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1、新牛津高中英语模块七第一单元知识点整理及单元练习新牛津高中英语模块七第一单元知识点整理及单元练习M7 UNIT1一、词汇大集合【单词单词】 1. It is still uncertain who invented TV. 至今还未能确定谁发明了电视。 uncertain adj. 不确定的;无把握的;是 certain 的反义词 be uncertain about / of sth. 对不确定 / 没把握 They are both uncertain about what to do. 他们两人都拿不定主意该怎么 办。 Its uncertain + 主语从句 Its uncertain

2、 whether he will come tomorrow. 他明天不一定会来。2. superior adj. 优秀的;上等的;有优越感的;无比较级n. 上级;上司 be superior to 优于;胜过 His new computer is technically superior to mine.他的新电脑在技术上超过了我 的。 Im going to complain to your superiors. 我要找你的上司投诉。3. wind vt. 上发条;缠;绕; 摇;弯曲前进;迂回;蜿蜒 (wound; wound) wind up 给上发条 He wound up the

3、toy car and let it go. 他给玩具车上发条然后松手让它 跑。 wind through 蜿蜒穿过 The river winds through the woods. 那条河蜿蜒流过树林。 wind ones way 蜿蜒向前;曲直延伸 The Great Wall winds its way over mountains from the west to the east. 4. apply vt. / vi. 应用;运用;申请; apply sth. to sth. 把应用于 Scientific discoveries are often applied to ind

4、ustry. 科学发明常运用于工业。 apply to (1)适用于(2)向提出申请(得到) These rules only apply to part-time workers in our school. 这些规章制度只适用于我校的临时工。 He has applied to the company for the position. 他已经向这家公司申请该职位。5. delight U 欢喜;高兴C 令人高兴的事;乐事;vt. / vi (使)高兴 She won the game, to the delight of all her fans. 她赢了比赛,令粉丝们很高兴。 It i

5、s a delight to see my grandmother in good health.看到奶奶健康,真是件高兴事。This news will delight all the people in Shuyang. 这消息将使全沭阳的人感到高兴。 delighted adj. be delighted to do sth. 高兴做 be delighted that 从句 be delighted at / by / with sth 对感到高兴 / 满意6. spring vi. 跳跃;弹起;涌出 (sprang; sprung) He sprang out of bed the

6、instant he heard the alarm. 一听到闹钟声,他立即跳 下床。Everyone sprang to their feet when the principal walked in.校长进来时,大家立 即站了起来。spring up 迅猛发展;突然出现;涌现 Fast-food restaurants are springing up all over Shuyang.快餐店如雨后春笋般地出现在 沭阳。7. accompany v. 陪同,伴随 accompanying adj 随同的,陪同的 He accompanied her friends to the conce

7、rt. 他陪同朋友去听音乐会。He accompanied the singer on the piano. 他弹钢琴为那位歌手伴 奏。 accompany sb. to a place陪同某人去某处 accompany sb.(at/on sth.) 给某人伴奏 accompany sth. (by/with sth.) 与某事物同时存在或发生 keep sb. company 陪伴某人 in the company of 在的陪同下8. up to up to date 最新的(表语) ; up-to-date (定语) 多达;直到 (= until)I can take up to fo

8、ur people in my car. 我的车最多能容纳四人。She hasnt found a job up to/until now 胜任 up to (doing) sth. I am not sure if she is really up to the job. 由负责,由决定,是的职责 It be up to sb. to do sthIts up to you to choose good programs. 由你做主来选择好的节目。 正在干,从事着(尤指坏事) ;在捣蛋What have you been up to?9. weigh vi this one is equal

9、 to that one. 两个正方形的大小是一样的,这个和那个同样大。 be equal to 能胜任的 He somehow felt equal to carrying out the plan. 他总觉得似乎能够实行那项 计划。14. profit n. C, U 利润,利益,盈利 v. 有益于 make a profit 获利 I made a handsome profit from the sale of my car. profit sb. Itll profit you nothing to do that. 你做那件事没什么好处。 You can profit by my

10、mistakes and avoid them yourself. profit by/from 从中获益,得到教训 Theres very little profit in selling newspapers at present. 现在卖报纸利润很少。15. acknowledge v. (as) 承认,供认,感激 She is acknowledged as an expert on the subject. 她被公认为这们学科的专家。 He acknowledged having made a mistake. 他承认犯了个错误。16. theory n. C 学说;意见,看法,推测

11、,假说 U 理论,原理 Based on facts, the theory proved correct. 以事实为根据,理论被证明是正 确的。 In theory the train should arrive at 9.15, but in practice it is quite often late. 在理论上,火车应该九点一刻到,但实际上它经常晚点。【短语短语】 1. long-distance TV broadcast长距离电视播放 2. contribute to the development of TV对电视的发展做贡献 3. be superior to比优秀 4. in

12、ternational standards for digital TV数字电视的国际标准5. have access to 200 channels可以接收到 200 个频道 6. come onto the market进入市场 7. respond to questionnaires做问卷调查题目 8. wind sth. up by hand用手摇动 9. control an electric current控制电流 10. be associated with与有联系 11. up to somebody由某人决定 12. launch a portable CD player把一

13、款便携式 CD 播放机投放市场 13. take over接管 14. spring up大量涌现 15. be familiar with对熟悉 16. two and a half times2.5 倍 17. not necessarily未必,不一定 18. without caution无所顾忌 19. be exposed to被暴露于 20. be equal to和等同 21. previous to this在此之前 22. be unwilling to do不情愿做某事 23. have faith in相信,信任 24. for the time being暂时 25.

14、 in colour 彩色的 26. be capable of能够27. a variety of = varieties of 各种各样的附:短语积累1. make a list of 列清单 2. advantages and disadvantages 优缺点优缺点 =strengths and weaknesses =pluses and minuses 3. keep in touch with sb. 和某人保持联系和某人保持联系 get in touch with sb. 取得联系取得联系 lose touch with sb. -失去联系失去联系 be in/out of t

15、ouch with sb. -有有/无联系无联系 4. be against ones principles 违背-做人的原则 5. the evolution of -的演变/发展 6. contribute to 对对-作出贡献;是作出贡献;是-的原因的原因 7. have many drawbacks 有很多缺点 8. make important breakthroughs 取得重大突破 be under construction = be being built 在建造中在建造中 9. be delayed until 被推迟被推迟/延迟到延迟到- =be put off until=be postponed until/to delay doing sth. 推迟推迟- 10.(The library)be accessible to (the students) 可接近,可获得,可利用 =(the students)have access to (the libra


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