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1、 圆锥型螺头扁钻工艺流程质量控制计划圆锥型螺头扁钻工艺流程质量控制计划 Full Cone Spade Bits Process Plan 编号:编号:WL。M0001-24-JS-I-03-07-05产品编号Product serial number产品名称Description圆锥型铲钻Full cone Spade bits版本号version number更改人Revised by时间Date编制Issued by温文审核 AuditB 版Edition抽样计划 Sampling Plan工序号Processnumber工艺描述Process Description 工艺性能Funct

2、ion of Process 规范Specification 抽样数量Sample size频率Frequency检验方法Analysis Method 不合格品控制方法Control Plan if out of Spec. 结果记录Record of Results1.外观Surface quality无裂缝、气孔等No cracks and air hole每支 Every piece100%目测Visual check退货Returned for the corrective action检验单Inspection records2.成分chemical contents1落料 Cut

3、ting material3.尺寸 Dimension按标准According to the standard1-2PCS次1 or 2pcs/one time1 次每批One time per lot材质证明Material cerficate 退货Returned for the corrective action材质证明Material cerficate 1.粗糙度Roughness每支 Every piece100%目测 Visual check2车加工Lathing 2.尺寸 Dimension按工艺图Engineering drawing按 GB2828 一次抽样检验计划Acco

4、rding to GB2828YI one time per lot1 次每批One time per lot卡尺 Caliper1.报废 Scrapping defects2.改进措施 Corrective actions 检验单Inspection records1.粗糙度Roughness每支 Every piece目测、Visual check,3磨杆部柄部外圆Grinding the outside round of the shaft2.尺寸 Dimension按工艺图Engineering drawing按 GB2828 一次抽样检验计划According to GB2828YI

5、 one time per lot1 次每批One time per lot卡尺 Caliper1.报废 Scrapping defects2.改进措施 Corrective actions 检验单Inspection records圆锥型螺头扁钻工艺流程质量控制计划圆锥型螺头扁钻工艺流程质量控制计划 Full Cone Spade Bits Process Plan 编号:WL。M0001-24-JS-I-03-07-05抽样计划 Sampling Plan工序号Processnumber工艺描述Process Description 工艺性能Function of Process 规范Sp

6、ecification 抽样数量Sample size频率Frequency检验方法Analysis Method 不合格品控制方法Control Plan if out of Spec. 结果记录Record of Results4磷化Phosphorization外观Surface quality按标准According to the standard每支 Every piece100%目测 Visual check1.报废 Scrapping defects2.改进措施 Corrective actions 检验单 Inspection records1.外观 Surface quali

7、ty每支 Every piece100%目测Visual check5冲六角Punching Hex shank2.尺寸 Dimension按标准According to the standard按 GB2828 一次抽样检验计划According to GB2828YI one time per lot1 次每批One time per lot卡尺 Caliper、千分尺Micrometer1.报废 Scrapping defects2.返修 Repairing检验单 Inspection records1.硬度 Hardness硬度计Sclerometer6六角校直Hex shank st

8、raight adjustment2.变形 Distortion按工艺图Engineering drawing按 GB2828 一次抽样检验计划According to GB2828YI one time per lot1 次每批One time per lot目测 Visual check1.返修 Repairing2.调整 adjustment检验单 Inspection records1.尺寸 Dimension按工艺图Engineering drawing按 GB2828 一次抽样检验计划According to GB2828YI one time per lot1 次每批One ti

9、me per lot卡尺 Caliper7车头部柄部 R 槽Lathing the head and R slot on the shank2.粗糙度Roughness按标准According to the standard每支 Every piece100%目测 Visual check1.报废 Scrapping defects2.改进措施 Corrective actions 检验单 Inspection records圆锥型螺头扁钻工艺流程质量控制计划圆锥型螺头扁钻工艺流程质量控制计划Full Cone Spade Bits Process Plan 编号:WL。M0001-24-JS

10、-I-03-07-05抽样计划 Sampling Plan工序号Processnumber工艺描述Process Description 工艺性能Function of Process 规范Specification 抽样数量Sample size频率Frequency检验方法Analysis Method 不合格品控制方法Control Plan if out of Spec. 结果记录Record of Results8热锻 Hot forging尺寸 Dimension按工艺图Engineering drawing1.尺寸Dimension9切边Cutting Edge2.测量总长Mea

11、suring the total length按工艺图Engineering drawing按 GB2828 一次抽样检验计划According to GB2828YI one time per lot1 次每批One time per lot卡尺 Caliper、千分尺Micrometer1.报废 Scrapping defects2.返修 Repairing卡尺 Caliper10校直Straight adjustment.跳动 Runout按标准According to the standard按 GB2828 一次抽样检验计划According to GB2828YI one time

12、 per lot1 次每批One time per lot 百分表Dial gauge1.报废 Scrapping defects2.返修 Repairing检验单 Inspection records100%目测 Visual check 每支 Every piece卡尺 Caliper11 抛平面Polishing the surface1.外观 Surface quality2.尺寸Dimension3.粗糙度Roughness按成品图Engineering drawing按 GB2828 一次抽样检验计划According to GB2828YI one time per lot1 次

13、每批One time per lot目测 Visual check1.报废 Scrapping defects2.返修 Repairing检验单 Inspection records100%12冲印Printing1.外观 Surface quality2.配合度Equalization按标准According to the standard按 GB2828 一次抽样检验计划According to GB2828YI one time per lot1 次每批One time per lot目测 Visual check1.报废 Scrapping defects2.返修 Repairing检

14、验单 Inspection records圆锥型螺头扁钻工艺流程质量控制计划圆锥型螺头扁钻工艺流程质量控制计划Full Cone Spade Bits Process Plan 编号:WL。M0001-24-JS-I-03-07-05抽样计划 Sampling Plan工序号Processnumber工艺描述Process Description 工艺性能Function of Process 规范Specification 抽样数量Sample size频率Frequency检验方法Analysis Method 不合格品控制方法Control Plan if out of Spec. 结果

15、记录Record of Results13扭制 Twisting 形状 form按样品 sample每支 Every100%目测 Visual check1.报废 Scrapping defects2.返修 Repairing检验单 Inspection records14校直Straight adjustment跳动 Runout按工艺图Engineering drawing每支 Every100%百分表Dial gauge.返修 Repairing检验单 Inspection records1.粗糙度Roughness每支 Every100%目测 Visual check角度 angle 角度尺 Bevel protractor15粗磨侧刃后角Roughly grinding the back angle of side edge 尺寸 dimension按标准According to the standard按 GB2828 一次抽样检验计划According to GB2828YI one time per lot1 次每批One time per lot



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