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1、反意疑问句专题及练习反意疑问句专题及练习1当陈述部分的主语是 I,而句子又用来征询对方的意见时,附加疑问句中的主语用 you。如: I find English very interesting, dont you?I dont like that film, do you?2、当陈述部分的主语是 everybody, everyone, someone, nobody, no one, somebody等合成代词时,附加疑问句中的主语通常用 they。但亦可用 he,尤其是 nobody, no one 等作主语,具有否定概念时。如:Somebody phoned while I was o

2、ut, didnt they?Everyone enjoyed the party, didnt they? / Nobody wants to go there, does he?3、当陈述部分的主语是不定代词 everything, nothing, anything, something 时,附加 疑问句中的主语一般用 it,不用 they。如:Everything seems all right now, doesnt it? / Nothing is kept in good order, is it?Something must be done to stop pollution,

3、 isnt it?4、当陈述部分的主语是指示代词 this, that 或 these, those 时,附加疑问句中的主语分别用 it 和 they。如:This is important, isnt it? / These are your friends Tom and Jack, arent they?5、如果陈述部分用 Im结构,附加疑问部分一般用 arent I。如:I am strong and healthy , arent I。6、当陈述句为 there be 结构时,附加疑问句中的主语也用 there。如:Theres no help for it, is there? /

4、 Theres something wrong, isnt there?7、陈述部分带有 seldom, hardly, never, rarely, few, little, nowhere, nothing 等否定词或半否定词时,附加疑问部分的动词用肯定形式。如:Bob rarely got drunk, did he? / Few people know him, do they?如果陈述部分的否定词带有否定前缀,那么,该陈述部分作肯定处理,附加疑问部分一般仍用否定形式。如:He was unsuccessful, wasnt he? / Tom dislikes the book, d

5、oesnt he?8、在由“祈使句+附加疑问”构成的附加疑问句中,附加疑问部分一般用 will you, wont you, would you,有时也可用 can you, cant you, why dont you, could you 等。如:Dont open the door, will you? / Give me some cigarettes, can you?但是,以 lets 开头的祈使句,附加疑问部分用 shall we;以 let us 开头的祈使句,如果含义是 allow us,不包括听话人在内,疑问部分用 will you。如:Lets have a basket

6、ball match this afternoon, shall we?Let us go out for a rest, will you?9、感叹句后的附加疑问句的谓语动词需用 be 的现在时,且常用否定形式。如What a clever boy, isnt he? / What a lovely day, isnt it?巩固练习:1. I dont think that the necklace is made of diamond, _?A. do I B. do you C. isnt it D. is it2. His wife had the carpets and the c

7、urtains cleaned, _?A. hadnt B. had C. didnt she D. did she3.Its my sons wedding next week, and I have to do my best for that,_?A. havent I B. dont I C. dont he D. isnt it4.Harry wouldnt become a teacher if it hadnt been for the holiday, _?A. would he B. had it C. would it D. had he5. No one left her

8、e yesterday,_?A. didnt they B. did they C. didnt one D. did one6. Birds rarely build nests in our garden,_?A. dont they B. do they C. didnt they D. did they7. You must have been to the Great Wall,_?A. mustnt you B. havent you C. arent you D. must you8. learning how to repair motors takes a long time

9、,_?A. doesnt it B. dont they C. does it D. do they9.They must have stayed at home last night,_?A. mustnt they B. havent they C. didnt they D. must they10.I feel like going to the cinema tonight,_?A. dont I B. dont you C. do I D. do you11.Lets start out early tomorrow morning,_?A. shall we B. will yo

10、u C. do you D. cant you12.Theres not much news in todays newspaper,_?A. isnt it B. is it C. isnt there D. is there13.They need our help badly at the moment,_?A. neednt they B. need they C. dont they D. do they14.She is unfit for the position,_?A. is she B. isnt she C. doesnt she D. does she15.I wish

11、 to visit America,_?A. dont I B. can I C. may I D. may you16.Shes been a worker here for many years,_?A. isnt she B. is she C. hasnt she D. has she17.What beautiful flowers,_?A. arent they B. are they C. isnt it D. is it18.Mother used to live in a poor village,_?A. used she B. usednt she C. didnt he

12、 D. did he19.Youd better go at once,_?A. wouldnt you B. had you C. hadnt you D. should you20.I am very interested in Mark Twains novels,_?A. arent I B. am not I C. arent you D. are you阅读理解Jim and Andy are standing at the bus stop and waiting for the No.6 bus. They want to buy some new books. Suddenl

13、y(突然), two men are running past them. A short man is crying,“help! help! Catch(抓住) the thief! Give my bag back to me.”“Oh! That man is a thief!”Jim shouts to Andy. They begin to run after the tall man, and very soon they catch him and get the bag back. The short man runs over and smiles,“Thank you.

14、But we are filming(拍摄)a movie.”( ) 66. What are Andy and Jim doing at the bus stop? A. They are waiting for the thief. B. They are waiting for the bus. C. They are waiting for their friends. D. They are watching a movie. ( ) 67.Where might(可能)they go? A. They might go to the cinema (电影院). B. They mi

15、ght go to the zoo. C. They might go to a bookstore. D. They might go to a restaurant. ( ) 68. Andy and Jim think the tall man is_. A. an actor B. a thief C. a policeman D. the short mans friend. ( )69.In fact(事实上), the tall man and the short man are_. A. thieves B. policemen C. actors D. clerks ( ) 70. From the passage, we know_. A. Jim and Andy like seeing movies B. Jim and Andy like helping others C. Jim and Andy want to be actors D. the four people in the stor


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