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1、-船舶工程英语学习-1Longitudinal strength of ships with accidental damages船舶危险状态下的纵向强度计算船舶危险状态下的纵向强度计算Abstract 摘要摘要This paper presents an investigation of the longitudinal strength of ships with damages due to grounding or collision accidents. 此文将提到关于船舶在搁浅和碰撞两种危险状况下的调查 报告。Analytical equations are derived for

2、 the residual hull girder strength and verified with direct calculations of sample commercial ships for a broad spectrum of accidents. 给出了破损船 体计算方程式和典型商船事故的直接计算方法。Hull girder ultimate strengths of these sample vessels under sagging and hogging conditions are also calculated, based on which correlati

3、on equations are proposed. 船体梁在中垂和中拱下根据所给出的方程式计算极限强度。To evaluate a grounded ship, using the section modulus to the deck would be optimistic, while using the section modulus to the bottom would be conservative. 为了评估搁浅的船,计算时甲板的 剖面模数要取得大些,而船底剖面模数要取得小些。 On the contrary, to evaluate a collided ship, usin

4、g the section modulus to the deck would be conservative, while using the section modulus to the bottom would be optimistic. 相反的,在估算碰撞条件下船时甲板的剖面模数 要取得小些,而船底剖面模数要取得大些。The derived analytical formulae are then applied to a fleet of 67 commercial ships, including 21 double hull tankers, 18 bulk carriers,

5、 22 single hull tankers and six container carriers. 导出的方程适用于67系列商船,21型双壳油船,18型散货 船,22型单壳油船和6型集装型船。The mean values, standard deviations and coefficients of variation for the coefficients in these new analytical formulae are obtained. 其主要数值、标准差、 变动系数将从这些新的分析方程中获得。The ship length exhibits little influe

6、nce on these coefficients because they are close to the mean values although ship length spans from 150 to 400 m. The ship type shows some influence on the residual strength. 船长对这些数值的影响是很小 的,即使船长从150m长到400m。而船的类型不同将有对船的剩余强度有影响。Uniform equations are proposed for commercial ships which do not depend o

7、n a ships principal dimensions. These formulae provide very handy tools for predicting the residual strength in seconds, without performing step-by-step detailed calculations, an obvious advantage in cases of emergency or salvage operation. r 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. 统一的对于商 船的

8、方程式并不是基于船体主尺度的,这些方程将在下次预测剩余强度时很有作用,并不 需要再一步步的近似计算,在紧急情况下和补救的情况下。 Keywords: Residual strength; Hull girder ultimate strength; Section modulus; Damage; Collision;Grounding-船舶工程英语学习-21. Introduction1.1.简介简介Traditionally, ships have been designed to resist all loads expected to arise in their seagoing e

9、nvironment. 一般的,船设计用于承受正常情况下的载重。 The objective in structural design has been to maintain a ships structural integrity for normal operating conditions. 在船体 结构设计方面,它的设计是维持船体结构完整和使船一般状况下的运行。A combination of the most severe loads is usually selected as the nominal design load. 通常以最多载荷的情况作 为标准设计载况。Protec

10、tion of a ship and the cargo it carries from damages incurred by accidents, though an essential issue in the design of watercraft, has been focused on subdividing a ship into compartments. 为保存船只和它的货物不遭受损坏是船只设计的必要点,所以已经开始注重 分舱设计。National and international standards (Load Line,MARPOL, SOLAS, Classific

11、ation Societies Rules) have established requirements or watertight bulkheads and subdivision. 我国和 国际上已经制定了明确的标准来划分水密舱壁。Structural strength in collision, grounding or internal accidents (such as an explosion) has attracted very little attention. 而对于碰撞后的结构 强度,搁浅或者内部受损并不受到关注。Public sensation increases

12、each time there is a major loss of ships, cargo and life atsea, or when there is oil pollution from damaged ships. 公众的关注在逐渐增强关于船舶船舶失事、 货船的海上生存能力,或者由于船失事而引起的海上石油污染。This motivates the development of design procedures and related analysis methods for accidental loads, in particular, the loads due to sh

13、ip collision or grounding accidents. 这些促使设计和程序上在分析方式上的 提升在危险载况下,尤其是船在搁浅和碰撞下的载荷。A ship may collapse after an accident because of inadequate longitudinal strength.However, the consequences of an accident on a ships strength are seldom investigated.Although there are some papers published on the residu

14、al strength of damaged ship hulls 1,2, this field still remains unexplored. 船可能在事故后断裂,由于纵向强度上的不足,然而船体强度的研究是很少的, 虽然有一些关于剩余强度方面的文章,但有待深讨。This paper reports on an investigation of the longitudinal strength of damaged ship hulls for a broad spectrum of collision and grounding accidents. 文章就一个关于纵向强度的调查提出

15、报 告,一个关于船体外壳碰撞和搁浅的调查。Both the hull girder section modulus and hull girder ultimate strength are calculated. 梁和桁架的剖面模数将考虑在内。We aim to obtain simple relations to assess residual hull girder strength, which may be used ashandy and reliable tools to help make timely decisions in the event of an emergenc

16、y. 我们的目的在于获得一个方 便可靠的关系式来评价剩余船体梁的强度,一个可以用在紧急的状况下方便可靠的方法去 判定的方法。 Theoretical analyses are presented and analytical formulae are derived. Typical designs of 67 commercial ships, including 21 double hull tankers, 18 bulk carriers, 22 single hull tankers and six container carriers, which have lost portions of bottom shell plating and side shell plating, are analyzed to



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