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1、Step 1: Speak to inner gremlins Get rid of those subconscious negative thoughts that make you seem more shy and self-conscious. Telling yourself that you are great and that will reflect in your body language.1.自我暗示 抛掉那些潜意识里消极的想法,因为它们只能让你看起来更害羞,更忸怩。告诉自己,自 己是很棒的。这在你的肢体语言中也会有所体现。Step 2: Realign posture

2、 When you feel shy or nervous, you tend to curl up and do barrier gestures, which make your posture seem more negative. Stretch up to your full height,as if you are trying to touch the ceiling with the top of your head. Bring your shoulders back and down, arch your back slightly and make sure your w

3、eight is evenly divided on both feet.2.调整姿势 感到害羞或是紧张时,人总会放不开手脚,做一些阻挡性的动作,这会让你的举止显得不 够落落大方。舒展身体,就像你要用头顶到天花板一样。肩膀向后下方微倾,后背稍成弧 度,确保两脚均匀承受身体重量。Step 3: Stress Stress can tighten jaw muscles, creating a rigid mouth which can affect your speech. Pressing the tip of your tongue into the roof of your mouth w

4、ill relax your jaw and make your face look more relaxed.3.应对压力 当人感到压力时,颚部的咀嚼肌会紧张,导致口齿不灵活,影响你讲话。用你的舌尖顶上 牙膛可以让你的颚部肌肉放松,也让你的脸部表情显得更自然。Step 4: Stretch up Use more open and emphatic gestures and stop using body barriers, such as folded arms and legs and other self-comforting gestures. Stand with your han

5、ds down around waist height, using them to gesticulate rather than fiddle.4.放开手脚 放开手脚,多用些吸引他人注意力的手势,不要用阻挡性的肢体语言,比如合拢手臂,盘 起大腿,以及其他一些自我安慰性的肢体语言。站立时,双手下放,置于腰际。记住,双 手是用来做些手势的,而不是用来乱摆弄的。Step 5: Denial gestures Combat the small little facial gestures, such as little shrugs and rolling of eyes that take the confidence out of your speech, especially when talking about yourself.5.杜绝小动作 杜绝某些小动作,如耸耸肩,滚滚眼球什么的,因为这会让你在说话时,特别是谈到自己 时,显得自信不足。Step 6: Eye contact Increase eye contact, look a little bit longer when talking to people, but dont turn it into a stare.6.加强目光接触 加强目光接触,和别人说话时多看对方几眼,但不要盯着人家看。


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