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1、2013 高考英高考英语单项语单项填空填空题题六大六大难难点及点及热热点点难点之一:考查动词时态难点之一:考查动词时态,不给出明确的时间状语不给出明确的时间状语 解题技巧:认真分析上下文语境,确定动词时态 高考单项填空题考查动词时态,往往句子中没有具体的时间状语,要靠对上下文语言环境的分 析,才能搞清句子的时态。高考题中对动词时态的考查常采用这种形式。例如: He kept looking at her, wondering whether he _ her somewhere. A. saw B. has seen C. sees D. had seen 析:此题答案为 D。题干句意为:“他

2、一直打量着她,想知道是否在什么地方见到过她“,其中, “kept“用的是一般过去时态,“是否见过“应是发生在“打量“之前,从时间上讲,是过去的过去,故 用过去完成时态。又如: -George and Lucy got married last week. Did you go to their wedding? -No. I _ . Did they have a big wedding? A. was not invited B. have not been invited C. hadnt been invited D. didnt invite 析:此题答案选 C。“上周结婚“和“参加婚

3、礼“都是过去发生的事情,我没有参加是因为我没 有受到邀请,故“邀请“的动作应是在此之前的,即,“过去的过去“,因此,应用过去完成时态。 难点之二:把短语和固定搭配中的某个成分难点之二:把短语和固定搭配中的某个成分“置换置换“出来出来,构成构成“迷雾迷雾“ 解题技巧:把位置还原,看清本质 在做单项填空题时,由于句型转换或其它原因,使短语或固定搭配中的某个成分离开了原来的 位置,从而使该短语或固定搭配不易辨认出。例如: In the dark street, there wasnt a single person _ she could turn for help. A. that B. who

4、C. from whom D. to whom 析:此答案选 D。实际上是考查 turn to sb. for help(求助于某人),这里 sb.就是题干中的 person,且前置作定语从句的先行词,分析时不妨还原,便可看出本质。 难点之三:省略句子的某个成分难点之三:省略句子的某个成分,从而增加了试题难度从而增加了试题难度 解题技巧:明确省略成分,补全句子看清真面目 _ with the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean does not seem big at all. A. Compare B. When comparing C. C

5、omparing D. When compared 析:此题应选 D。本题考查 when 之后非谓语动词形式的掌握情况。其中,对 when 一词用 法的判断是解题的关键。when(或其它词,如 while, since, once 等)引导状语从句时,如果从句 的主语和主句的主语相同,且从句谓语部分含有 be 时,可把从句的主语和 be 一起省略。本题 干中在 when 后省略了 it is。即,when it is compared with the size of the whole earth.又如: The research is so designed that once _ not

6、hing can be done to change it. A. begins B. having begun C. beginning D. begun 析:本题在 once 之后省略了 it is,很明显,此处应用被动语态。故答案应选 D。 难点之四:在一定的上下文中考查冠词和代词的应用难点之四:在一定的上下文中考查冠词和代词的应用 解题技巧:准确理解句子的实际含义(即,准确翻译句子) Jumping out of _ airplane at ten thousand feet is quite _ exciting experience. A. 不填;the B. 不填;an C. a

7、n; an D. the; the 析:本句子意为:从一万英尺高的一架飞机上跳下来是一次令人非常兴奋的经历。这里的“一架“、“一次“不能理解为“那架“、“那次“。因此,要用不定冠词。故答案选 C。又如: Few pleasures can equal _ of a cool drink on a hot day. A. some B. any C. that D. those 析:本题很多考生易误选 D,这主要是受前面 pleasures 的影响。而句子的实际含义为:几乎 没有乐趣能与炎热夏天的一杯凉爽饮料相比。这里“夏天的一杯凉爽的饮料带来的乐趣“当 然是“一种“,故用 that,而不用 t

8、hose。 难点之五:利用插入语使句子结构变复杂难点之五:利用插入语使句子结构变复杂,以此以此“迷惑迷惑“考生考生 解题技巧:去掉插入语,理顺句子结构,从而透视本来面目 E-mail, as well as telephones, _ an important part in daily communication. A. is playing B. have played C. are playing D. play 析:本题在主语(E-mail)之后加了一个插入语(as well as telephones),谓语动词应与句子主语 (E-mail)一致,所以,动词要用单数,只有答案 A 正

9、确。 难点之六:利用语境考查语言知识的应用难点之六:利用语境考查语言知识的应用,没有明显的提示没有明显的提示 解题技巧:认真领会上下文,找准“信息点“(或“提示句 / 词“) -Excuse me. Is this the right way to the Summer Palace? -Sorry, I am not sure. But it _ be. A. might B. will C. must D. can 析:根据答语中的 I am not sure,说明把握不大,故答案为 A。这里 I am not sure 就是一个重 要的信息。又如: _ straight on and y

10、oull see a church. You wont miss it. A. Go B. Going C. If you go D. When going 析:题干中有连词 and 引导的一个句子,所以不能选 C、D,在英语里面,“祈使句+and / or+陈 述句“是一常用句型,故答案选 A。1、This kind of bird is rarely seen in the cold area, but it is very in the warm area. A general B ordinary C common D usual 2、The two problems are link

11、ed ,and it makes sense to consider them together. A closely B close C wide D widely 3、Alice was laughing and joking at the party ,but her sister sat with something worried in mind. A silent B silently C silence D silencer 4、In the library ,he managed to find the book. A ancient valuable yellow Chine

12、se medical B valuable Chinese medical ancient yellow C valuable ancient yellow Chinese medical D medical ancient valuable yellow Chinese 5、 are allowed to take part in the outdoor activities. A Old enough children to dress themselves B Children enough old to dress themselves C Children old enough to

13、 dress themselves D Enough old children to dress themselves 6、 quality factors ,this is the best ice cream you can buy. A. In terms of B In case of C As a result of D In time of 7、I am surprised that a company with the good would produce such poor quality goods. A. enjoyment B appreciation C enterta

14、inment D reputation 8、This was the for expressions of friendship by the two countries presidents.A occasion B case C situation D background 9、The government is taking steps towards dealing with countrys economic problems arising in the reform and opening up. A subjective B attractive C respective D

15、tentative 10、In the end ,they finished the task in expected. A. as half much time as B as much time half asC half as much time asD half so much time as 11、He looked very funny ,wearing too large a jacket her tiny sweater. A. over B above C into D beyond 12、Our understanding of human genetics has con

16、siderably. A gained B exposed C advanced D experienced结构型单项填空 13、The dying man was moving his eyes slowly as if for his relatives. A to look B looked C looking D he looked 14、If you go to XIAN, you will find the places there more magnificent than commonly . A supposing B supposed C to suppose D suppose 15、-



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