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1、一、一、Chest Press 座姿推胸座姿推胸Anterior deltoids 前三角肌, Triceps 三头肌, Pectoralis 胸1. Adjust seat height so handles are at mid-chest. 合适的座椅高度是把手在胸的中部位置。2. Adjust start position using pull button on side of pressing arm for desired range of motion. 开始的位置是让手握住两边的拉把尽量挤压手臂。3. Place hands on grips ,elbows slightly

2、 below shoulders. 手握住把手,肘略低于肩。 4. Press out to a fully extended arm position while keeping shoulders back against pad and return . 从紧压到完全向外伸展手臂,同时保持肩靠住座椅背,重复动作。 二、二、Pectoral Fly/Rear Deltoid 胸背训练器胸背训练器Pectoralis 胸, Anterior deltoids 前三角肌, Posterior Deltoids, Trapezius 斜方肌 Pectoral fly 胸胸 1. Adjust s

3、eat height so elbows are slightly below shoulders. 合适的座椅高度是肘略低于肩位置。2. Adjust start position using overhead range of motion adjustments for each arm.开始的位置是在头顶的运动区域范围内调整两边的手臂位置。3. Sit with chest up, shoulders back and grip vertical handles with elbows slightly bent, Pull handles together with a smooth

4、 motion. 坐稳,挺胸,肩向后展,垂直握住把手且肘略微弯曲;握住拉把平稳的移动。4. Return weight with controlled movement to starting position .注意动作的控制,平稳的移动并回到开始的位置。Rear Deltold: 背部三角肌背部三角肌1. Adjust seat height so arms are parallel to floor while holding inside handles.合适的座椅高度是手臂平行于地面,同时向内握住把手。2. Sit facing pad and grip handles firmly

5、.面向椅背坐,且紧握把手。3. With elbows bent slightly, rotate handles out and back, keeping elbows at grip height.肘略微弯曲,把手从外向后更替运动,保持肘部与拉把高度一致。4. Return weight with controlled movement to starting position. 注意动作的控制,平稳的移动并回到开始的位置。三、三、Should Press 肩部推举器肩部推举器Deltoids 三角肌, Triceps 三头肌1. Adjust seat height so handle

6、s are level with top of shoulders. 合适的座椅高度是把手与肩处于同一高度。2. Sit firmly against seat back with chest up ,shoulders back. 背部紧靠坐垫坐稳,挺胸,肩向后展。3. Press handles up to full overhead position without locking elbows and return. 向外推完全超过头顶的位置,注意不要锁住肘部,再返回重复动作。四、四、Lat pull-down 背部下拉器背部下拉器Biceps 二头肌, Latissimus Dors

7、i 1. Sit and adjust thigh pads to secure legs in position.坐稳,让垫子压紧大腿。2. stand up and grip bar in desired position, Pull down then sit with thighs under pads.起身将手握在拉把的理想位置,向下拉,坐稳后大腿固定于垫子下。3. Pull bar down to the front of chest, keeping chest up and elbows under hands . 向下将拉把拉到胸前方,保持挺胸并且肘部低于拉把。4. When

8、 finished, straighten arms and carefully stand up until weight stack comes to a rest. 动作完成后,紧拉手臂且慢慢站起将把手收回开始的位置。五、五、Back Extension 下背训练器下背训练器Erector Spirae 竖立肌;Gluteus 臀肌1. Place feet on desired foot support, Bend knees slightly and push hips against lumbar pad. 将双脚放在双踏的理想位置,膝盖略微弯曲且臀紧靠腰垫。2. Adjust s

9、tart position for desired range of motion .将开始的位置调整到理想的动作区域。3. Grip handles and extend back until low back contacts lumbar pad. 握紧拉把,背部向后延展至背的底部接触到腰垫。4. Return weight with controlled movement to starting position. 向后仰卧时,注意控制动作回到开始的位置。六、六、Abdominal Crunch 腹部训练器腹部训练器Abdominal 腹肌1. Adjust seat height t

10、o position chest pad at mid-chest.合适的座椅高度是胸垫与胸的中部一致。2. Sit and position feet behind lower roller pads and grip handles lightly. 坐稳,双脚略低于卷轴垫,握紧拉把。3. Slowly contract abdominals downward in a crunch motion.慢慢向下压肚子。4. Return weight with controlled movement to starting position. 注意控制动作回到开始的位置。七、七、Lateral

11、 Ralse 侧平举训练器侧平举训练器Deltoids 三角肌1. Adjust seat height to align shoulders with machine pivots. 合适的座椅高度是肩膀与器械的轴同在一条直线上。2. Tip: If seat is adjust properly, pads should not slide on arms during exercise.座椅的位置调整好,在练习的过程中,手臂两边的垫子不会滑动。3. Sit facing machine, position forearms on pads and lightly grip handles

12、. 面向器械坐好,前臂放在垫子上,双手紧握拉把。4. Raise elbows until even with shoulders and return slowly to starting position. 慢慢向上卷曲肘部与肩同高,在练习的过程中注意控制动作,然后回到开始的位置。八、Biceps curl 肱二头训练器Biceps 肱二头肌1. Adjust seat height so entire back of arms rests on pad.合适的座椅高度是整个背部紧靠垫子。2. Grip handles firmly.紧握拉把。3. Keeping upper arms o

13、n pads, bend arms slowly to curled position and return. 保持手臂放在垫子上,慢慢弯曲手臂至卷曲,然后再回到开始位置。九、九、Triceps Extension 肱三头训练器肱三头训练器Triceps 肱三头肌1. Adjust seat height, so you are able to comfortably grip handles. 合适的座椅高度是双手能舒适地握住拉把。2. Rotate handles back and grip firmly.紧握拉把,向后更替把手。3. While keeping back against

14、pad and elbows close to side of body, extend elbow slowly while keeping upper arms parallel and on pad, and return.同时保持背部紧靠座垫,肘靠近身体两侧,慢慢延展肘部,同时保持手臂放在垫子上向上卷曲,重复动作。十、十、Seated Leg Curl 腿部弯举训练器腿部弯举训练器Gluteus 臀肌, hamstrings1. Adjust back pad to align pivot point at knee.调整背部的垫子与膝盖在一条直线上。2. Adjust ankle p

15、ad to align with back of ankle.调整脚踝的垫子应在脚踝的后面。3. With legs on top of ankle pad, lower the thigh pad comfortably against legs and grip handles.腿放在脚踝垫的顶部,低于腰垫,舒适地靠着腿和拉把。4. Slowly curl pad down and return to starting position.慢慢向下弯曲垫子,然后回到开始的位置。5. Raise thigh pad to upper position for easy exit when fi

16、nished.十一、十一、Multi-hip 多功能下肢训练器多功能下肢训练器1. Adjust foot platform to align pivot point at hip.脚踏板同臀部在同一直线上。2. Adjust roller pad above knee and range limiter to desired start position.调整膝盖上面的卷轴垫和练习的区域范围到理想的开始位置。3. Grip handles according to exercise being performed.手握的把手根据训练动作来调整。4. Perform either hip flexion, hip extension, hip adduction or hip abduction.动作既是臀部放松,臀部伸展,臀部内收。5. Lift and lower weight with smooth, controlled movement. 举起和放下的动作应平缓,控制练习的速度。十二、十二、Leg Extension 座姿腿屈伸座姿腿屈伸Quadricep



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