补全短文理工类精讲课件 2

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1、补补全短文理工全短文理工类类精精讲课讲课件件第 1 篇 Mobile Phones 移动电话Mobile phones should carry a label if they provedto be a dangerous source of radiation, according to Robert Bell, a scientist. And no more mobile phone transmitter发射机towersshould be built until the long-term health effects of the electromagnetic radiatio

2、n they emit are scientifically evaluated,he said.“Nobodys going to drop dead倒毙 overnight一夜间, but we should be asking for more scientific information,” Robert Bell said at a conference on the health effects of low-level radiation. 1 (直接引语)根据科学家罗伯特,贝尔的观点,如果移动电话被证实是一种辐射危害的来源的话,那在上面应该贴一个标签。而且直到移动电话发射塔的电

3、磁辐射对人体健康的长期影响有一个合乎科学的评价之前,不能建造更多的发射塔。 “没有人会在一个晚上就倒地死去,但我们还是应该寻找更多的科学论据去指出它的危害。 ”罗伯特,贝尔在一次关于少量辐射对人体健康影响的会议上说。 “如果移动电话被证明有危害,就应该在它上面贴一个警告标签,直到设计出合适的隔离屏为止。 ”他说。A report widely circulated among在中流传 the public says that up to now scientists do not really know enough to guarantee保证there are no ill-effects

4、 on humans from electromagnetic radiation.According to Robert Bell, there are 3.3 million mobile phones in Australia alone and they are increasing by3 2,000 a day. 2 (手机数量增加话题) 在公众中一个广泛的流行说法是,现在的科学家们还不能完全地保证,电磁辐射对人类没有负面影响。正如罗伯特,贝尔所指出,仅在澳大利亚就有 330 万部移动电话,而且正以每天 2 000 部的速度增加。估计到公元 2000 年之前澳大利亚将拥有 800

5、万部移动电话,接近每两人一部手机。As well同时, there are 2,000 transmitter towers around Australia,many in high density residential areas居民区. 3 (发射塔话题)The electromagnetic radiation emitted from these towers may have already produced some harmful effects on the health of the residents nearby.同时,在澳大利亚境内分布着 2 000 座发射塔,其中

6、有许多还坐落在人口密集的居民区。例如,Telstra,Optus 和Vodaphone 所建造的发射塔从地理位置上来说是合适的,但都忽视了公众的需求。从这些发射塔发出的电磁辐射可能已经对附近的居民产生了一些有害影响。Robert Bell suggests that until more research is completedthe Governmentshould banconstruction of phone towers from within a 500 metre radius半径 of school grounds,child care centres, hospitals,

7、 sports playing fields and residential areas with a high percentage of children. 4 He adds that there is also evidence that if cancer sufferers are subjected to遭受 electromagnetic waves the growth rate of the disease accelerates加速.罗伯特贝尔建议,在更多的研究工作未完成之前,政府应该禁止在学校操场、儿童日托中心、医院、运动场所以及儿童占比例较高的居住场所方圆 500 米

8、范围内建造发射塔。他说显现的证据表明,儿童以成年人三倍多的比例吸收微量辐射。同时他补充说还有一个证据证明如果癌症患者受到电磁波的辐射,就会导致疾病的加速恶化。5 (资助话题)According to Robert Bell, it is reasonable for the major telephone companies to fund it. Besides, he also urges the Government to set up a wide-ranging inquiry调查into possible health effects. 那么谁资助这项研究呢?罗伯特贝尔认为由较大的

9、电话公司提供资金是合情合理的,他还极力主张政府进行一系列广泛的关于辐射可能对身体健康有所影响的调查与研究。练习:A He says there is emerging evidence that children absorb low-level radiation at a rate more than three times that of adults6.B By the year 2000it is estimated that Australia will have 8 million mobile phones:nearly one for every two people.C “

10、If mobile phones are found to be dangerous,they should carry a warning label until proper shields防护罩 can be devised,”he said.D Then who finances the research?E For example, Telstra, Optus and Vodaphone build their towers where it is geographically suitable to them and disregard不尊重the need of the com

11、munity.F The conclusion is that mobile phones brings more harm than benefit.答案:1.C 2.B 3.E 4.A 5.D第 2 篇 The Worlds Longest Bridge 世界上最长的桥Rumor has it that传说 a legendary six-headed monsterlurks潜伏 in the deep waters of the Tyrrhenian Sea( between Italy and the island of Sicily). If true,one day you mi

12、ght spy窥视到 the beast while zipping呼啸而过across the Messina Strait海峡Bridge. When completed in 2010,the worlds longest bridge will weigh nearly 300,000 tons equivalent to the iceberg冰山that sank the Titanic and stretch 5 kilometers long.“Thats nearly 50 percent longer than any other bridge ever built,”sa

13、ys structural engineer Shane Rixon. 传说中,在意大利和西西里岛间的第勒尼安海的深处,潜伏着一头神奇的六头怪兽。如果这是真的,你有可能在飞驶过墨西拿海峡时窥视到这怪物。到 2010 年该桥竣工的时候,这座世界上最长的桥将重达 30 万吨,近似于撞沉泰坦尼克号巨轮的冰山的重量。同时桥长约 5 千米,桥的结构工程师雪恩里克森说:“它比有史以来最长的桥还长出约 50%。 ”What do the worlds longest bridges have in common?Theyre suspension bridges吊桥,massive structures (

14、built to span横跨vast water channels海峡 or gorges峡谷).A suspension bridge needs just two towers to shoulder担负 the structures mammoth巨大 weight,thanks to多亏 hefty强健的supporting cables slung被吊挂 between the towers and anchored被固定 firmly in deep pools of cement水泥 at each end of the bridge.The Messina Strait Br

15、idge will have two 54,100-ton towers,which will support most of the bridges load.The beefy结实的 cables of the bridge,each 1.2 meter in diameter,will hold up the longest and widest bridge deck ever built.那么,世界上最长的这些桥之间有什么共同点吗?它们都是吊桥,有着巨大的桥的构架,横跨航道或峡谷间的巨大水域。一座吊桥只需要两个塔身来支撑桥的巨大的重量,这多亏了吊挂在塔之间的和紧紧固定在桥头底部的水泥

16、柱上的高强度的支撑绳索。墨西拿海峡桥的两座塔将分别重 5.41 万吨,它们将支撑住桥的大部分重量。桥的绳索很结实,每条直径 1.2 米,它们将支起建桥史上最长最宽的桥的甲板When construction begins on the Messina Strait Bridge in 2005, the first job will be to erect竖立 two 370 meter-tall steel towers. The second job will be to pull two sets of steel cables across the strait,each set being a bundle捆 of 44,352 individual steel wires.Getting these cables upwill besomething.Its not just their length totally 5.3 kilometers but t


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