深夜。5. should 表示“劝告”,“建议”或“义务”时,译作“应当”,或表示“预测”和“可能”He should take care of his parents as they are old enough not to live on themselves. 由于父母亲老了,不能自理,他应当照顾他们。He should be there now. 他可能到了。should have do

6、ne 在虚拟语气中表示“责备或后悔”参见第三章第一节、二、2.。6. ought ,只有一种形式,即 ought 后必须加 to,然后跟接动词原形表示“有义务”或“必要”做某事,译为“应当,应该”4) The traditional goal of science is to discover how things are,not how they ought .A toB to beC beD have been5) You are quite right;I am inferring in my comments A that McGraw had not ought to B have

7、broken C in the room without his permission D .7. dare 可以用作情态动词,后面跟不带 to 的动词不定式,这主要用于否定句中,它本身可有现在时第三人称单数,词尾加s,它还可以有ING 分词形式(daring)和过去式及ED 分词形式(dared)6) Although Oriental ideas of womans subordination to man prevailed in those days,she meet with men on an equal basis.A did not dared B dared not C da

8、red not to D did dare not to二、情态动词在一般时否定句中的用法cant(can not, cannot) 表示“不可能”, may not 表示“不可以”, mustnt(must not) 表示“一定不要”,“不许可”,neednt (need not) 表示“不必”,dare not 动词原形 表示“不敢”He cant finish his essay by this time. 现在他不可能写完论文。He may not sleep now. 他或许现在没在睡觉。You mustnt criticize her in that way. 你不应那样批评她。Y

9、ou neednt come tomorrow. 你明天没必要来了。He dared not meet his fiance. 他不敢见女朋友。三、例题解析1) 正确答案为 A。由于情态动词 can 要求跟动词原形,所以 B 和 C 都不对,can 后虽然有被动形式,但在意义上和语法上与横线后部分都无法衔接,所以 D 也错。2) D 错。改为 develop。may 后要求跟动词原形,而 developing 是现在分词,显然不符合要求,所以应改为develop。3) A 错。改用 must occur,此处叙说的是客观现象,而非强调正在发生的事,故用一般现在时。4) B 为正确答案。5) B

10、 错。改为 ought not to。6) B 为正确答案。IIII 情态动词与完成时的使用情态动词与完成时的使用 一、must+have+ED 分词:用于肯定句,表示对过去情况的一种肯定推测,表示“肯定,一定” 1) It around nine oclock when I drove back home because it was already dark. A had to beB must have been C was to be D must be 2) Johns score on the test is the highest in the class; A he shoul

11、d study last nightB he should have studied last nightC he must have studied last nightD he must had to study last night 3) After searching A for evidence in the house,the police concluded B that the thief must have come in C through the window and stole D the silver while the family was asleep.二、may

12、 (might)+have+ED 分词:用于肯定句和否定句,表示对已发生事情的不肯定的推测,相当于“可能,大概,”其中 might 较 may 语气更弱,把握更小 She might have gone to see her doctor last week, but I am not sure.上星期或许她去看医生了,但我不敢肯定。 Dont worry, your husband may not have been hurt seriously. 别急,你丈夫也许伤得不厉害。三、should(ought to)+have+ED 分词:肯定句表示过去本应发生的事却没有发生;否定句表示已发生了

13、本不该发生的事。前者可译为“本应,”后者为“本不该” You should have apologized to her for not soon replying to the letter. 你本应向她道歉,说明为什么没能及时回信。(可你没这么做) 4) You yesterday if you were really serious about your work. A ought to comeB ought to be comingC ought to have comeD ought have come 四、can(not) +have+ED 分词 He is an hour la

14、te He can have been delayed by fog. Of course,thats a possibility.他迟到了 1 小时,可能因为大雾而耽搁了。当然这只是可能性问题。 The poem can not have been written by her since she was only five years old then.这诗不可能是她写的,因为她那时才 5 岁。 五、“could+have+ED 分词”有时用于表示过去的时间,说明某事可能或不可能已发生;有时可表示过去本来可以做某事,但却未做 I simply cant understand how he

15、could have made such a mistake. 我简直不明白他怎么会犯那样的错误。 He walked there,but he could have taken a taxi. 他走着去了,可当时完全可以坐出租。 “couldnt+have+ED 分词”还表示无论如何也不可能或没有做到 I couldnt have called you. I wasnt near a telephone. 反正我也不可能给你打电话,我附近没有电话。 5) “We didnt see him at the lecture yesterday.”“He it.” A mustnt attende

16、dB couldnt have attendedC would have not attendedD neednt have attended 六、neednt+have+ED 分词:表示对过去不必做的事情却做了,可译为“其实不必” 6) You all these parcels yourself.The shop would have delivered them if you had asked a shop assistant. A didnt need to carryB neednt have carriedC neednt carryD didnt need carry 七、used to 表示过去的习惯动作或状态,现在已不存在,在否定陈述句中,一般用 didnt use to,也可用 us



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