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1、 、用所给词的正确形式填空 110) 1There are sixty minutes in_ hour(a) 2What time do you usually get up,Mary? At_ six Oclock(round) 3Today is Lucys_(birth) 4Jenny likes eating apples and _(tomato) 5Can you come and see the clothes for_,Jim?(you) 6September is themonth of a year(nine) 7We call Saturday and Sunday(w

2、eek) 8I think MrWangs speech is very(Success) 9What are_ ? They are erasers(this) 10I dont like the movieIts SO_ (bored) 、单项选择(20) ( )1_apple is a fruitEverybody knows itAThe BAn CA D ( )2Can you tell me this story_? Ain English Bin the English Cat English Dat the English ( )3Look! This is Jenny Bro

3、wnJenny is her_ name,Brown is her_name A1ast,first Bfirst,last Cfirstfamily DB and C ( )4You can call our English teacher_ 63271567Aat Bby Cin Dto ( )5_is your backpack ?Its red and yellowAWhat BWhere CWhat color DWhy ( )6Could you help me_ my chair_ the classroom?Atake,to Bbring,for Cgive,to Dwant,

4、to ( )7Your story sounds very_ Which is wrong? Ainteresting Bgood Cboring Dwell ( )8 _is my pencil case?In the drawerAWhat BWhere CHow DHow many ( )9The sweater is SO beautifulIll_ itAgive Bbring Cfind Dtake ( )10Which is not a movie?AComedy BDocumentary CBeijing Opera DThriller ( )11I like fruit,_I

5、 like sports,Aand Bbut Cor Dso ( )12Jimmy often goes for fl walk with his dog_ Ain weekend Bon weekends Cin weekends Don the weekends ( )13David likes reading history booksHe wants to_ Chinese history Alearn about Blearn of Clearn to Dlearn with( )14Lisa is good at singing, She wants to join the_ AE

6、nglish club Bchess club Cmusic club Dart club ( )15Can you_ ? Aplay guitar Bplay a guitar Cplay guitar Dplay the guitar ( )16Miss Liu is very kindI think she is good_ kids Awith Bfor Cat Din ( )17Doyou like watching action movies_ documentaries? Aand Bof Cbut Dor ( )18Can you draw? Yes“but only_ Aa

7、little Ba lot Cvery much Dmany ( )19_do you like English?Because its very usefulHow BWho CWhat DWhy ( )20_?Yes, pleaseAHow are you BHow old are you CCan I help you DWhere are you fromV、 用所给动词的正确形式填空(10) 1Where_ your backpacks,boys?(be) 2Please_ me some bananas here(bring) 3How much_ these pants?(be)

8、 4My mother usually_ breakfast at 7:00(eat) 5Lets to the musicOK?(1isten) 6_ you_ about my weekend?(know) 7Do you want_ a school trip?(have) 8I know my sister Lily_ documentaries(not like) 9_you_ English ? Yes I can(speak) 10Can you help me with_ ?(swim)、按要求改写句子,一空填一词。(10) 1My sweater is orange(就划线部

9、分提问)_ is_ sweater? 2Whats this? Its a strawberry(改为复数形式),_ _? some_ 3Im thirteen this year(就划线部分提问)_ _ _ _this year? 4How much is your skirt?(同义句改写) _ _is your skirt? 5I like English best(同义句改写)_ _ _is English 6My birthday is October 11(就划线部分提问) _is_ birthday ?7Can you join our musicclub?(同义句改写) Can

10、 you_ our music club?、 补全对话根据对话内容选择正确答案。(10)A:Good morning,Tom!B:Good morning,Miss Gao!A:You are SO early1_B:I get up at six thirty A:What time do you eat breakfast? B:2_AD0 you go to school after breakfast? B:Yes3_ A:What time does your school start?B:4_ And we have four classes in the morningA:5_B

11、:Yes,I doYou know,my home is far from the school、完形填空(10) Jeff is fifteen now,but hes still in Grade OneHe likes playing_1_,he oftenplays it with his friends,but he does not like to use his headHe does not listen to his_2_in class,SO he can not do his homeworkHis teachers dont like himThey tellhis p

12、arents_3_it,and they do not know what to doIts Sunday todayJeff gets up _4_in the morningAfter breakfast,his mothertells him to do his homeworkHe goes to his bedroom_5_ his mother is busy with herhousework,Jeff goes out with a ballNow its time for lunch,but she cant _6_ Jeff Later he comes backHis parents look very angry,but say_7_After lunch Jeffwants to go out againHis father stops him and _8_, “Is your homework over?


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