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1、更多免费试卷下载绿色圃中小学教育网 分站 更多免费试卷下载绿色圃中小学教育网 分站 2011年春小学英语四年级(下)期中检测题班级 学号 姓名 总分 听力部分,共 60 分一、听录音,按听到的先后顺序给下列单词标上序号。(10 分)beautiful playground welcome breakfast second office computer English shoes library二、听录音,将时间和情景图连线。(10 分)三、听录音,选择句子中所听到的单词。(10 分)( )1、Ashirt BT-shirt Cshorts ( )2、Adoor Bfloor Cwall

2、更多免费试卷下载绿色圃中小学教育网 分站 更多免费试卷下载绿色圃中小学教育网 分站 ( )3、Aeight Blight Cright ( )4、Acomputer Bpicture Cchair ( )5、Alock Bclock Cbook 四、听录音,画出正确的时间。(10 分)五、听录音,根据所听的问句,选择正确的答句。(共 10 分) ( )1、AYes,we do. BLet s go. ( )2、AThese are my shorts. BIt s my shirt. ( )3、AYes,it is.Thank you. BSorry. ( )4、ANO. BIt s Ji

3、m s. ( )5、AYes,it is. BIt s on the desk.六、听录音,判断下列各句与录音内容是否一致,相同的打 ,不同的打。(10 分) ( )1、What time is it? ( )2、I like the white dress. ( )3、It s time for dinner. ( )4、The music room is on the first floor. ( )5、What colour is the jacket?笔试部分,共 40 分一、找出不同类的单词。(10 分) ( )1、Ateacher Bnurse Cboy Ddriver ( )2、

4、Adinner Bapple Cbreakfast Dlunch ( )3、Aeight Bold Celeven Dthirteen ( )4、Awhat Bwhere Cwho Dschool ( )5、Aclock Bjacket Csweater Ddress更多免费试卷下载绿色圃中小学教育网 分站 更多免费试卷下载绿色圃中小学教育网 分站 二、根据上下句意,选择正确答案序号填在题前括号内。(10 分) ( )1、 (那) is your computer. A、His B、That C、Hat ( )2、Is this a teachers desk? Yes, A、it isn

5、t B、is it C、Yes, it is ( )3、What are they? . A、That is a jacket. B、This is a jacket. C、Those are my socks. ( )4、英语询问“现在几点了”: A、What is it? B、Who is that? C、What time is it? ( )5、Where is the computer room?Its on (二 楼). A、the third floor B、the first floor C、the second floor3、看图写单词。(10 分)四、阅读对话,判断正误。(

6、10 分) (A:assistant S:Sarah) A:Can I help you? S:Yes,please. I want a shirt. A:En. How about the red shirt? Is it nice? S:Yes, it is.But I like the white one.How much is it?更多免费试卷下载绿色圃中小学教育网 分站 更多免费试卷下载绿色圃中小学教育网 分站 A:Thirty-five yuan. S:OK! Ill take it. ( )1、Sarah wants to buy(买) a shirt. ( )2、The

7、red shirt are not nice. ( )3、Sarah like red. ( )4、Sarah buys(买) a white shirt. ( )5、The shirt is forty-five yuan.四年级下册期中听力材料:四年级下册期中听力材料: 同学们,下面将要进行小学 PEP 英语四年级下册期中检测题的听力检测, 在听录音前,请大家先把各题浏览一遍;听音过程中每小题都会有三遍录音, 请仔细听,你可以第一遍听题,第二遍检查,第三遍检查。现在先播放一段音 乐,请监考老师调整好音量,音乐结束,听力考试正式开始(播放 30 秒音 乐)一、听录音,按听到的先后顺序给下列单

8、词标上序号。 1、library 2、breakfast 3、welcome 4、shoes 5、computer 6、office 7、second 8、playground 9、beautiful 10、English二、听录音,将时间和情景图连线。 1、Its 4:30. Its time to go home. 2、Its 10:05. It s time for music class.3、Its 3:00. Its time for P.E. 4、Its 6:50. Its time to get up. 5、Its 12:00. Its time for lunch.三、听录音,

9、选择句子中所听到的单词。 1、I like the green T-shirt with the white shorts. 2、Open the door, please. 3、What time is it?Its eight oclock. 4、There is a chair in the room. 5、I have a new clock.四、听录音,画出正确的时间。 1、What time is it? Its 8:30. 2、Its 2:10.Its time for music.更多免费试卷下载绿色圃中小学教育网 分站 更多免费试卷下载绿色圃中小学教育网 分站 3、Wha

10、t time is it?Its 7:05. 4、Its 8:00. Its time to go to school. 5、Its 9:20. Its time for Chinese class.五、听录音,根据所听的问句,选择正确的答句。 1、Do you have a computer room? 2、What are these? 3、Is this your skirt, Amy? 4、Whose ruler is it? 5、Where is the T-shirt?六、听录音,判断下列各句与录音内容是否一致,相同的打勾,不同的打 叉。 1、Whats that? 2、I dons like whiter dress. 3、Its 5:30.Its time for dinner. 4、Is that the music room?No, it isnt. Its the TV room.The music room is on the first floor. 5、What colour is the jacket?Blue.


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