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1、免免费费获获取取价价值值万万元元英英语语学学习习软软件件、图图书书和和CD 超超值值大大礼礼包包 http:/ QQ: 707526607牛津小学英语牛津小学英语4b4b期中测试期中测试听力部分(听力部分(4040 分)分) 一、听录音,将序号填写在相应的括号里面。一、听录音,将序号填写在相应的括号里面。 (10 分)二、听录音,补全对话。 (10 分) A: Excuse me, a driver? B: No, . A: Whats your job? B: Im . A: Whos that ? B: Shes my . A: Is your a driver? B: No, Shes

2、a . 三、听录音,选出你听到的单词。 (20 分) ( ) 1. A. purseB. put C. mouth ( ) 2. A. mouthB. noseC. ear1一一 套套 英英 语语 单单 词词 记记 忆忆 的的 革革 命命 性性 教教 程程 谷谷雨雨 单单词词王王彻彻 底底 摆摆 脱脱 记记 单单 词词 的的 苦苦 恼,比恼,比 普普 通通 人人 快快 1010 倍、倍、2020 倍倍 记记 牢牢 英英 语语 单单 词词h ht tt tp p: :/ / /w ww ww w. .g gu uy yu ue en ng gl li is sh h. .c co om m Q

3、QQ Q: : 2 28 85 55 51 17 73 32 23 3免免费费获获取取价价值值万万元元英英语语学学习习软软件件、图图书书和和CD 超超值值大大礼礼包包 http:/ QQ: 707526607( ) 3. A.boy B .girl C.man( ) 4. A. walkmanB. womanC .man ( ) 5. A. pear B. peachC. apple ( ) 6. A. puppetB. puzzleC. doll ( ) 7. A. teacherB. doctorC. nurse ( ) 8. A. head B. hairC. nose ( ) 9. A

4、. thisB that C. those ( )10.A.grandfather B. mother C. father笔试部分(笔试部分(8080 分)分) 一、按要求写出下列单词的相应形式。一、按要求写出下列单词的相应形式。 (10 分) 1.were (完全式 2. whos (完全形式) 3.boy (复数形式) 4. those (单数式) 5.woman (对应词) 6. girl(对应词) 7. peach (复数) 8. we(宾格) 9.two(同音词) 10. new(反义词) 二、英汉互译。二、英汉互译。 (10 分) 1.欢迎到我们学校来 2. Excuse me 3

5、.谢谢你 _ 4.climb trees 5.下来 6. in the car 7.哪一个 8.in the red sweater 9 我们的老师 10.Two kilos 三、从三、从栏中找出栏中找出栏中句子的相应答语。栏中句子的相应答语。 (10 分) ( )1.Whos that boy ?A. Hes a worker. ( )2.Is she a doctor ?B. All right. ( )3.Come here, Ben.C. No, they arent. ( )4.Look at my dress.D. Ok. ( )5.Are they waiters ?E.Nine

6、 yuan,please. ( )6.How many kilos ?F. Hes a Mike.1一一 套套 英英 语语 单单 词词 记记 忆忆 的的 革革 命命 性性 教教 程程 谷谷雨雨 单单词词王王彻彻 底底 摆摆 脱脱 记记 单单 词词 的的 苦苦 恼,比恼,比 普普 通通 人人 快快 1010 倍、倍、2020 倍倍 记记 牢牢 英英 语语 单单 词词h ht tt tp p: :/ / /w ww ww w. .g gu uy yu ue en ng gl li is sh h. .c co om m Q QQ Q: : 2 28 85 55 51 17 73 32 23 3免免

7、费费获获取取价价值值万万元元英英语语学学习习软软件件、图图书书和和CD 超超值值大大礼礼包包 http:/ QQ: 707526607( )7.What are those ? G.Theyre pears. ( )8.Lets go to the park.H. How nice! ( )9.Whats his job ?I.Two kilos. ( )10.How much is it ?J. Yes she is.四、连词成句。四、连词成句。 (10 分) 1. to, welcome, our, school (.)2. again, climb ,trees, Dont (.)3.m

8、eet, to ,Nice, you (!)4.their, are ,What, jobs (?)5.are, those ,What (?)五、选择填空。五、选择填空。 (17 分) ( )1. Welcome our school.A. ofB. toC. on ( )2. you a doctor ?A. IsB. are C . Are ( )3. Come , David . All right . A. there B. where C. here ( )4. that man your father ? A. are B. is C. Is ( )5. that woman ?

9、 Shes Mrs. Black.A. Whose B. Whos C. Whats ( )6. Which one ? The one the white skirt .A. with B. in C. for ( )7. Whos the boy a big mouth ?A. in B. to C. with ( )8. Whats job ? Hes a cooker . A. his B. he C. her ( )9. Are they workers ? _.免免费费获获取取价价值值万万元元英英语语学学习习软软件件、图图书书和和CD 超超值值大大礼礼包包 http:/ QQ: 7

10、07526607A. Yes, they arent.B. No, he isnt. C. Yes, they are. ( )10. Is a farmer ? No ,she isnt . A. she B. her C. his ( )11. How old is ? Hes eleven. A. he B. she C. hes ( )12. Its nine oclock. Its late _ the party A. to B. for C. in ( )13. I can see the girl _ the tree. A. in B. with C. on ( )14. I

11、d like_ apples, pleaseA. some B. an .l ( )15. What are their jobs? Theyre . A. policeman B. policemans C. policemen ( )16. Who is the man_ there?A. with B. over C. on ( )17. How_ kilos? Ten kilos pleaseA. one B. much C. many 六、句子排序。六、句子排序。(13 分) A. 1. Yes. Lets hurry! 2. OK. Lets go. 3. Its six oclo

12、ck. 4. Excuse me, whats the time? 5. Hes in the car. 6. Wheres your brother? 7. Were late for the party.B .1. Which one?2. Excuse me, is that woman your mother?3. The one with long hair.4. No, she isnt.5. Shes Miss Li.Shes a teacher.6. Who is she?七、阅读短文,七、阅读短文,1-41-4 小题判断对错,小题判断对错,5-75-7 小题根据短文填空(小题

13、根据短文填空(1-41-4 小题每题小题每题 1 1 分,分,5-75-7 小题每格小题每格 1 1 分)。(分)。(1010 分)分)免免费费获获取取价价值值万万元元英英语语学学习习软软件件、图图书书和和CD 超超值值大大礼礼包包 http:/ QQ: 707526607Miss Lin is a new teacher. She is thin. She likes apples very much. She has some good friends: Nancy, Mike, Lily and Wang Dong. Theyre her students. Nancy has blue eyes and yellow hair.


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