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1、高一英语课文填空复习学案 39M1U2 Home alone Mom and Dad arrive back from _ a day earlier than _. The _ are closed and the living room is _ when Mom and Dad enter. Its so nice to be home . Yes, I cant _ to _ the boys!.Suddenly the door opens and a soccer ball flies through th room . Eric runs in after it , _ by a

2、 big dog, _ very slowly. You werent _ to come home until tomorrow. The dog is so _ and hungry. The money for dog food is _,but Spot looks like he is _ !What did you do with the _ we left ?And look at this room- _ all over the place!Dad opens the _ and light comes into the room.The room is in a _,wit

3、h _ boxes on the floor and dirty dishes in the _.In the corner, there is a garbage can around which are pieces of garbage and _. We left you in _.We thought you could _like an adult,but look at the mess! I dont know why the house is so dirty -Daniel , we thought you were an _, a person who would mak

4、e good_. How can we trust you any more?We wont _such _ in our house . Stop _ at me .I am still a _. Why is everything always my _? Daniel runs into his bedroom and shuts the door _.Mom and Dad look at each other as lights go _.Daniel and Eric” bedroom . Eric sits on his bed.Daniel has his arms_and l

5、ooks _. They never even gave me a _ to _myself .I hate them. You dont hate them . I can tell them we had an _.Then they wont be _ any more. No,dont tell them anything. _,they did not _me .They dont _ an _.Let them think _ they want.But Daniel , if they knew that Spot was _ and that we used the money

6、 to take him to the _.And that we spent all of yesterday waiting there for him, and that is _we had no time to clean the house -,but no ,Eric, why didnt they ask me what happened _of shouting at me ?Do you think we were too _ on Daniel ?Perhaps there is a reason why the house is a mess- -Maybe , but

7、 _ _ he has been so rude to us , I _ _ we have to _ him or he wont _ us . 单词默写区:Project: Growing pains Many teenagers feel _, as if no one _ them and the changes they are _ through . Day by day , evething _ different ,yet the same.Life never seems to be going fast enough,yet , in other _ , like a ra

8、ce car , life seems to be _ too fast and even going out of _. Has anyone else ever felt this way ?These feelings are a _ part of _- the time of life between child and adult. And , though it may sometimes be difficult to believe , you are not alone.-every _has gone through _and your friends are going

9、 through it _ now _ with you . It is _ for teenagersto feel lonely and _. These feelings can be _ of as growing pains - the _ that teenagers face as they grow to adults.As teenagers grow ,it is _ for them to become _with the _world both inside and _of them.During adolescence , teenagers go through g

10、reat _ changes.They grow taller and their voices get _,among many other _.Along with these physical changes, there come many _ changes.Boys and girls _to be different in this _. Many boys become _-they want to find their own _ and the limits of the world around them, but may not have the _to make go

11、od _in their _. At the same time, girls often want someone-anyone -to talk to , as they try to _ with their strong feelings. In the _ world , as teenagers get older ,they _ to _on themselves.They may _want and need their parentslove ,yet feel _. They may want to be part of the group ,yet _ _. Since teenagers have _ _ these needs, they often question who they are and how they fit in _. The good news is that these kinds of _ pains dont last.In the ned , everything _ _ OK. the teenager become a _ adult ,and this period of change and _ is _ for the changes and challenges of _ life. 单词默写区:



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