老友记 六人行 第十季第十四集经典笔记

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1、TheThe OneOne WithWith PrincessPrincess ConsuelaConsuela1014 康斯韦拉公主 菲比为改从夫姓,去“户籍科”改名,得知原来名字可以随便改。于是异想天开的菲比就成了康斯韦拉公主,多亏迈克想出了一个更绝的,这才制住了菲比。瑞秋赢得了 Gucci 的面试机会,可面试时,她的顶头上司就坐在她身后。可怜的瑞秋没去成 Gucci, 反倒把 Ralph Lauren 的工作给丢了。 罗斯评上了终身教授,开香槟庆祝。 莫妮卡和钱德带乔伊去看专门为他留了一个房间的新家,乔伊在那里遇上了一个聪明可爱的 8 岁小女孩。 瑞秋遇上当年那个马克,他介绍给她去 Lo

2、uis Vuitton,瑞秋会为了这份工作去巴黎吗? 10.14 The One With Princess ConsuelaRachels lunch interview with Gucci turns out to be right next to her current bosss table. She doesnt get the new job and loses her current one. Meanwhile, Ross is given tenure at his job and his happiness makes Rachels misfortune even ha

3、rder to bear. While moving her stuff out of Ralph Lauren, she bumps into Mark (who caused all the jealousyn.嫉妒 seven years earlier); he now works at Louis Vuitton and once again knows of a possible job opening for her. Phoebe contemplates changing her surname to Hanigan. Once she finds out she can c

4、hange her name to anything she wants, she chooses Princes Consuela Bananahammock, leading Mike to threaten to change his name to Crap Bag. Monica and Chandler take Joey to see their new house. He tries to convince them not to go through with(v.完成) the purchase, until the little girl that lives there

5、 helps him understand. Rachel gets a job offer. in Paris. Scene: Chandler and Monicas apartment. They are having a diner party with Phoebe and Mike.Mike:Mike: (raising his glass) Thank you guys for having us over.Phoebe:Phoebe: Oh! Yeah, this is fun, couples night.Chandler:Chandler: Yeah, I dont kno

6、w why we dont hang out with married couples more often.Monica:Monica: Well, because every time we do, you make jokes about swinging and scare them away.swing 交换性伴侣 群交/scrae sb away 把某人吓跑Chandler:Chandler: You mean that Portuguese couple? Yeah, like you wouldnt have done it. (she shrugs)Portuguese ad

7、j.葡萄牙人的Ross:Ross: (entering) Hey, you guys. I have great news.Monica:Monica: Ross, were kind of in the middle of dinner here.Ross:Ross: Oh, well, er, I already ate, but sure.! (they all look at each other when Ross grabs a plate) Guess what happened at work today.Chandler:Chandler: A dinosaur died a

8、 million years ago?Ross:Ross: Try sixty-five million years ago, and then try sssshhhhhh. My tenure review board met today and I hear its looking really good.tenure n.(教授等的)终身职位eg: A lecturer(n.讲师) in the English Department has recently been refused tenure/一般来说,tenure 是在做了助理教授(n.assistant professor 级

9、别高于讲师而低于副教授)后 5-6 年之后评定的,如果那不到的话就会走人,一般评两次,第一次在第 5 年,如过第一次没过,再有一次机会,那就是第 6 年的评定. 如果博士毕业,就在学界任职的话,年纪很轻便可的此职位. 当然如果在工业界很有名望,学界也会破例,缩短时间,而得 tenure.tenure 相当与国内副教授(n.associate professor)级/review board n.评估委员会Phoebe:Phoebe: Wow!Ross:Ross: Yeah. Do you have any idea what this means in academic circles, uh

10、? I am gonna get laid.academic circle n.学术圈Rachel:Rachel: (while entering) Hi you guys.All:All: Hey.Rachel:Rachel: Ooh, Italian! (she also grabs a plate) Monica:Monica: No one wanted seconds, right?second n.(食物的)第二份Ross:Ross: No, no. I-Im good.Rachel:Rachel: Hey you guys. Youre never gonna believe i

11、t. This headhunter called me. I have a meeting tomorrow with Gucci. Gucci wants me.headhunter n.猎头/The House of Gucci, better known as simply Gucci, is an Italian iconic fashion and leather goods(n.皮件) label. It was founded by Guccio Gucci (b.1881 d.1953) in Florence in 1906.Gucci is considered one

12、of the most famous, prestigious, and easily recognizable fashion brands in the world.Gucci generated over US$7 billion worldwide of revenue in 2006 according to BusinessWeek magazine and was ranked 46th in the magazines annual chart “Top 100 Brands“. For this reason Gucci is the second biggest selli

13、ng fashion brand after LVMH. Most importantly Gucci is the biggest selling Italian brand in the world.The House of Gucci belongs to the French conglomerate company(n.综合公司) Pinault-Printemps-Redoute (PPR). Gucci operates about 425 stores worldwide and it wholesales(vi.成批售出) its products through franc

14、hisees and upscale(adj.高消费阶层的) department stores.Ross:Ross: Im up for tenure.Rachel:Rachel: Congratulations!Ross:Ross: You too! What are the odds?what are the odds 怎么会那么巧Rachel:Rachel: Ooh! (they hug)Joey:Joey: (enters) Guess what? (they all look expectantly at him) I finally got that seed out of my

15、 teeth.seed n.种子 籽Monica:Monica: I dont know who Im happiest for.Phoebe:Phoebe: I do, hes been working on that all day! (looking at Joey)OPENINGOPENING CREDITSCREDITSScene: Central Perk. Phoebe, Monica and Chandler on their couch.Phoebe:Phoebe: Hey Mon? Was it weird changing your name to Geller-Bing

16、?Monica:Monica: No, no. It felt nice to acknowledge this. (pats Chandler on his leg)Phoebe:Phoebe: Where did you go to do it?Monica:Monica: Uhm the. the ministry. of names. bureau.ministry n.(政府的)部门Chandler:Chandler: YOU NEVER DID IT!Monica:Monica: Im sorry. Its just the idea of being an official Bing.Chandler:Chandler: Hey! I will have you know that. aah, who am I kidding. Lets call the kid Geller and let Bing die with me.Mike:M


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