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1、高口口译E-C 24. An Inauguration Address 就职演说P1Someone seems to believe that our political system can afford to be petty, in the time of peace, the stakes our debate is always small. Yet for American people, the stakes of our debate is never small. If our country doesnt lead the cause of freedom, it will

2、 not be led. If we dont turn our childrens hearts toward knowledge and character, well lose their gift and undermine their idealism. If we permit our economy to drift, the vulnerable will suffer the most在和平年代 in the time of peace。利害攸关 the stake ofis large 。无关紧要 the stakes of is small领导自由事业 lead the

3、cause of freedom发挥孩子的个性 turn the childrens hearts towards character培养孩子独立分析解决问题的能力Cultivate the childrens ability to analyze and address concrete problems independently破坏理想 undermine idealism 允许经济下滑 permit economy to drift/ slump平民百姓受到最大伤害 the vulnerable suffer the mostVulnerable 最容易受伤的We must live

4、up to the calling that we share. Civility is not a tactic or sentimental, its our determined choice of trust over cynicism, of community over chaos. And this commitment, if we keep it, is way to shared accomplishment. America, at its best, is also courageous 与。一致符合。的愿望 live up to跟上时代的呼唤 live up to t

5、he calling of time 战略 tactic tactic for job-hunting 多愁善感感情用事 be sentimental 坚定的选择 determined choice 在批评中得到信任 trust over cynicism 在混乱中得到同统一 community over chaos信守承诺 keep the commitment Our national courages were clear from the time of Depression and War, when defending common difficulties defined our

6、 common goods. Now we must choose if the example of our fathers and mothers will inspire us or condemn us, We must show our courage in a time of blessing by confronting problems instead of passing them on to future generations在。表现的明显 be clear from大萧条时期 time of depression 抵抗共同的问题表现了我们共同的品质 defend com

7、mon dangers defines our common goods幸福的时刻 in a time of blessing直面问题。而不是将问题遗留给子孙后代Confront the problems instead of passing them onto further generationConfront the problems=face the problems directly P2Many in our country dont know the pain of poverty, but we can listen from those who do. I pledge ou

8、r nation to a goal, when we see the wounded travelers on the road to Jericho, We wont pass to the other side. America, as its best, is a place where personal responsibility is valued and expected受伤的人倒在远行的路上 seeing wounded travelers on the road of Jericho 不袖手旁观 pass by to the other side珍视和期待个人的责任感 th

9、e personal responsibility is valued and expectedEncouraging responsibility is not a search for scapegoat, but a call for conscience, although it requires sacrifice, it brings fulfillments. We find the fullness of life not only in options, but also in commitments. We find that children and community

10、are the commitments that set us free鼓励担负责任 encourage responsibility 寻找替罪羊让人背黑锅 search for a scapegoat呼唤良知 a call for conscience 虽然要作出牺牲,但是也带来成就感 Although it requires sacrifice. It brings fulfillments人生的充实 fullness of lifeOur public interest depends on private characters, on civic duty, and family bo

11、nds, basic fairness, and our uncounted unhonored actions of decency to give us a direction to freedom个人个性 personal character personality 公民责任 civic duties 家庭纽带 family bonds默默无闻的正直行为 unhonored actions of decencySometimes, we are called to do some great things, but as a saint of our time has said, we

12、are called everyday to do some small things with great love. The most important tasks of democracy is done by everyone.P3A peaceful transfer of authority is rare in history, yet common in our country. With a simple oath , we affirm old traditions and make new beginnings政权的和平交接 peaceful transfer of a

13、uthority罕见/普遍 rare and common 朴素的宣誓 a simple/plain oath 维护旧传统/开始新篇章 affirm old traditions and make new beginnings As I began , I thank President Clinton for his service to our nation, and thank Vice President Gore for a contest conducted with spirit and ended with grace Im honored and humbled to sta

14、nd here, where so many American presidents have come before me and so many will follow 进行竞选 conduct a contest 又荣幸又惊恐(受宠若惊) be honored and humbled We have a place, all of us, in a long history, a history we will continue , yet whose end we will not see, a history of a new world that became a friend a

15、nd liberator of the old, a story of a slave-holing society that became a servant of freedom, a story of a power that went into the world to protect but not possess, to defend but no to conquer. Its the American story, a story of flaw and fallible people, united across the generations by grand and en

16、during ideals奴隶制社会变成自由社会 a slave-holing society become a servant of freedom伟大持久的理想 grand and enduring ideals 团结了几代人的努力 united across generationsThe grandest of the ideals is an unfolding of Americas promise that everyone belongs, that everyone deserves a chance, that no insignificant was ever born, Americans are asked to enact its promise in our lives and laws. Although we sometimes halted, sometimes delayed, we must follow no other course慢慢展开实现 unfold the


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