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1、中国考博辅导首选学校中国考博辅导首选学校20152015兰州大学考博兰州大学考博英语:写作中需要注意的七种错误英语:写作中需要注意的七种错误第 一 、 可 数 名 词 不 能 单 独 使 用 , 前 面 需 要 加第 一 、 可 数 名 词 不 能 单 独 使 用 , 前 面 需 要 加 上上a/an/the/this/that/my/his/youra/an/the/this/that/my/his/your 等限定词等限定词, 否则就用复数否则就用复数联系我们扣联系我们扣扣:四九三三七一六二六。电话:四零零六六八六九七八扣:四九三三七一六二六。电话:四零零六六八六九七八例如:Governm

2、ent should take measure to solve problem.改Governments should take measures to solve problems.第二、动词的有效使用第二、动词的有效使用(1)英语动词原形不能直接作主语例如:Reduce the use of private cars can improve the airqualityeffectively. 改 Reducing the use of private cars can improve the airqualityeffectively.(2)英语动词被动,别忘了后面加-ed 或者-d例

3、如:Greater efficiency in water use is need to meet the growingdemandsof a changing world.改错Greater efficiency in water use is needed to meet thegrowingdemands of a changing world.(3)一定要注意主谓一致例 如 : Theproblemsthatarecreatedbyenvironmentalcontamination is veryhard to solve.改The problems that are create

4、d by environmental contaminationarevery hard to solve.(4)只有情态动词可以加动词原形例如:A great number of people are like playing 中国考博辅导首选学校中国考博辅导首选学校改A great number of people like playing basketball.(5)议论文里很少会用过去时例 如:In present-day society, cultures were becoming verysimilar.改In present-day society, cultures are

5、becoming very similar.第三、修饰要准确:形容词修饰名词,副词修饰形容词或者动词第三、修饰要准确:形容词修饰名词,副词修饰形容词或者动词例如:Intelligent students should not be treated different bytheirteachers.改 Intelligent students should not be treated differently bytheirteachers.第四、介词搭配第四、介词搭配例 如:Countries should pay attention on the disadvantagesglobalis

6、ation. 改 Countriesshouldpayattentiontothedisadvantagesglobalisation.第五、代词距离名词比较远时就要看它的单复数第五、代词距离名词比较远时就要看它的单复数例如:Some people do not protect the environment himself.改Some people do not protect the environment themselves.第六、逗号不能单独连接并列句,必须加连接词第六、逗号不能单独连接并列句,必须加连接词例如:Some people think that use should be

7、 limited, others arguethat theopposite is true.改Some people think that use should be limited, but others arguethatthe opposite is true.第七、第七、therethere bebe 句型后面的名词再加动词时不要用原形句型后面的名词再加动词时不要用原形中国考博辅导首选学校中国考博辅导首选学校例如 There are a great many students believe the main purposeofeducation should be to afford them pleasure and enjoyment.改There are a great many students believing the main purposeofeducation should be to afford them pleasure and enjoyment.以上是考生在英语写作中需要注意的七种错误, 希望广大考生能够引起重视,在平时的练习中加以注意,注意避免,养成良好的写作习惯,把失误而丢掉的分数降到最低。 最后, 祝愿考生们备考顺利, 2015取得理想的成绩!本文由本文由“育明考博育明考博”整理编辑整理编辑



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