pep英语四年级下册Unit 4 At the farm

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《pep英语四年级下册Unit 4 At the farm》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《pep英语四年级下册Unit 4 At the farm(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 4 At the farm (A. Lets learn)教学目标:1.能够听、说、认读新词:tomatoes、potatoes、carrots、green beans,并掌握 其单复数形式。2.能够熟练运用上述单词并运用句型“Theyre”描述蔬菜特征。 教学重难点:单词的复数形式变化,特别是 tomato 和 potato 的复数形式变化。 教学过程: 一、热身导入: 师:Hello,boys and girls,today,we are going to learn the unit 4. 1.教师展示 QQ 农场图片: 预设:师:Whats it? Do you know i

2、t? 生:QQ 农场。 师:Yes,its QQ farm. 教师教师单词”farm“:farm、farm 农场 联系已学过单词 farmer、arm:ar-ar-arm,ar-ar-farm,farm-farmer 2.教师展示 Unit 4 主景图(P36-37): 预设:师:Who are they?(教师指着 Zoom 和 Zip) 生:Zoom and Zip. 师:Where are they? 生:Farm. 师:Yes,theyre at the farm.(写板书:课题:Unit 4 At the farm) 师:But,what vegetables? Lets see t

3、ogether. 3.教师展示”what vegetables“图片,过渡到新课讲授。 二、新课呈现: 1.单词讲授: (1)教师展示”tomato“图片:教师自问自答:Whats this? Its a tomato.领读:tomato(注意升降调)注意提示:There are two ways to say,the first is 【tmeto】 ,the second is 【tm:t】.教师展示”tomatoes”图片:预设:师:What are these?生:Theyre tomatoes.领读:tomatoes(注意升降调)代入句型:Look at the tomatoes.I

4、 like tomatoes.(写板书) (2)教师展示”potato“图片:教师自问自答:Whats this? Its a potato.领读:potato(注意升降调)教师展示”potatoes”图片:预设:师:What are these?生:Theyre potatoes.领读:potatoes(注意升降调)代入句型:Look at the potatoes.I like potatoes.(写板书) (3)教师展示“green bean”图片:教师自问自答:Whats this? Its a green bean.领读:green bean(注意升降调)教师展示“green bea

5、ns”图片: 预设:师:What are these? 生:Theyre green beans.领读:green beans(注意升降调)代入句型:Look at the green beans.I love to eat green beans.(写板书) (4)教师展示“carrot”图片:教师自问自答:Whats this? Its a carrot.领读:carrot(注意升降调)教师展示“carrots”图片:预设:师:What are these?生:Theyre carrots.领读:carrots(注意升降调)代入句型:Look at the carrots.Carrots

6、I will try.(写板书) (5)单复数讲授 教师展示“tomato、tomatoes、potato、potatoes”图片:What difference do you find? 引导学生发现 tomato、potato 复数后缀-es:one tomato、two tomatoes、three tomatoes、four tomatoes、five tomatoes、many tomatoes. (potatoes 一样) (green bean、green beans、carrot、carrots 同上) (6)任务操练 将“tomatoes、potatoes、green bea

7、ns、carrots”代入句型:Look at theI like I will try.I love to eat 教师展示该任务操练图片: 师:Now,group work. Listen! You can say like me “Look at the green beans. I like green beans. Green beans I will try. I love to eat green beans. Choose one vegetable,and practice in your group,If you have finished,please clap your

8、 hands:da-da-dadada. 2.句型讲授 (1)教师播放 QQ 农场图片:Boys and girls,lets go to the farm,again. 预设:师:What color do you see? 生:green、purple、yellow、brown(写板书) 师:Look these two houses,one is big,the other is small.(写板书:将 big、small 添加到词汇库)(2)教师播放 green beans 图片: 预设:师:What are these?生:Theyre green beans.师:Are they

9、 short or long?生:Long.师:Yeah,theyre long. Theyre so long.Look at the green beans. Theyre so long!(写板书) (tomatoes、potatoes、carrots 同上) (3)任务操练 运用句型“Look at the Theyre ”描述蔬菜。 教师展示该任务操练图片: 师:Now,group work. Listen! You can say like me “Look at the green beans. Theyre green and long. Choose one vegetabl

10、e,and practice in your group. And you can use these words. (指着词汇库) If you have finished,please clap your hands:da-da-dadada. 3.课文讲授 (1)播放录音:师:Listen to the tape. (2)领读课文 (3)任务操练:师:Now,group work,read your book. Practice in your group,if you have finished,please clap your hands:da-da-dadada. 4. Lets

11、chant(1)教师展示 lets chant 图片: 预设:师:What are these?生:Tomatoes、potatoes、green beans、carrots.师:Very good. And I see onions. Onions 洋葱 (2)领读 lets chant,翻译 lets chant切洋葱会流泪,就像哭了一样,所以“But onions make me cry.” (3)播放视频,听 lets chant (4)任务操练:师:Now,group work. The group one say “I like tomatoes”. The group two say “I like potatoes“. The group three say “Carrots I will try.” The group four say “I love to eat green beans.” And I say “But onions make me cry.” 三、巩固强化 布置回家作业:抄写本:P40-41熟读课文:P39



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