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1、高考新课标大一轮总复习(配译林版英语)课堂新坐标让您感受品质的魅力课时知能训练课时知能训练( (七七) ).单项选择单项选择 1His diligence certainly_.He was admitted to Hongkong University. Apaid off Bpaid back Cpaid out Dpaid for 【解析解析】 pay off “得到回得到回报报,成功,成功” 。 。 【答案答案】 A 2Not until he lost his job_not working hard. Adid he regret Bhe did regret Cregreted

2、he Dhe regreted 【解析解析】 Not until 开开头头,句子部分倒装。,句子部分倒装。 【答案答案】 A 3The news that Yao Ming will come to give gifts to the children in Taiwan_a rush of excitement. Aset out Bset off Cset about Dset down 【解析解析】 set out“出出发发,开始,开始” ; ;set off“引起引起” ; ;set about“开开 始,出始,出发发” ; ;set down“使下使下车车,使着,使着陆陆, ,记记下

3、下” , ,B 项项符合句意。符合句意。 【答案答案】 B 4If you want to succeed,you must_your spare time.A.made up for Bmake out Cmake the most of Dmake up 【解析解析】 句意:如果你想要成功,你必句意:如果你想要成功,你必须须充分利用你的充分利用你的业业余余时时 间间。 。make up for 弥弥补补; ;make out 理解;理解;make the most of 充分利用;充分利用; make up 组组成。成。 【答案答案】 C 5Are you_to be in London

4、this year? Alikely Bpossible Cprobable Dnecessary 【解析解析】 句中的主句中的主语语是人,是人,选项选项中只有中只有 A 项项的主的主语语可以是人。可以是人。 be likely to do sth.可能做某事。可能做某事。 【答案答案】 A 6She_shyly at him out of the corners of her eyes. Astared Bglared Cglanced Dwatched高考新课标大一轮总复习(配译林版英语)课堂新坐标让您感受品质的魅力【解析解析】 stare at, ,glare at, ,glance a

5、t 都有都有“看看”的意思;的意思;stare at 盯盯着看;着看;glare at 怒目而怒目而视视; ;glance at 扫扫一眼,根据句意可知一眼,根据句意可知选选 C。 。 【答案答案】 C 7If you_your diet,trouble will follow. Arefuse Bdeny Cneglect Dignore 【解析解析】 考考查动词查动词。句意:如果你不重。句意:如果你不重视饮视饮食,麻食,麻烦烦就会随之而就会随之而 来。来。ignore 忽忽视视,不重,不重视视。 。 【答案答案】 D 8If you have ever visited that villa

6、ge,_are that you have heard the legend. Asituations Bfacts Cchances Dpossibilities 【解析解析】 句意:如果你曾去句意:如果你曾去过过那个村子,你就有可能听到那个村子,你就有可能听到这这个个 传说传说。 。chances are that.意意为为“有有的可能的可能” 。 。 【答案答案】 C 9Hes about fifty years of age at first _,though hes only thirty. Asight Bview Clook Dglimpse 【解析解析】 句意:乍一看他差不多年

7、句意:乍一看他差不多年过过半百,尽管他只有三十半百,尽管他只有三十岁岁。 。 at first sight 初次看初次看见时见时。其他的。其他的选项选项不符合搭配。不符合搭配。 【答案答案】 A 10Oh!Ive burnt myself! How did you do that? I_a hot pot. Atouched Bkept Cfelt Dheld 【解析解析】 考考查动词查动词辨析。句意:辨析。句意:“噢,我噢,我烫烫着了!着了!” “怎么怎么烫烫的?的? ” “我碰到我碰到热锅热锅了。了。 ”touch 可表示可表示“碰到,触到碰到,触到” ,符合句意;,符合句意;feel 表

8、示表示“(有意地有意地)摸一摸摸一摸” ,意思不当;,意思不当;B 项项意意为为“保持,保存保持,保存” ; ;D 项项意意为为 “握着,抱着握着,抱着” ,皆不合,皆不合语语境。境。 【答案答案】 A 11After Shenzhou was launched successfully,I got into the habit of_the stars in the sky. Aseeing Bstaring Cnoticing Dobserving高考新课标大一轮总复习(配译林版英语)课堂新坐标让您感受品质的魅力【解析解析】 考考查动词查动词辨析。句意:神七辨析。句意:神七发发射成功以后,

9、我养成了射成功以后,我养成了观观 察天空中星星的察天空中星星的习惯习惯。 。see 看看见见; ;stare 凝凝视视,常与介,常与介词词 at 连连用;用;notice 注意到,此三注意到,此三词词与句意不符。与句意不符。D 项项意意为为“观观察察” 。 。 【答案答案】 D 12I tried all I could do _the topic at the meeting,but failed. Aavoid mentioning Bto avoid mentioning Cavoiding to mention Davoiding mentioning 【解析解析】 动词动词形式形式题

10、题。 。all I could do 后必后必须须接接 to do, ,avoid 后后 一般用一般用ing 形式,只有形式,只有 B 项项正确。正确。 【答案答案】 B 13In my opinion,what he told us just now about the matter doesnt make any_. Ameaning Bidea Csense Dpoint 【解析解析】 固定短固定短语语。 。make sense 讲讲得通,有意得通,有意义义。 。 【答案答案】 C 14The boss will be_right away.Give him the report the

11、 moment you see him. Avery likely to come Bmuch likely to come Cmost likely come Dgreatly likely coming 【解析解析】 固定句型。固定句型。likely 的句型是的句型是 be likely to do,只有,只有 A、 、B 两两项项是是对对的。的。B 项项中的中的 much 不能修不能修饰饰原原级级。 。 【答案答案】 A 15She cant help_the house because shes busy making a cake. Ato clean Bcleaning Cclea

12、ned Dbeing cleaned 【解析解析】 动词动词形式。根据形式。根据 because shes busy making a cake 可可 知,她不能帮助打知,她不能帮助打扫扫屋子,所以屋子,所以选选 A 项项。 。 【答案答案】 A .完形填空完形填空 She had been shopping with her Mom in WalMart.She must have been 6 years old.It was_1_ outside.We all stood just_2_the door of the WalMart.高考新课标大一轮总复习(配译林版英语)课堂新坐标让您感

13、受品质的魅力Her voice was so sweet for the _3_waiting.“Mom,lets run through the rain, ”she said. “What?” Mom asked. “Lets run through the rain!” She_4_. “No,honey.Well wait until it_5_down a bit, ” Mom replied. This young child waited about_6_minute and repeated, “Mom,lets run through the rain.” “Well get

14、 soaked if we do, ” Mom said. “No,we wont,Mom.Thats not what you said this morning, ” the young girl said as she _7_her Moms arm. “This morning?When did I say we could run through the rain and not get_8_?” “Dont you remember? When you were talking to Daddy about his cancer,you said, If God can get us _9_this,he can get us through anything! ” The entire crowd became dead silent.I_10_you couldnt hear anything but the rain.We all stood silently.Mom_11_and thought for a moment about what she would say. “Honey,you are absolutely right.Lets run through t



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