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1、 Footwear Testing Application Form 鞋类测试申请表鞋类测试申请表INTERTEK Guangzhou Footwear Division INTERTEK 广州鞋部广州鞋部 Tel: 86-20-83966868 Fax: 86-20-82214437Official Use Only Job No.: 申请单位申请单位名称Applicant: 地址 Address: 邮政编码 Zip Code: 联系人 Contact: 电话 Tel: 传真 Fax: Email: Invoice No.: 付款单位付款单位Payer: 联系人 Contact: 地址 Ad

2、dress: 电话 Tel: 传真 Fax: Email: 邮政编码 Zip Code: 备注:如果申请单位与付款单位不同,付款单位拒绝付款时,申请单位有责任付款。备注:如果申请单位与付款单位不同,付款单位拒绝付款时,申请单位有责任付款。Applicant has the duty to pay the testing expenses in case the payer rejects the payment.报告报告/发票寄往发票寄往 (如需寄往付款单位以外的其他公司,请填写) If you want to send the hard copy report/invoice to anot

3、her company instead of Payer, please fill in the information below.公司 Company: 地址 Address: 联系人 Contact: 电话 Tel: 邮政编码 Zip Code: 样品描述样品描述 Sample Description (请确认用英文准确填写,发出报告后若对任何资料的修改请确认用英文准确填写,发出报告后若对任何资料的修改 将收取每份报告最低费用人民币将收取每份报告最低费用人民币220元元)样品数量样品数量 Sample Qty.式样编号式样编号 Ref. No.买家 Buyers Name: P.O. N

4、o.: 供应商 Supplier: 贸易商 Vendor: 生产商 Manufacturer: 产品运往 Goods Exported to: 原产地 Country of Original: 申请测试项目请在相应项目申请测试项目请在相应项目内打内打“x”符号:符号:Please tick the applicable test items物理测试物理测试 Physical Test: 成品鞋成品鞋 Shoe: 鞋底黏着力 Sole Bond Strength 曲折 Flex 鞋跟拉力 Heel adhesion 老化 Aging 耐黄变 Anti-yellowing 带子/饰物拉脱Pull

5、Strength for Strap/Ornament 静态 /动态 防水 Waterproof 钢头冲击 Safety Toe Impact 钢头压缩 Safety Toe Compression 钢中底耐穿刺 Nail Penetration 电击 Electric Shock Resistance 抗静电 Electric Resistance 酚黄 Phenolic Yellowing 中底中底 Midsole: 平面抗拉 Transfer Tensile Strength 耐磨 Abrasion 曲折 Flex(Ross) 曲折 Flex(SATRA PM3)鞋面鞋面 Upper:

6、爆破 Burst 撕裂 Tear 抗拉 Tensile Strength 曲折 Flex 耐磨 Abrasion 耐黄变 Anti-yellowing 摩擦褪色 Colorfastness to Crocking 耐水色牢度 Colorfastness to Water 大底大底 Outsole: 硬度 Hardness 密度 Density 曲折 Flex 吐霜 Blooming 耐油 Oil Resistance 撕裂 Tear 拉伸 Tensile 不留痕 Non-marking 防滑 Slip Resistance 耐黄变 Anti-yellowing 耐水解 Hydrolysis 耐

7、磨 Abrasion其他其他 Others:鞋带鞋带 Lace: 拉力 Tensile 耐磨 Abrasion 金属扣金属扣 Metallic Buckle: 腐蚀性 Corrosion 鞋跟鞋跟 Heel: 冲击 Impact 抗疲劳 Fatigue Resistance 天皮天皮 Toplift: abrasion 耐磨 拉链拉链 Zipper: 拉头拉力 Puller Attachment 止滑扣结合力Top and Bottom Stop Attachment 链齿咬合强度Breaking Strength of Chain 闭锁强度 Slider Locking 扭力测试 Torqu

8、e Test 松紧带松紧带 Gore: 延伸力 Tensile 抗疲劳 Repeated Extension其它其它(请注明请注明): Other Tests (Please Specify)采用的测试方法采用的测试方法 Test Method reference to:AATCC/ASTM (U.S.A.)美国美国ISO (International)国际标准国际标准BS (U.K.)英国英国GB (China)中国中国Others (Please specify) 其它(请注明)其它(请注明) 物理测试服务要求物理测试服务要求 Physical Test Service Required:

9、Five-day-serviceFive-day-serviceFive-day-service 5 5 5 日日日日 Three-day-serviceThree-day-serviceThree-day-service 3 3 3 日日日日(40%(40%(40% Surcharge)Surcharge)Surcharge) One-day-serviceOne-day-serviceOne-day-service 1 1 1 日日日日(100%Surcharge)100%Surcharge)100%Surcharge) SameSameSame daydayday serviceserv

10、iceservice 当天当天当天当天 (150%(150%(150% surcharge)surcharge)surcharge) 化学测试化学测试 Chemical Test: 偶氮染料Azo Dyes (EC/Germany) 六价铬Chromium VI (Cr(VI) 分散性染料Allergenous Dyes 可萃取重金属 Extractable Heavy Metals 镍释放量Release of Nickel (EC/Germany/UK) 甲醛 Free Formaldehyde Content 总镉 Total Cadmium (EC/Germany/Netherland

11、s) 邻苯二酸甲酸酯类Phthalates (DINP, DNDP, DEHP, DCDP, BBP, DBP) 多氯联苯Polychlorinaed Biphenols (PCBs) 五氯苯Chlorinated PhenolPentachlorophenol (PCP)四氯苯酚/三氯苯酚 Chlorinated PhenolTetrachlorophenol (TeCP)/Trichlorophenol (TCP) 三丁基锡Tributyltin (TBT) 二丁基锡/单丁基锡Dibutyltin (DBT)/Monobutyltin (MBT) PVC 的定性 PVC Flame Tes

12、t (qualitative) pH 值 pH value 致癌染料Carcinogenous Dyestuff 多环芳香烃 PAH 含铅量 Lead Content其它其它(请注明请注明): Other Tests (Please Specify)化学测试服务要求化学测试服务要求 Service Required: 普通服务:5/7 个工作天Regular (5/7 working days)CPSIA HR4040: Lead content for surface coating Lead content for non-surface coating Abused Test Repor

13、t Service: 传真 Fax 邮件 E-Mail 特快专递(到付)Express 自取(Self pick-up)Sample Return: 要退样 Yes 无需退样 NoWe apply for the above tests and agree that all testing will be carried out subject to INTERTEK TESTING SERVICES LTD., GUANGZHOUs scale of charges as set forth in their latest pricelist of which we have seen a

14、copy and upon and subject to the terms and conditions set out hereon and overleaf.日期日期 Date:申请公司盖章及代表签名申请公司盖章及代表签名 Authorized Signature and Company Chop of the Applicant: Footwear Testing Application Form 鞋类测试申请表鞋类测试申请表INTERTEK Guangzhou Footwear Division INTERTEK 广州鞋部广州鞋部 Tel: 86-20-83966868 Fax: 86-20-82214437Notes: 1. Photocopy of Testing Application Form will Not be accepted by Intertek Testing Services Shenzhen Ltd.2. Application should retain the Duplicate for own reference and present the same for collection of test report in our office



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