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1、英语国家文化概况英语国家文化概况 2 第二次辅导第二次辅导I. 辅导内容辅导内容chapters 5 -8II.各章重点各章重点Chapter 5 American LiteratureI. Writers of the post-Revolutionary period (had been embarrassed that America did not have much of a history)-Washing Irving(华盛顿欧文) inventing a history.-History of New York纽约外史 (1809), Rip Van Winkle瑞普凡温克尔,

2、 The Legend of Sleepy Hollow睡谷的传说, The Alhambra阿尔罕伯拉 (accounts of history历史传奇 故事集 in 1832),Tour on Prairies草原漫游记 (1835)- James Fenimore Cooper (詹母士费尼莫库珀) -The Spy间谍 (novel1821),Leatherstocking Tales皮袜子的故事集 including The Pioneers拓荒者 (1823),The Last of Mohicans最后的莫希干人 (1826), The Prairie大草原 (1827), Th

3、e Pathfinder探路人 (1840) and The Deepslayer杀鹿者 (1841)* In The Pioneers, he introduced the fabulous woodsman, Natty Bumppo, who was the forerunner of all heroic forest scouts (侦察员), bear hunter, and cowboys of later American novels and filmsII. Transcendentalists 超验主义者- In his book Nature, Ralph Waldo

4、Emerson(拉尔夫沃尔多爱默生 1803-1882)claimed that by studying and responding to nature individuals could reach a higher spiritual state without formal religion.(通过学习自然,与自然沟通,个人能够达到一个更高的精神境界,而不 必借助正式的宗教). A circle of intellectuals who were discontented with the New England establishment gathered around Emerso

5、n. They accepted Emersons theories about spiritual transcendence. They are known as Transcendentalists.- Henry David Thoreau (亨利大卫梭罗 1817-1862) was Emersons most gifted fellow- thinkers. He was passionate about individuals learning to think for themselves and being independent. He carried out this i

6、deal by going to live by himself for two years in simple cabin beside a wooded pond named Walden. He spent the two years in labor and solitary meditation. He wrote about this experience in his book Walden沃尔登/林中生活 (1854) New England intellectuals presented perspective of literature and life III. Powe

7、r of ImaginationSome writers concentrated upon human imagination and emotion rather than the intellect-Edgar Allan Poe (埃德加艾伦坡 1809-1849), a young Virginian, publishing poems of musical language and extravagant imagery, which made him a worthy rival of the European Romantic poets. In 1835, he began

8、writing bold, original short stories, TheMasque of Red Death 红死病的假面舞会 , The Fall of the House of Usher厄舍尔厦的倒塌.-Nathaniel Hawthorne (纳撒尼尔霍桑 1804-1864), a young writer in New England published a volume of stories Twice-Told Tales重述的故事 in 1837. His masterpiece was a novel The Scarlet Letter红字 published

9、 in 1850. Set in the Puritan past, this masterpiece is the stark drama of a woman harshly cast out from her community for committing the sin of adultery. In this novel, Hawthorne explored certain moral themes such as guilt, pride and emotional repression.-Herman Melville (赫尔曼梅尔维尔 1819-1891) publishe

10、d Moby Dick 白鲸. Moby Dick is the name of a big white whale. In this book, the author uses a story of a whaling voyage to explore profound themes such as fate, the nature of evil, and the individuals struggle against the universe. This book is considered an American masterpiece.* The above 3 writers

11、all struggled to find their individual voices, and through them American literature began to acquire its own personality.IV. Walt Whitman (瓦尔特惠特曼 1818-1892)- assert a truly American voice and in 1855, published a ground-breaking book Leaves of Grass 草叶集, which is a collection of poems. Whitman used

12、free- flowing structures and long irregular lines in his poetry. He ventured beyond traditional forms to meet his need for more space to express the American spirit. In one of the poems “Song of Myself” he dwelt on (详细讲述)himself because he saw himself as a prototype (原型)of “The American”.V. Reform a

13、nd Liberation New England intellectuals had a tradition of involvement in liberal reform.-Harriet Beecher Stowe (哈里叶特比彻斯特 1811-1896), a New England woman who in 1852 wrote Uncle Toms Cabin汤姆叔叔的小屋, an antislavery novel that galvanized (刺激,激励) political opinion across the nation. Sentimental and melod

14、ramatic as it was, it portrayed black slaves as sympathetic, suffering figures, and created an image of the cruel slaveowner in the character of Simon Legree. (该书具有伤感和情节剧的特点,把黑人奴隶描绘成遭受苦难的, 值得同情的人物,并把西蒙拉瑞刻画成一个残酷的奴隶主形象)VI. Regionalism (地方主义)As pioneers settled new territories in the West, writers now

15、focused on the differences between the various regions of the United States rather than on a single vision of the expanding country.-William Dean Howells (威廉狄恩豪威尔斯 1837-1920) was one of the most important leaders of “regionalism” movement, who became the editor of the influential Atlantic magazine 大

16、西洋月刊 (美国现实主义文学奠基人)-Mark Twain(pen name of Samuel Clemens 塞缪尔克莱门斯 1835-1910) one of the greatest American writers and the first major American writer to be born away from the East Coast. His major work was The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn哈克贝利费恩历险记 (1884) which has been called the greatest novel in American literature. His normal prose style(文风) sounded di


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