高一英语必修一 unit2 (五)

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《高一英语必修一 unit2 (五)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高一英语必修一 unit2 (五)(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、发 挥 榜 样 的 力 量发 挥 榜 样 的 力 量1高一英语必修一 unit2(五)高一英语必修一 unit2(五)8.17Period FiveProjectPeriod FiveProject.语境填词 1I am pleased to _(宣布) that the project is going on well. 2In a beautiful picture there is _(协调) between the different colors. 3He said that the statement did not _(反映) his own views. 4I found a

2、lost dog _(徘徊) up and down the road aimlessly. 5Lost Horizon is a _(经典作品),written by James Hilton. 6Use a soap that is _(温和的) on the skin. 7We dont have an _ (取之不尽的) supply of money,you know. 8The college is not an _ (官方地) recognized English language school. .完成句子 1阅读可能会使你疲惫,但是你不应该厌倦阅读。 Reading may

3、_,but you should not _ it. 2这个小岛很漂亮,四周环绕着蓝色的海洋。 The little island is very beautiful and it _ blue sea. 3那时树下坐着一位美丽的姑娘。 _ the tree was a beautiful girl at that time. 4校长在会上讲了将近两个小时,没有看稿子。 Theheadmaster_fornearlytwohourswithout _ the note. 5在离开屋子前,她用一块布将电视机盖住以防灰尘。 Before leaving the house,she _ the TV

4、 set _ a cloth to keep it from getting dusty. 6昨晚我正要上床睡觉突然电话响了。 Last night I _ go to bed _ the telephone rang. .佳句翻译与仿写 1In this perfect world lived people who had discovered how to stay young forever. 翻译: _ 仿写:一座庙宇坐落于山顶。 _ 2Nature has provided Shangri-la with endless natural treasures,making the la

5、nd a happy home for the local people. 翻译: _ 仿写:这个男孩在学习中非常懒惰,结果考试没有及格。 The boy was very lazy in his study,_. 3The weather changes so quickly that people say you can experience four seasons in one day. 翻译: _发 挥 榜 样 的 力 量发 挥 榜 样 的 力 量2_ 仿写:天气是如此恶劣,我们只好整天呆在家里。 _ 4The best times to visit Shangri-la are s

6、pring and autumn when the temperature is at its mildest. 翻译: _ 仿写:代表我们班参加男子 100 米赛跑的最佳人选是李磊,他在我们男生中跑得最快。 The very person to take part in the mens 100-metre race standing for our class is Li Lei, _. .单项填空 1He is_to be one of the greatest actors and directors. AhopedBpromised CconsideredDregarded 2The

7、 towns water comes from the_hills. AsurroundedBsurrounding CnearlyDneighbour 3_from the moon,our earth with water_70% of its surface,appears as a “blue ball” ASeen;coveredBSeeing;covering CSeen;coveringDTo see;to cover 4_other young men,he also enjoys pop music. ACompared withBIn common with CExcept

8、 forDSpeaking of 5On the east of the city_a collection of high buildings,which has been built up since I lived here. AstandBstands Care stoodDis standing 6 Oil prices have risen by 32 per cent since the start of the year, _a record of $57.65 a barrel on April 4. Ahave reachedBreaching Cto reachDto b

9、e reaching 7He is a scientist,but he is a poet_. Aas well asBnot only Cbut alsoDas well 8Reading is an experience quite different from watching TV;there are pictures_in your mind instead of before your eyes. Ato formBform CformingDhaving formed 9What use do you make_the books? AforBabout CofDwith 10

10、Afootball fan (球迷) is_has a strong interest in football. Aa thing thatBsomething that Ca person whoDwhat .阅读理解 This is undoubtedly one of the most recognizable buildings in the world.Weighing 7,000发 挥 榜 样 的 力 量发 挥 榜 样 的 力 量3tons,but putting about the same pressure on the ground as an average-size pe

11、rson sitting in a chair, the tower wasnt meant to stand there forever.Alexandre Gustave Eiffel, the French engineer whose fame rested mainly on his iron bridges, built it for the 1889 Universal Exhibition.Praised by some and denounced by others, the tower created much argument in the 1880s.What save

12、d it from being torn down was the arrival of radioas the tallest structure in Europe,it made a perfect spot to place a radio atenna(天线) The tower,including its antenna,is 317m high.On a clear day you can see it from 65km away.An open-framework construction,the tower unlocked the almost unlimited possibilities of steel construction,making the way for skyscrapers(摩天大楼)Some people said it couldnt be built,and Eiffel actually wanted to



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