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1、口译实践:奥巴马感恩节火鸡赦免仪式讲话奥巴马感恩节火鸡赦免仪式讲话THE PRESIDENT: Well, good afternoon, everybody. (Turkey gobbles.) (Laughter.)各位,下午好!They say that life is all about second chances. And this November, I could not agree more. (Laughter.) So in the spirit of the season, I have one more gift to give, and it goes to a p

2、air of turkeys named Cobbler and Gobbler. The American people have spoken, and these birds are moving forward. (Turkey gobbles.) (Laughter.) I love this bird. (Laughter.)人们说人生之中总会有转机,在这个时节,我万般赞同。在这节日的气氛里,我还要送出一份厚礼给这对名叫“唧唧喳”和“咯咯哒”的火鸡。美国人民表达了自己的意愿,这两只鸡将继续前进。爱死这只大鸟了!Now, I joke, but for the first time

3、in our history, the winners of the White House Turkey Pardon were chosen through a highly competitive online vote. And once again, Nate Silver completely nailed it. (Laughter.) The guy is amazing. He predicted these guys would win.好吧,是开玩笑。不过这是史上首次以互联网投票的方式决出白宫将赦免哪些火鸡。Nate Silver再一次预测成功,这家伙真神了,他预测出这对

4、鸡友将会胜出。I want to thank everyone who participated in this election. Because of your votes, the only cobbler anyones eating this Thanksgiving will come with a side of ice cream. And for that, our winning turkey can thank his stellar campaign team led by Steve Willardsen, who is the Chairman of the Nat

5、ional Turkey Foundation and raised this beautiful bird at Miller Farm in Harrisonburg, Virginia. So heres Steve. (Applause.)我想感谢每一位参与了这次选举的人,因为你们的投票,今年感恩节上会被吃掉的 cobbler 只是边儿上带冰淇淋的那一种。获胜的火鸡也要感谢由 Steve Willardsen 挂帅的竞选团队。他是全国火鸡协会的主席,在弗吉尼亚州哈里森堡的米勒农场将这对美鸡们养大。这位就是 Steve。And, as always, if for some reason

6、 Cobbler cannot fulfill his duties as the Official White House Turkey, Gobbler will be waiting in the wings. 像以往一样,假如唧唧喳不能完成白宫代言鸡的神圣使命,咯咯哒将随时待命上任。From here, these two - (laughter) - from here these two lucky birds will be swept up in a whirlwind of fame and fortune that will ultimately lead them to

7、Mount Vernon, where they will spend their twilight years in the storied home of George Washington. And later today, Michelle, Malia, Sasha and I will be taking two turkeys who were not so lucky to a local food bank here in Washington, D.C. I want to thank Jaindl Turkey Farms in Pennsylvania for dona

8、ting these birds - or those birds - and Id like to ask every American to do what they can to help families who are in need of a real Thanksgiving this year. 这对鸡友从这里这对幸运的鸡友将从此名声鹊起,享尽荣华富贵,最终到达芒特弗农庄园,在华盛顿的宅院中享度余生。今天晚些时候,我和米歇尔、玛利亚、莎拉,将把另两只不幸的火鸡送到华盛顿特区的一家地方济困的食物银行里。我要感谢宾州的 Jaindl 火鸡农场捐出这或那些火鸡,我也希望美国人都能够尽

9、自己所能去帮助可能过不上像样的感恩节了的那些家庭。Tomorrow, in the company of friends and loved ones, we will celebrate a uniquely American holiday. And its a chance for us to spend time with the people we care about and to give thanks for the blessings that we enjoy; and to think about just how lucky we are to live in the

10、greatest nation on Earth.明天,我们将在亲友的陪伴下庆祝美国特有的一个节日。这是个良好的时机,让我们和自己关心的人好好相处,为我们能生活在地球上最伟大的国家而感恩。But its also a time to remember those who are less fortunate - and this year, thats particularly true for our neighbors in the Northeast who have lost their homes and their possessions, and even their loved

11、 ones to Hurricane Sandy.在这个时节也该想到那些不那么幸运的人们,尤其是今年东北部的居民们,他们被飓风桑迪夺走了房屋、家产甚至亲人。In the last few weeks, I had a chance to visit both New Jersey and New York. And while Ive seen entire neighborhoods reduced to rubble and heartbreaking loss and devastation, I have yet to find a broken spirit.最近几周,我才去过新泽西

12、和纽约,尽管我见到很多社区满目疮痍、损失惨重,但大家的精神却没有倒下。Countless stories of courage, and compassion, and resilience have emerged in the aftermath of the storm. But one that comes to mind today is about a tree on Staten Island. Its a giant blue spruce that came crashing down in the front yard of Joseph Ingenito, whose h

13、ome in New Dorp Beach flooded during the hurricane. Today, if you go to Josephs street, youll see a lot of damage and debris scattered all over the block. But youll also see the top of that tree, standing tall in front of his house, decorated with ornaments that survived the storm, along with anythi

14、ng else his neighbors could find including empty cups and surgical masks and safety goggles. Its a Christmas tree, and its there to remind the neighborhood that there will still be holidays to celebrate, and happy moments to share, and life will go on. And we will rebuild.风暴过后涌现了一篇篇用勇气、同情和不屈写就的事迹,但我

15、今天具体想到的那个,是史坦顿岛的一棵树。一棵硕大的蓝叶云杉,倒在了 Joseph Ingenito 家的院子里,他在海滨新村的家在飓风中遭遇了洪灾。今天,如果你路过 Joseph 家门前那条街,仍会见到满眼的残埂瓦砾,但也会发现那棵树就屹立在他家的门前。树的上面,用暴风过后仅剩的装饰物点缀着,还有些邻居找来的各种物件,空杯子啦,医用口罩啦,防护镜啦。那是一棵圣诞树,它提醒着人们节日的喜庆将至,还要去共度美好的时光,人生还要向前走,我们定能重建家园。And so tomorrow, we give thanks - not only for the things that we have, or

16、 the people we love, but for the spirit that sees us through the toughest times, and holds us together as one American family, guided along our journey by the hope of a better day.因此明天我们互相感恩之时,不仅因为我们所拥有的一切和我们爱的人感恩,也要感激那种帮助我们度过困苦的精神。它将美国人连成一家,指引我们满怀希望的踏上征程。And I hope that over this holiday weekend, were also thinking about our extraordinary men and women overseas who are serving far away from home in harms way. But the reason theyre t


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