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1、上 海 财 经 大 学硕硕 士士 学学 位位 论论 文文民营房地产企业组织结构变迁及动因研究民营房地产企业组织结构变迁及动因研究以以 S S 民营房地产公司为例民营房地产公司为例作者姓名 许晓琳 院(系所) 国际工商管理学院 专 业 企业管理 指导教师 朱小斌 完成日期 2006 年 11 月 I民营房地产企业组织结构变迁及其动因研究民营房地产企业组织结构变迁及其动因研究以以 S S 民营房地产公司为例民营房地产公司为例摘摘 要要 中国房地产业萌生于 20 世纪 80 年代,房地产业经过二十多年的发展,在“推动经济发展,拉动国内需求“的呼声中一路高歌猛进,成为推动我国经济发展的支柱产业。房地产

2、行业所处的大开发时代迅速造就了一批颇具成长潜力的超大规模的民营房地产企业。但房地产行业也是一个暴利机会与死亡机会均等的行业,经历了 2005 年的宏观调控,规模小、资金实力不足的民营房地产企业纷纷破产或被兼并。民营房地产企业发展的不确定性和不安定感日益加剧。企业必须适应新的环境才能生存与发展下去,其生存与发展的出路就是变革。正如达尔文所说:“能够生存下来的不是最强壮的物种,而是那些最能适应变化的物种。其实目前不但已经生存下来并且能够继续发展的房地产企业在其成长的过程中一直都在不断地变革。本文作者以 S 民营房地产公司为例,研究民营房地产企业在其成长的过程中是如何通过组织结构的变革来适应企业的发

3、展,及推动其变革的动因是什么。作者将其成长的过程中分为三个阶段:创业阶段、中小型企业阶段、大型企业阶段。 通过对该 S 民营房地产企业的有关人员进行访谈,阐述其各个阶段的组织结构变革的过程,并分析其II动因。首先,阐述了西方组织变革的理论及国内外专家对组织结构变革的研究成果及研究趋势。第二,介绍 S 公司创业阶段的基本情况;通过访谈阐述了 S 公司在创业阶段的组织结构变革过程,分析其变革的动因。第三,介绍 S 公司中小型企业阶段的基本情况,通过访谈阐述S 公司在中小型企业阶段的组织结构变革过程,分析其变革的动因。第四,介绍 S 公司大型企业阶段的基本情况,通过访谈了解 S 公司在大型企业阶段的

4、组织结构变革过程,分析其变革的动因。第五,对三个阶段影响组织结构变革的主要动因综合分析,不同的发展阶段具有不同的战略、不同的经营规模,不同的外界环境,从而决定了不同阶段采用不同组织结构。最后,得出结论,民营房地产企业发展的阶段性、战略类型、规模、外部环境与组织结构之间有着密切的联系,但在企业的创业阶段与中小型阶段主要是企业的规模与生命周期推动组织结构的变迁,而在大型企业阶段主要是外部环境推动组织结构的变迁。作者试图通过比较分析 S 民营房地产企业成长的三个阶段的组织结构变迁及三个不同的发展阶段推动组织结构变革的主要动因,可以对其他民营房地产企业识别组织结构变革的动因并顺利实施组织结构变革起到一

5、定的借鉴作用。 关健词关健词:民营房地产企业 组织结构 变迁 动因IIIIVResearch on the structural change of private real estate enterprises and corresponding motivationA case study of Company SABSTRACTChinas Real Estate sprouted in the 80s of last century. In more than 20 years, it has spearheaded under the slogan of “promote econo

6、mic development and stimulate domestic demand“ and become a cornerstone industry in Chinas economy. In the era of rapid development of the real estate industry a large number of meg-size private real estate companies with considerable growth potential emerged. However, real estate is a highly profit

7、able industry as well as a deadly risky one with equal chances. Having gone through the macro-control measures by the government in 2005, a lot of small real estate companies with insufficient fund have gone bankruptcy or been acquired. Private companies of real estate development feel a growing sen

8、se of uncertainty and insecurity. Enterprises must adapt to the new environment in order to survive and grow and the way out is to reform. It is time to quote what Charles Darwin said, “Survival is not equal with the fittest, but the Vmost sociable adaptable specie“. In fact, those companies who did

9、 not just survive and but also keep growing nowadays have been in constant changes in the process of their growth.The author used Company S as an example of private real estate company to study how private real estate company changes its organizational structure during the process of growth and what

10、 is the pushing force behind the reform. The author has divided the process of growth into three stages: the start-up stage, the small and medium size stage, the large size stage. By interviewing the workers in Company S, a private real estate enterprise, the author described the changes in the orga

11、nizational structure in the various stages and analyzed their causes.First, the Western theory of organizational changes and the research results and trends of both domestic and foreign experts on the change the organizational structure are stated. Second, the basic status of Company S in its start-

12、up stage is introduced, the changes in the organizational structure in the various stages has been stated and the driving force has been studied by the interview with the staff in Company S. Third, the basic status of Company S in its small and middle size stage is introduced, the changes in the org

13、anizational structure in the various stages has been stated and VIthe driving force has been studied by the interview with the staff in Company S. Fourth, the basic status of Company S in its large size stage is introduced, the changes in the organizational structure in the various stages has been s

14、tated and the driving force has been studied by the interview with the staff in Company S. Fifth, the changes in the organizational structure and the main driving forces at all three stages have been analyzed comprehensively. Different stages have different strategies, different scales of operation,

15、 and different external environments, therefore different changes of organizational structures. Finally, the close relationship between the changes of organizational structures and the growth stages, the company size, the stategial types, and the external environment are established. The main drivin

16、g forces behind the changes of the organizational structure in the start-up stage and the small and medium size stage are the company size and life cycle and the ones in the large size stage is the external environment. The author has done the comparing analysis of the changes in the organizational structure in the three different stages of growth and the driving forces behind them. This work could be used as a reference to other private re



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