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1、 20092009 高考英语新增词汇示例高考英语新增词汇示例1.1. aboardaboard 在船在船/ /飞机上飞机上welcome aboard 欢迎登机2.2. absoluteabsolute 绝对的绝对的absolute confidence 完全的自信3.3. accentaccent 口音口音speak with a strong accent 讲话有浓重的口音4.4. acquireacquire 获得获得acquire knowledge/skill 获得知识/技巧5.5. activityactivity 活动活动outdoor activities 户外活动6.6. a

2、djustadjust 调整调整adjust (oneself) to living in the city 适应城市的生活7.7. adolescentadolescent 青少年青少年4 million adolescents 四百万青少年8.8. alikealike 相像的相像的look alike 看起来相像9.9. ambulanceambulance 救护车救护车call an ambulance 叫救护车10.10. appealappeal 呼吁;上诉;吸引呼吁;上诉;吸引appeal to the government to ban smoking 呼吁政府禁烟appeal

3、 to the court 向法庭上诉appeal to young people 对年轻人有吸引力11.11. appetiteappetite 胃口胃口have a healthy appetite 有良好的胃口12.12. appropriateappropriate 合适的合适的appropriate time 适当的时间13.13. arisearise 出现出现problems arise 问题出现14.14. artificialartificial 人工的人工的artificial flowers 人造花15.15. assessassess 评估评估assess the da

4、mage 评估损失16.16. assistassist 帮助帮助assist sb. in/with 帮助某人做某事17.17. authorityauthority 权力;当局;权威权力;当局;权威have the authority to do 有权力做某事local authorities 地方政府18.18. automaticautomatic 自动的自动的automatic pilot 自动驾驶19.19. barrierbarrier 障碍障碍language barrier 语言障碍20.20. basementbasement 地下室地下室in the basement 在

5、地下室里21.21. brochurebrochure 手册手册holiday brochure 度假手册22.22. campaigncampaign 战役战役launch an campaign 开动战役23.23. cataloguecatalogue 目录目录online shopping catalog 网上购物目录24.24. cautiouscautious 谨慎的谨慎的be cautious about 对谨慎25.25. chopstickschopsticks 筷子筷子with chopsticks 用筷子26.26. circumstancecircumstance 情况

6、,形势情况,形势in/under certain circumstances 在某种情况下27.27. civilizationcivilization 文明文明human civilization 人类文明28.28. classifyclassify 分类分类classify the books 给书籍分类29.29. clickclick 发出轻响发出轻响clicks the mouse 点击鼠标30.30. colleaguecolleague 同事同事a colleague of mine 我的一个同事31.31. commandcommand 命令命令command him to

7、do 命令某人做某事32.32. comprehensioncomprehension 理解理解beyond my comprehension 无法理解33.33. conceptconcept 概念概念a new concept in business 商业新理念34.34. concludeconclude 总结总结draw a conclusion 得出结论35.35. conservationconservation 保护保护wildlife conservation 保护野生动物36.36. considerateconsiderate 体贴的体贴的be considerate to

8、wards 对别人体贴37.37. consultconsult 查阅;咨询查阅;咨询consult a dictionary 查字典consult the doctor 咨询医生38.38. contrarycontrary 相反相反on the contrary 恰恰相反39.39. datadata 数据数据personal data 个人数据40.40. decadedecade 十年十年several decades 几十年41.41. dentistdentist 牙医牙医at the dentists 在牙医诊所42.42. dessertdessert 甜点甜点ice crea

9、m for dessert 冰淇淋作为甜点43.43. dinosaurdinosaur 恐龙恐龙dinosaur died out 恐龙灭绝44.44. dismissdismiss 解散;开除解散;开除dismiss the workers 开除工人45.45. distributedistribute 分配分配distribute among 在分配46.46. divorcedivorce 离婚离婚get divorced 离婚47.47. dustbindustbin 垃圾箱垃圾箱put into dustbin 放进垃圾箱48.48. enterpriseenterprise 企业

10、;事业心企业;事业心state enterprises 国有企业man of enterprise and creativity 有进取心和创造力的人49.49. enthusiasticenthusiastic 热情的热情的be enthusiastic about 对热情50.50. evolutionevolution 进化进化the evolution of mammals 哺乳动物的演化51.51. exposeexpose 暴露暴露expose oneself to 使自己暴露在52.52. flexibleflexible 有弹性的有弹性的flexible plan 灵活的计划5

11、3.53. gratefulgrateful 感激的感激的be grateful to 对某人表示感激54.54. guaranteeguarantee 保证;保修保证;保修guarantee you a good job 确保得到好工作a two-year guarantee 两年的保修期55.55. jewelleryjewellery 珠宝珠宝a piece of jewelry 一件珠宝56.56. jogjog 慢跑慢跑go jogging 慢跑57.57. maturemature 成熟成熟mentally mature 思想成熟58.58. minusminus 减减7 minu

12、s 5 七减五59.59. mudmud 泥泥stuck in the mud 陷入泥里60.60. negotiatenegotiate 谈判谈判negotiate with 与某人谈判61.61. networknetwork 网络网络telephone network 电话网络62.62. optionaloptional 可选择的可选择的optional courses 选修课three options63.63. outputoutput 产量;输出产量;输出industrial output 工业产量64.64. overlookoverlook 忽略;俯视忽略;俯视overloo

13、k the fact 忽略事实overlook the ocean 俯视海洋65.65. pandapanda 熊猫熊猫giant panda 大熊猫66.66. permanentpermanent 永久的永久的permanent job 永久的工作67.67. plusplus 加加three plus six 三加六68.68. postponepostpone 推迟推迟postpone doing 推迟做某事69.69. preservepreserve 保持保持preserve the tradition 保护文化传统70.70. previousprevious 前面的前面的pre

14、vious experience 以前的经验71.71. psychologypsychology 心理学心理学psychology research 心理学研究72.72. qualificationqualification 资格资格have qualifications to do 有资格做某事73.73. rarerare 稀有的稀有的a rare kind 稀有种类74.74. receiptreceipt 收据收据keep the receipt 保存收据75.75. representativerepresentative 代表代表sales representative 销售代

15、表76.76. ridiculousridiculous 荒谬的荒谬的ridiculous thought 荒谬的想法77.77. robotrobot 机器人机器人performed by robots 由机器人完成78.78. routineroutine 常规常规daily routine 日常程序79.79. sceneryscenery 风景风景beautiful scenery 美景80.80. sealseal 封封seal the letter 封信81.81. securitysecurity 安全安全national security 国家安全82.82. severesevere 严重的;严厉的严重的;严厉的severe injuries 严重的伤害severe punishment 严厉的惩罚83.83. sharkshark 鲨鱼鲨鱼shark hunting 猎鲨84.84. skiski 滑雪滑雪go skiing 滑雪85.85. skipskip 跳过跳过skip class 逃课86.86. souvenirsouvenir 湍钇湍钇?/SPAN?/SPANsouvenirsouvenir shopshop 纪念品商店纪念品商店87.87. superiorsuperior 高级的高级的superiorsuperior o



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