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1、1基本信息基本信息课题课题Book 1, Unit 5 Reading(人教课标版)作者及工作者及工 作单位作单位南丹县第二高级中学 蒋 维教材分析教材分析本课是高一年级必修第一模块,第五单元 Nelson Mandela - a modern hero中的阅读课,课文题目为 Eliass Story,是人物传记式的阅读课,但是文章的 写作角度比较特别,由穷苦的黑人工人 Elias 叙述他眼中的 Mandela,这样的写 法比较客观可信。课文以 Elias 的人生发展为贯穿总线,同时以 Mandela 给予他 的影响为副线,学生可以从中了解南非黑人当时的生活状况以及他们不平等的 社会地位,发现

2、 Mandela 的伟大之处。本篇课文书分为两个课时进行处理。第 一课时进行阅读理解:指导学生尝试各种阅读策略,理解文章的主要内容和细 节信息以及文化背景;第二课时进行词汇和语法学习:在第一课时的基础上, 落实词汇和语法知识。本教学设计为第一课时。学情分析学情分析本课的授课对象是高一学生,经过前面 1-4 模块的学习,学生已经基本熟悉了高中阶段英语教学的特点,积累了一定的语言知识,逐渐掌握了一些高中英语的学习策略和方法,具备了一定的阅读能力。但不可否认的是,学生使用策略进行阅读的意识和能力仍然处在一个较低的水平上,此时,他们更渴望教师在不同文体的阅读策略上加以指导。 教学目标教学目标通过本课文

3、的教学,学生能: 1.熟记、掌握一些重点单词与词组,如 lawyer, guidance, legal, fee, out of work, hopeful, vote, attack, violence, as a matter of fact, blow up, equal, in trouble, unfair, turn to 等。 2.运用 skimmings, canning 等阅读技能确定文章大意和搜寻特定信息。 3.了解有关 Nelson Mandela 的基本信息并根据教材或教师提供的关键信息和词 汇对 Nelson Mandela 进行简单的介绍。4.扩宽国际视野,理解各国

4、文化差异,逐步形成跨文化意识和祖国情怀。了解关于南非人权斗争的历史背景以及纳尔逊 曼德拉早期的政治生涯,体会种族歧视给黑人带来的不公平的命运。2教学重点和难点教学重点和难点How to enable Ss to understand the passage better using different reading skills,such as skimming and scanning. 教学过程教学过程教学环节教学环节教师活动教师活动预设学生行为预设学生行为设计意图设计意图Pre-reading 1.Discussio n and sharing2. lead-inWhile-readi

5、ng 1. Skimming Have Ss talk about the pictures on page 33 in groups, and discuss: Are/Were they great men? And why?Lead-in of the text with the information about MandelaAsk Ss to find out the answers to the questions “Who and what is Elias ? What is the relation between Elias and Mandela?”Introduce

6、the reading skill of skimmingTalk about the pictures in groups, discuss if they were/are great men and why, and then share the ideas with the whole class.Listen, think, and respond to the teacher if necessaryRead the text quickly and find out the answers to the questionsTo activate Ss content schema

7、ta about the text and lead Ss into the topic To help Ss to get more information about MandelaTo develop Ss reading skill of skimming To help Ss get the main idea of the text32. Scanning 3.Careful reading Post-readingInterviewingHave Ss scan the text and complete the T or F exercises (Ex1, p35) and a

8、nswer the questions(Ex2, p35) Introduce the reading skill of scanningHave Ss read the text carefully and add the information about Elias life (Ex3, p35). Ask the questions: How did the white people stop the black people from being treated fairly? Why did Elias support Mandela? Why do you think Mande

9、la is a great man?Ask Ss to do an interview in pairs with the questions: When did you first meet Mandela?How he helped you?What problems that the black people had?What do you think of him?What will you do to support him in the future? )Scan the text and complete the T or F exercises Scan the text ag

10、ain and answer the questions Find out some detailed information;Read the text carefully and add the information about Elias life.Discuss the questions and share their ideas with the whole classMake an interview in pairs ( one is a journalist, the other is Elias ) Act it out To practice Ss skill of s

11、canning and check their understanding of the detailsTo help Ss understand the text betterTo help Ss to consolidate what they learned in class To check Ss understanding of the text.4板书设计板书设计Unit 5 Elias StoryAbout Elias life1940: _ 1948: _1942: _ 1950: _1944: _ 1952: _1946: _ 1954: _Language items:lawyer, guidance, legal, fee, out of work, hopeful, vote, attack, violence, as a matter of fact, blow up, equal, in trouble, unfair, turn to


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