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1、1SATSAT 语法序言语法序言SAT 语法之所以被划分在 Writing Skills 当中,是因为它实际是考查考生对英语的标 准书面语(即 Standard Written English)的掌握程度,并非琐碎复杂的语法知识,SAT 语 法规则有时和我们通常所学的语法书上的知识点有所出入,规则也不尽相同。其考试题型 和考试重点也与中国的语法题目大相径庭 。 因此 SAT 的语法具有特殊性,它追求的是 “好的语法”,是恰当的,最符合英语国家文化传统与语言习惯的用法。SAT 的语法规则,也就是像 OG 当中所阐述的那样,是一种“the rules of good written English

2、”,具有准确,清晰,简洁的特点,杜绝口语化、模糊和冗余的表达。表现在做题方 面,不仅仅会考到你是否能判断这个句子正确与否,而且会考到这个句子是否有效和简洁。 这就大大提升了题目的难度。 对于广大中国考生来说,对于广大中国考生来说,SATSAT 语法部分的难度主要在于:语法部分的难度主要在于:一、题型新颖。一、题型新颖。以上三种题型很难在国内外其他考试中找到对应。而参加 SAT 考试的 绝大部分大陆考生都是高中学生,平时根本没有接触过类似题型。另外,中国学生易受固 定思维影响,比如在做挑错题时,许多人把题干读了一遍又一遍,硬要在本来没有错误的比如在做挑错题时,许多人把题干读了一遍又一遍,硬要在本

3、来没有错误的 句子中挑出错误,殊不知在真题中句子中挑出错误,殊不知在真题中 E E 选项(即选项(即 NoErrorNoError 选项)的比例占到了大约选项)的比例占到了大约 17%17%(约(约 等于六分之一)。等于六分之一)。二、时间紧迫。二、时间紧迫。以上三种题型共 49 道小题,在真题中占到两个 Section(不包括加 试 Section),其中一个 Section25 分钟 35 题,另一个 Section10 分钟 14 题。对于绝大 多数中国学生来说,语法部分的时间是非常紧迫的,尤其是 25 分钟的 Section,很多人做 不完题目。如果连题目都做不完,那么语法部分要答对

4、44 题以上、写作部分总分突破 700 分基本无望。但是,诸位考生也不要因此而灰心丧气。首先,SAT 语法部分的难度较之阅读部分还 是小了许多。其次,通过对真题的深入研究,我们不难发现,语法部分考题的规律性极强、 核心考点重复率高、正确率受到考生词汇量影响不大,而且涉及的语法知识比中国高考所 涉及的语法知识浅显。因此,如果经过系统、合理的复习,语法部分完全有可能成为所有 中国考生提升空间最大、除数学部分外得分最容易的题型。关于 SAT 语法的解题技巧:1抓住明显错误进行排除抓住明显错误进行排除,首先大家需要寻找划线部分 是否有明显的语法错误或逻辑错误,有的话马上排除,再纵向寻找答案,把选项中没

5、有改 正这些错误的都给排除掉。2利用常考考点作为切入点利用常考考点作为切入点,有时如果把一些常考考点给记住 的话,就可以大大提高解题的速度。3.利用对称性解题利用对称性解题,与汉语一样,英语在行文上也讲究 对称性,而这一点在比较结构和平行结构中非常常见,即要求尽可能在语法功能上和形式 结构上表达一致。4对比选项对比选项,从选项中寻找答案,有时比较完选项后,很难从已给信息 中找出答案,这时我们可以比较剩下的选项,由选项中的不同来寻找答案。2SAT 语法冲刺总结材料语法冲刺总结材料课程名称:语法课程名称:语法法部分属于 SAT reasoning test 中的写作(writing)板块,与 es

6、say writing 分值一起组 成写作板块的总分。整个语法部分包括三种题型: ISE(Identifying sentence errors,即挑错 题)18 小题、IS(Improving sentences,即句子改进题)25 小题、IP(Improving paragraphs,即段落改进题)6 小题,所有题目均为五选一。1、IE 题侧重于词法的考察;IS 题侧重于句法的考察;IP 题基于词法和句 法考察小篇章的阅读理解。2、三类考题的相互关系(一)题量与难度1、一套 SAT 考题当中会有两个 SECTION 的语法问题。其中一个 SECTION 由 IS IE IP 共同组成共 3

7、5 道,每题型题数分别为 11、18、6。另一个 SECTION 则仅由 IS 题组 成,共 10 道题。2、IS 题型 IP 题型 IE 题型(二)评分方法1、与写作结合进行评分32、正确题数错误题数/4 实际正确题数 然后将实际正确题数结合写作分数在 OG 中查出自己的对应得分范围下面列出的是一个粗略统计的语法常考条目表语法常考条目表, 按其考察频率出现的高低排列高低排列: . 动词错误 Verb errors 代词错误 Pronoun errors 逻辑主语 Faulty Logicality 平行结构缺失 Lack of parallelism 措词错误 Diction errors

8、修饰语位置错误 Misplaced modifiers 形容词/ 副词 Adjective/Adverb 名词使用错误 Plural-singular errors 句子或段落冗余 Redundancy development was5. In the belief that crossword puzzles stimulated her mind, Dolores will spend hours on them every week.(A) Dolores will spend hours on them every week(B) Dolores would spend hours o

9、n them every week(C) hours of every week are spent on them by Dolores(D) they occupied hours of every week for Dolores(E) every week will find Dolores spending hours on them6. The delegates coming this far, thev did not want to return without accomplishing something.(A) The delegates coming this far

10、, they(B) Coming this far, the delegates felt they(C) Having come this far, the delegates(D) To come this far, the delegates(E) The delegates came this far, so that they7The issue the council debated, which was whether repeal of rent control Will improve housing or just increase profits for landlord

11、s.(A) debated, which was whether repeal of rent control will improve(B) debated was if they would repeal rent control would this improve7(C) debated was that repeal of rent control would result in improved(D) debated was will repealing rent control mean improvement in(E) debated was whether repeal o

12、f rent control would improve8. No sooner had Andrea del Sarto traveled to France to work for the French king but his wife persuaded him to return to Italy. The answer is E(A) but his wife persuaded him to return(B) but his wife had him persuaded into returning(C) than he was persuaded by his wife th

13、at he will return(D) but he was persuaded by his wife into returning(E) than his wife persuaded him to returnISE 专题: 1. Surely one of the most far-reaching changes in the nineteenth century will be the change from A B working at home to working in the factory. No errorC D E 2. Conflicts between land

14、 developers and conserva- tionists have repeatedly arose, causing A B Congress to reconsider legislation that prohibits building within habitats of endangered species. C D No errorE3. Beatrix Potter completely transformed the traditional animal fable, and they had beenA B C used by other writers sim

15、ply to illustrate moral lessons. No errorD E4. Because he is absent when his rivals voted against his proposal, Selby is worried about A B C D missing future meetings of the board of directors. No errorE5. Fourteen years after the Galileo space probe was launched from the space shuttle Atlantis, the A mission was purposely ended when the Galileo disintegrates in the dense atmosphere of the B C D planet Jupiter No error E6. The thoughtful student wonders what Patrick Henry meant when he talked about libertyA B8because most of the members



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