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1、大家论坛 文章整理人:文章整理人:风过无痕风过无痕整理时间:整理时间:2011 年年新概念英语第三册语法精粹(一):定语从句新概念三册语法精粹第一章新概念三册语法精粹第一章 定语从句定语从句1. 定语从句:由关系代词定语从句:由关系代词 who, whom, whose, that, which; 关系副词关系副词 when, where, why 引导。引导。(下面十个句子请读 5 遍并脱口译出!)1. The death notices tell us about people who have died during the week. 2. The man (whom) you spo

2、ke to just now is my friend. 3. The building whose lights are on is beautiful. 4. Please find a place which we can have a private talk in. 5. The knee is the joint where the thighbone meets the large bone of the lower leg. 6. He still remembers the day when he went to school. 7. It is no need tellin

3、g us the reason why you didnt finish it in time. 8. He has three sons, two of whom died in the war. 9. Mr. Smith, whose wife is a clerk, teaches us English. 10. In the Sunday paper there are comics, which children enjoy. 大家论坛 2. 只能用只能用 that 和和 who 引导的定语从句引导的定语从句Aall, nothing, anything, a few, one 做先

4、行词指物时 B先行词前有形容词最高级修饰时,后面常跟 that 而不是 which. C先行词前有 the only, the first, the last, the next, the very 等词修饰时,引导词只能用 that。D当先行词是 anyone, anybody, everyone, everybody, someone, somebody 时,后面要用 who 或whom; All that glitters is not gold. 闪光的并非都是金子。 3. as 引导定语从句引导定语从句as 引导的定语从句有两种形式:A引导限制性语从句。在此类定语从句中,as 常与主

5、语中作为其先行词的 such, the same 或 as 联用构成,“such. as”,“the same. as”和“as .as”句型,可代替先行词。例如:We hope to get such a tool as he is using. 我们希望得到他正在用的那种工具。Bas 引导非限制性定语从句时,作用与 which 相同,as 作为关系代词代替整个主句。(这是语法考试的一个考点。)注意区别:注意区别:as 引导的从句用于句首、句中或句后,而 which 引导的定语从句不能放在句首。大家论坛 例如:As is reported, a foreign delegation will

6、 visit the city.据报道,一个外国代表团将访问这个城市。新概念英语第三册语法精粹(二):状语从句 新概念英语第三册语法精粹新概念英语第三册语法精粹(二二):状语从句状语从句超级作文联接词及词组,全部拿下! 原因:because, since, now that(既然)as, for, this reason. 结果:so that, so, therefore, consequently, so as to, as a result . 时间:after, before, when, while, as, until, as soon as, since, by the time

7、, once, lately, presently, shortly after, currently, at present, nowadays . 条件:if, only if., once, unless, in the event (that), in case (that), provided that, on the condition that, etc. 让步:though, although, even though(if), no matter what / how / when whatever / however / whenever . 目的:in order tha

8、t, in order to, to, 比较:than, as . as, by comparison(相比较),by contrast(相对照). 新概念英语第三册语法精粹(三):名词性从句 新概念英语第三册语法精粹新概念英语第三册语法精粹(三三):名词性从句名词性从句王牌要点:通常由王牌要点:通常由 that 或疑问词导出。或疑问词导出。1. How some mammals came to live in the sea is not know.(主语从句)大家论坛 2. The attorney told his client that they had little chance o

9、f winning the case.(宾语从句)3. The problem is what well do next.(表语从句)4. We have no idea that he has come back.(同位语从句)同位语(同位语(Appositive): 同位语是英语语法的重点内容,也是各类考试中的一个考点,同时,在写作中正确运用同位语可以使你的句型更加简洁得体。新概念英语 第三册第一课有这样一个句子: When reports came into London zoo that a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles sou

10、th of London, they were not taken seriously. (当伦敦动物园接到报告说,在伦敦以南 45 英里处发现一只美洲狮时,这些报告并没有受到重视。) 在这里,a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London 就是同位语从句,它本来应该放在 “reports”后面,这里却被放在了谓语成分 came into London zoo 的后面,目的是让句型显得更为稳重。I简单记忆:同位语从句,就是对某些名词做进一步的解释的句子。 I was greatly shocked when I hea

11、rd the news that his father died yesterday. (that 引导的句子解释了 news 的内容,注意:that 不做任何成分)We have to face the fact that the weather is unexpectedly bad. (that 引导的句子解释了 fact 的内容)大家论坛 II联想记忆:能接同位词从句的名词有:belief(信仰),fact,idea,doubt,rumor(谣言),evidence(证据),conclusion(结论),suggestion(建议),problem,order,answer,disco

12、very(发 现)explanation(解释),principle(原则),possibility(可能性),truth,promise(承诺),report(报告),statement(声明),knowledge(知识),opinion(观点),likelihood(可能性)大声朗读三遍,背下即可。III王牌要点: 同位语一般由 that 引导,但也可以用关系代词 which, who, what 和关系副词 when, where, why, how 或 whether 引导。There arouse the question whether we could win the game.

13、I have no idea howto explain it. 一些介词词组后面也能引导同位语从句。(非常经典之功能句式,可用于四六级和托福作文,不妨一试!):on the assumption(在前提下),on the ground(由于原因),on the condition that(在条件下),with the exception(有例外)大家论坛 owing to the fact(由于事实);on the understanding(基于理解);The young lady promised to marry the old man on the condition that h

14、e bought her a villa. 那位年轻的女士答应嫁给那位老头,条件是他给她买一幢别墅。IV分隔式同位语从句为了使句型平衡不至于头重脚轻,有时同位语从句可以放到句子的末尾,(读两遍此定义,然后看倒句:)An idea came to him that he might write to her to ask more information about the matter. I got information from my friend that there will be a marvelous American movie “Titanic“. V. 同位语从句与定语从句之

15、区别简单记忆:定语从句的引导词 that 或 which 在句子中用作主语或宾语,而同位语从句的引导词 that只起连接主句和从句之作用,不用作任何成分。示例:Ive got an answer that A is right. (同位语从句,that 不做成分) Ive got an answer that surprised me a lot.(定语从句,that 做定语从句的主语) VI王牌重点:可以充当同位语的词组或短语。 1)名词短语。(使句型更为简洁)Bill Clinton, the president of America, came to China to pay an of

16、ficial visit in 1998. 大家论坛 Lu Xun, one of the greatest essayists in China, played an overwhelmingly important role in Chinese literature history. 2)动名词词组亦可用作同位语:别忘了加逗号。(使句型更为流畅)Im crazy about the game, playing baseball. Going to concert, that sounds a great idea. 3)不定式短语。(陌生只是掌握的开始)The problem what to do next


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