Newspaper 每日一句汉译英No101-No150

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1、【Newspaper 每日一句汉译英每日一句汉译英】No.101-No.150101、这处房舍成了一处游览胜地,老乔治布什、希拉里罗德姆克林顿、丹麦王后、希腊王后 以及其他名流都曾来这里参观过。 The house became a show place visited by the elder George Bush, Hillary Rodham Clinton, the queens of Denmark and Greece and others.名胜 show places / scenic spots / places of interest102、第二年,他应征入伍,被分配到战略

2、情报局,后来被派到中国云南省省会昆明。 The following year he was drafted into the army, assigned to the Office of Strategic Services and was sent to Kunming, capital of Chinas Yunnan province.draft 草稿,征兵 e.g. be drafted into the army 应征入伍 draft resolution 决议草案;提案资料一:省会和首府的区别 对于国外首都来讲,是首府。在中国,首府是指是自治区域的政府驻地;省会就是指一个省的 政

3、府驻地。两者的等级是一样的,适用范围不一样罢了。 自治区:内蒙古自治区,广西壮族自治区,宁夏回族自治区,新疆维吾尔自治区 目前中国有 34 个省级行政区,即 4 个直辖市、23 个省、5 个自治区、2 个特别行政区。资料二:战略情报局 战略情报局是中情局的前身(the forerunner of CIA) 。战略情报局由罗斯福总统在第二次世界大 战期间成立,二战结束后 u,战略情报局在一九四五年被杜鲁门总统解散,并被并入中央情报局。103、 “金砖四国”这个术语是 2001 年由高盛公司的经济学家吉姆奥尼尔提出的,用以形容新兴市 场经济体日益增长的力量。 The BRIC term was c

4、oined by Goldman Sachs economist Jim ONeill in 2001 to describe the growing power of emerging market economies.coin 创造(新词语) term 期限,学期,术语,把.称作 e.g. 长期监禁 a long term of imprisonment 总统任期为四年。 The Presidents term of office is four years. 秋季学期 the autumn term 化学术语 chemical terms 他称该剧为悲剧。 He termed the p

5、lay a tragedy. terms 条款,措辞 e.g.合同条款 the terms of the contract. 我直截了当地叫他别管闲事。 I told him in no uncertain terms to mind his own business.资料: “金砖四国”中,巴西被称为“世界原料基地”;俄罗斯被称为“世界加油站”;印度被称为 “世界办公室;”“中国被称为“世界工厂”。104、要我们为眼中的敌人以及为利而杀死孩童的人付出爱心,是不容易的事。但上帝说我们必 须爱敌人。爱他们意味着我们要使他们如实面对自己的罪行。 Its hard to love someone w

6、ho we see as an enemy, someone who kills children for profit. But God says we must love our enemies. Loving them means we must confront them with the truth of their sin. 105、退休后,他继续为美联社撰写关于中国和中东的背景故事。 After his retirement, he continued to write background stories for AP on China and the Middle East.

7、 背景故事 background story, back story106、长久以来,人们总是把彗星与战争、动乱和灾难联系在一起。 Comets have long been associated with war, upheaval and disaster. 107、事实上,当局声称,台湾 1200 多个已知的黑社会帮派中,有 1/3 在这次特赦中解散。 In fact, authorities claim that one-third of Taiwans more than 1200 known “black societies” were dissolved during the a

8、mnesty. 特赦 amnesty, special pardon black society 特指中国的黑社会。Wiki就写到:“Black Society is the name specific for Chinese criminal organization in modern Chinese.”108、作为龙与地下城的创作者,加里吉盖斯是世界数百万游戏迷们的偶像。 As the creator of Dungeons & Dragons, Gary Gygax was an idol to millions of geeks around the world.崇拜某人 bow d

9、own to, worship, idolize sb geek 书呆子,怪人,电脑玩家资料:龙与地下城(Dungeons & Dragons,简称 D&D) ,是世界上第一个商业化的桌上角色扮 演游戏。109、原因之一是,在对美出口出现跌势的同时,对其他新兴经济体的出口却呈激增之势。 One reason is that while exports to America have stumbled, those to other emerging economies have surged.110、他们试图要我这个俄国将军在祖国的首都射杀同胞。 They tried to push me,

10、a Russian general, to shoot my own people in the capital of my own state. 111、一旦飓风或地震来袭,最迫切的后勤需求之一就是向受灾者提供干净的饮用水。 Once a hurricane or earthquake hits, one of the most pressing logistical needs is to provide clean drinking water to the victims.后勤的(logistical)典故: “后勤”一词源出希腊文logistikos,意为“计算的科学”。19 世纪

11、30 年代,拿破仑波拿巴的政史 官 A.H.若米尼在总结征俄失败的经验教训时最先使用“后勤”概念,并以此作为军事术语。1882 年,美利坚合众国海军历史学家 A.T.马汉将这一术语解释为:通过国家经济动员,对武装力量 提供保障。112、去年第四季度,大多数发展中国家经济增长强劲。 Most developing countries enjoyed strong growth during the fourth quarter of last year.113、在克劳多斯为防止士兵逃役而颁布禁婚令之后,瓦伦丁秘密为人们主持婚礼。 Valentinus performed secret weddi

12、ngs after Claudius banned marriage to prevent soldiers from deserting his armies.Valentinus = Valentine desert n.沙漠 v.抛弃,逃亡,区别于 dessert 餐后甜点114、希拉里克林顿周日从中国启程回国,结束了她作为国务卿的首次出访。 Hillary Clinton headed home from China Sunday at the end of her maiden trip as secretary of state.几个带end的主要区别: 1、in the end

13、= at last, finally 最后,终于2、at the end of 在末端,在结束时 e.g. The school is situated at the end of the street该校位于这条街的尽头。 at the end of January 一月底 They were at the end of their patience 他们忍无可忍。 3、to the end 到最后 e.g. insist to the end that 对坚持到底 Go to the end of the road and turn right. 走到路的尽头,然后向右拐弯。4、by th

14、e end of 到末,在之前 e.g.The population of this town will be 1,500,000 by the end of 2010. 到 2010 年年底这个城镇的人口将有一百五十万。注:1、at the end of表示末端的一个点, 而to the end表示前往末端,有一个到底的方向 2、at the end of既可指时间,也可以指空间,而by the end of 只能指时间,不能指空间。 115、日本害怕奥巴马会在贸易方面重新对日本施压,并会重华轻日。 Japan fears that Obama will revive trade press

15、ure and ignore Japan in favor of China.revive v. (使)恢复力量、知觉, (使)复兴 e.g. A dash of cold water will revive a person who has fainted. 泼洒冷水可使昏厥的人醒过来。 Our failing hopes revived. 我们破灭的希望又重新燃起。 revive the fishing industry 振兴渔业 revive a 1930s musical 重新上演上世纪 30 年代的音乐剧in favor of sb/sth 赞成,支持 in sbs favor 对.

16、某人有利116、24 岁或 24 岁以下的工作者中,约 48%为临时工。 Some 48 percent of workers aged 24 or younger are temps.她 24 岁。 She is aged 24. / She is at age 24. 临时工 temps = temporary workers 24 岁或 24 岁以下(以上) aged 24 or younger(older) 24 岁以及 24 岁以下(以上) aged 24 and below(above)119、 日经商业日报去年的一项调查发现,20 多岁的日本男性中只有 25%想拥有一辆汽车, 低于 2000 年的 48%。 A survey last year by the business daily Nikkei found that only 25 percent of Japanese men in their 20s wanted a car, dow



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