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1、 连续倒塌论文:RC 框架结构节点和楼板对结构抗连续倒塌性能影响研究【中文摘要】美国 9.11 事件发生以后,土木工程领域越来越多的人把目光聚集于寻求合理的评估或提高结构在遭受极端荷载作用下抵抗连续倒塌能力的方法。这些方法中不论是定量的还是定性的,大部分是从提高结构的整体性着手。由于 RC 框架结构的节点和楼板在结构局部破坏产生以后的梁柱构件内力传递和重分布过程中起着重要作用,也即对结构的整体性有很大影响,因此有必要从定量的角度研究节点和楼板在结构连续倒塌过程中的作用。为了解节点和楼板对结构抗连续倒塌能力的影响,使用按照我国规范设计的 RC 框架结构对该问题进行了研究。研究内容主要包括以下几个

2、方面:(1)研究了节点对 RC 框架结构抗连续倒塌性能的影响,给出了定量的分析结果。分析了节点参数对 RC 框架结构抗连续倒塌性能的影响,发现节点区钢筋直径和强度对结构抗连续倒塌能力影响显著,而节点区剪切变形和混凝土抗压强度对结构抗倒塌能力基本无影响。此外,研究了考虑节点影响时结构构件的破坏模式,分析结果表明按我国规范设计的 RC 框架结构在连续倒塌过程中构件仍以弯曲破坏为主,并没有发现构件出现剪切破坏。(2)研究了楼板对 RC 框架结构抗连续倒塌性能的影响,给出了定量的分析结果。分析了楼板参数对 RC 框架结构抗连续倒塌性能的影响,发现楼板配筋率对结构抗连续倒塌能力影响显著,而楼板混凝土抗拉

3、和抗压强度对结构抗连续倒塌能力基本无 影响。楼板厚度对结构抗连续倒塌能力的影响随楼板配筋率的变化而改变,分析结果表明,在楼板配筋率比较小的情况下,增加楼板厚度反而对结构抗连续倒塌不利,随着配筋率的增加,增加板厚对结构抗连续倒塌趋向有利。【英文摘要】After the event of 11 September 2001, more and more researchers in the engineering fields have started to focus on establishment of rational methods for the assessment and enha

4、ncement of progresssive collapse-resisting capacity of the structures under the extreme loads caused by the events such as explosion, impact and fire. Most of these methods, eigher quantitative or qualitative, place an emphasis on improving structural integrity. Because the joint and slab of RC fram

5、es play an important role in internal force transmission and redistribution after the local damage of structural elements caused by abnormal loads. So it is necessary to study the influences of joint and slab on the progressive collapse-resisting capacity of the structures.The evaluation of influenc

6、es of structural joint and slab on the progressive collapse-resisting performance of reinforced concrete (RC) frames is conducted by employing the structures designed in accordance with the Chinese building codes.(1) The influences of joint on the progressive collapse-resisting performance of RC fra

7、mes have been studied and the quantitative results are given. It is also confirmed through the parametric analyses that the diameter and strength of the steel bars have great influences on the progressive collapse-resisting performance of the structure, with little such impact resulting from the she

8、ar deformation of concrete and the concrete compressive strength in joint area. In addition, the analysis of the failure mode of members considering the influence of joints has shown the flexural failure remains the dominant failure mode of the members, and no members appear shear failure.(2) The in

9、fluences of slab on the progressive collapse-resisting performance of RC frames have been studied and the quantitative results given. It is also confirmed through the parametric analyses that the reinforcement ratio of slab have great influences on the progressive collapse-resisting performance of t

10、he structure, with little such impact resulting from the concrete tensile strength and the concrete compressive strength of the slab. The effect of the thickness of the slab on the progressive collapse-resisting performance depends on the reinforcement ratio, as shown from the results, if there is a

11、 relatively small value of reinforcement ratio of slab, it would be unfavorable for the progressive collapse-resisting performance to increase the thickness of the slab, while as the ratio increases, augmenting the thickness of the slab tends to show a favorable effect on the progressive collapse-re

12、sisting performance.【关键词】连续倒塌 RC 框架结构 节点 楼板 参数分析【英文关键词】progressive collapse RC frames joint slab parametric analyses【目录】RC 框架结构节点和楼板对结构抗连续倒塌性能影响研究 摘要 4-5 ABSTRACT 5 第 1 章 绪 论 8-19 1.1 课题背景及研究意义 8-10 1.2 国内外研究现状 10-18 1.2.1 各国规范中的抗连续倒塌设计方法 10-13 1.2.2 连续倒塌分析过程中几个关键问题的研究现状 13-18 1.3 本文主要研究内容 18-19 第 2

13、 章 数值模型验证与分析结构模型 19-28 2.1 引言 19 2.2 试验介绍 19-20 2.3 有限元模型 20-23 2.3.1 单元建模 20-21 2.3.2 材料本构模型 21-23 2.4 模拟结果与试验结果对比 23-24 2.5 分析结构模型 24-26 2.6柱子失效跨梁的内力变化特点 26-27 2.7 本章小结 27-28 第 3 章 节点对 RC 框架结构抗连续倒塌能力的影响 28-41 3.1 引言 28 3.2 节点对结构抗连续倒塌能力影响 28-32 3.2.1 Push-down 分析结果 29-30 3.2.2 非线性动力分析结果 30-32 3.3 节

14、点参数对结构抗连续倒塌性能影响的分析 32-38 3.3.1 节点区钢筋直径和强度的影响 32-34 3.3.2 节点区剪切变形的影响 34-38 3.3.3 节点区混凝土抗压强度的影响 38 3.4 考虑节点影响时结构构件的破坏模式 38-40 3.5 本章小结 40-41 第 4章 楼板对 RC 框架结构抗连续倒塌能力的影响 41-62 4.1 引言 41 4.2 楼板对 RC 框架结构抗连续倒塌分析结果的影响 41-49 4.2.1 楼板对失效点位移反应的影响 43-44 4.2.2 楼板对关键构件内力的影响 44-49 4.3 楼板参数对结构抗连续倒塌性能影响的分析 49-60 4.3.1 板厚的影响 49-54 4.3.2



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