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1、广西师范大学硕士学位论文农村中学干群信任及相关组织变量研究姓名:赵真真申请学位级别:硕士专业:教育学原理指导教师:唐荣德20080401I和谐价值取向下中学教师的教育公平观研究和谐价值取向下中学教师的教育公平观研究 姓名:赵真真 导师:唐荣德 专业:教育学原理 研究方向:教育哲学 年级:2005 级 中 文 摘 要 中 文 摘 要 公平是构建和谐社会的核心价值。在教育领域,教育公平能促进教育自身和谐发展,是教育主体充分享用教育资源,得以全面发展的基础和保障。中学教育是青少年成长过程中最为关键的一个学校教育阶段,中学教师的教育公平观念的树立,对于每个中学生在现有教育条件下获得最大可能的发展起到至

2、关重要的作用。 历史上不同时期有不同的社会价值取向,教育公平观念也随之发生改变。国外,古希腊公民民主意识的影响下,产生了开放式社会和自由教育的思想,近代,西方资产阶级思想先驱明确要求把“公平”推行到教育领域,并从多个视角形成了不同的教育公平观念。我国春秋时期教育家孔子首先提出“有教无类” 、 “因材施教”等教育思想,折射出超越民族、地域、贫富差异的朴素的教育公平观;以后各历史阶段的教育家对孔子教育思想进行了发展,逐渐突破阶级、阶层、性别差异带来的教育公平问题。近些年来,我国在法律层面保障了“有教无类” ,此“类”是更加全面的“类” ,涵盖了不同地域、民族、性别、阶层、个人天赋的任何人都具有受教

3、育权利之意。制度保障下教育公平的真实实现最终取决于对学生的直接施教者教师。 当前中学教师对学生主体性有了一定的重视,在教育过程中渐有开放、自主、民主的倾向,但仍存在不少问题。课堂上:片面追求教学效率而抹煞了平等,异化学生的公平话语权、对部分学生淡漠处之;课堂外:非正式交往中言语行为显失规范,教师遮蔽下学生虚假存在。以上种种都揭示了中学教师的教育公平观中不和谐因素。究其原因可从三个方面加以考察:社会转型是导致教师观念转变的根本原因,学校教育的不断改革又直接影响了教师的教育观念,另外教师自身的素养对其教育公平观念的形成具有决定性因素。 在和谐价值取向下,教师要以全体学生的全面、和谐发展为基点,合理

4、分配教育利益,协调平衡教育主体关系,并对自身教育行为进行公正的价值判断,以达成教育主体自身、教育主体之间以及整个教育活动的协调、平衡、有序发展。保证学生人格尊严的平等,是各个历史时期都应首先遵守的起码原则;对话语行为习惯、教育方法进行反思,规范自身言行,创建师生公平对话空间,是形成教师与学生关系和谐的必要前提;树立科学的学生观,珍视每位学生的质疑与异议,发掘每位学生无限可能的发展性,是对学生生命个体全面认识,适当引导的先决条件;关注学生差异、统筹全体学生的教育利益分配,达成平等与效率的兼顾,是教师公平观关照下使每位学生自身得以最大限度发展的最终指向。 关键词:关键词:和谐价值取向 教育公平观

5、中学教师 IIA Study on Educational Justice Intention of the Middle School Teachers under the Harmonious Value Tendency Zhao Zhenzhen, Postgraduate of 2005 Major in Educational Principle Speciality: Philosophy of Education Supervisor: Prof. Tang Rongde Abstract Justice is the core value in constructing th

6、e harmonious society. In the field of education, educational justice can promote the education to grow harmoniously, and it ensures the educational parts to make full advantages of the educational resources and develop themselves roundly. Secondary education is the most critical stage of school educ

7、ation in the youngsters growing. The setting of the middle school teachers educational justice intention plays a crucial role for every students to obtain the farthest development under the existing educational conditions. There are different social value tendency in different historical periods, th

8、e educational justice intention also will be changed. Overseas, under the influence of ancient Greeces democratic consciousness, the thinking of open society and free education appeared. Neoteric bourgeois ideology pioneers in the west required explicitly “Justice” to be pushed into the field of edu

9、cation, and they also proposed several different educational justice intention from multiple perspectives. Confucius-a famous educator in Spring and Autumn period-brought forward the educational idea that “teach without discrimination” and “teach according to students aptitude” , and these thinking

10、reflect the educational justice intention which is naive because they beyond the differences between different nationalities, different zones, as well as rich ones and poor ones. The later educators developed the educational concept of Confucius, and broke through the problems of educational injusti

11、ce gradually brought by the differences in different classes, different estate and different sex. In recent years, “teach without discrimination” is guaranteed by the law in our country. The scope is more comprehensive, which means anybody has the right to be educated no matter where it lives, which

12、 class and nationality it belongs, as well as if its him or not. The actual realization of educational justice under the protection of the system ultimately depends on the teachers who give the direct teaching to students. At present, the middle school teachers begin to attach importance to regardin

13、g students as the principal parts. There are still a great many of problems though the teachers become more and more opening, freedom and democratic in the course of teaching. In the class, some teachers IIIobliterate the equality, alienate students rights for airing their opinions, and brush aside

14、some students as their seeking for the efficiency of teaching . After the class, the diction and behavior of some teachers are obviously nonstandard in informal intercourse. All these above open out the disharmony in middle school teachers educational justice intention. There are three reasons: firs

15、tly, social transition results in the transformation of teachers concept; secondly, the continuous reform in school education influents the teachers educational concept directly; finally, their own stuff is a decisive factor for the form of the educational justice intention. Under the harmonious val

16、ue tendency, teachers should distribute the educational benefit reasonably, harmonize and balance the connection between the principal parts of education, and estimate justly the value of their own educational behavior based on the point of all-round and harmonic development of the total students. Thus the principal part self of education and entire educational activity would develop harmoniously, evenly and orderly. It is a minimum principle to ensure equality i



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