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1、 关联理论视角下舞台幽默与文学幽默英汉翻译的异同分析关联理论视角下舞台幽默与文学幽默英汉翻译的异同分析 Analysis of Similarities and Differences of E-C Translation of Stage Humor and Literary Humor from the Perspective of Relevance Theory 作者姓名作者姓名 罗田彦罗田彦 指导教师指导教师 韩江洪韩江洪 教授教授 学科专业学科专业 英语语言文学英语语言文学 研究方向研究方向 翻译理论与实践翻译理论与实践 MA Thesis Analysis of Similari

2、ties and Differences of E-C Translation of Stage Humor and Literary Humor from the Perspective of Relevance Theory By Luo Tianyan Submitted in Partial Fulfillment to the Requirements For the Degree of Master of Arts Under the Supervisor of Professor Jianghong Han Postgraduate Program School of Forei

3、gn Studies Hefei University of Technology May, 2013 I Acknowledgements First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, Professor Han Jianghong for his guide and help on my thesis during the whole process. His range of various kinds of interests and knowledge will a

4、lways be source of wonder and encouragement for me. He always showed patience in listening to my sketchy ideas and gave me many comments. I would also like to thank all the teachers of my postgraduate studies in School of Foreign Studies of Hefei University of Technology for their enlightening teach

5、ing. And thanks for all of my classmates especially Wang Zhaodong and Liu Junjun who helped me a lot in my studies. Finally, I want to thank my parents for sharing joys and sorrows in my daily life. II 摘摘 要要 幽默作为人际交往的“润滑剂” ,在日常生活中起着重要的作用。英语中的幽默无不反映出英语的语言特征与英国国家的社会文化。Stand-up comedy 是一种发源自英国的舞台幽默表演艺术

6、。它作为欢笑和文化的载体,日渐得到中国观众的喜爱。对于舞台幽默的翻译研究,并没有像对文学幽默的翻译研究那么系统与深入。但是作为一种更容易为人们所接受并理解的跨文化交际手段,其翻译研究具有相当的必要性。 本文以斯珀波与威尔逊的关联理论为理论框架, 以格特的关联理论翻译观为基础,并辅以副语言分析,对比研究了文学幽默(以马克吐温的文学作品为例)与舞台幽默(以华裔笑星黄西在白宫的演出为例)特点的异同以及两者英汉翻译的异同。 对于幽默的可译性与不可译性争论由来以及。本文作者认为,基于格特的关联理论翻译观,幽默是可译的。这一观点尤其适用于舞台幽默的英汉翻译。当幽默语言的语言特征在原语与目标语中较为相近时,

7、可采用直接翻译,最大限度上忠实与原文的内容和形式。而当幽默语言的文化或者语言特征在原语与目的语间存在明显差异时,译者可采用间接翻译,如通过巧妙地改变词句,或增加注释来传递最佳关联,使读者在欣赏幽默的同时,获得背后的文化信息。 关键关键词:词: 关联理论,舞台幽默,文学幽默,文化 III Abstract Humor as the “lubricant” of interpersonal relationship building is an indispensable element in peoples daily communication and life. English lingui

8、stic features and English-speaking countries social culture could be reflected in its own language humor. Stand-up comedy, as a carrier of laughter and culture, is an art form of stage humor, which originally from Britain and recently been popular and favored among Chinese audience. The research on

9、translation of stage humor has not been developing in such a systematic and in-depth way as literary humor translation research has gone. But as a vulgarized way of cross-cultural communication, stage humor can be easily comprehended or appreciated. Due to the fact that has just mentioned, the resea

10、rch on E-C translation of stage humor is necessary. Based on Gutts translation methods and supplemented with paralanguage analyzation, this thesis compares similarities and differences of stage humor and literary humor and their translations under the framework of Sperber and Wilsons relevance theor

11、y. Data analyzed in this thesis is mainly made up of Mark Twains literary works and Joe Wongs performance in the White House. The discuss of translatability and untranslatability of humor have debated by scholars from both abroad and domestic for a long time. Based on Gutts translation method, the a

12、uthor insists on that humor can be translated. And this method is especially suitable to be adopted by stage humor translation. Direct translation strategy can be adopted when dealing with the humorous utterances which linguistic feature shares many similarities in both original language and target

13、language, on the other hand, it could reach the maximum faithfulness of the original content and form. In other situation indirect translation which including the witty change or use of words, phrases, or sentences and adding notes or annotations can be used to make up the differences of linguistic

14、features or cultural characteristics of humor utterances between original text and target text. IV Key Words: relevancy theory, stage humor, literary humor, culture V Contents Acknowledgements .I 摘摘 要要 .II Abstract .III Chapter One Introduction .1 1.1 Research Aim and Significance .1 1.2 Research Methods and Arrangement .1 Chapter Two Literature Review .3 Chapter Three Theory Introduction .



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