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1、第第 1 页页 共共 8 页页2012 年年 4 月月英语科技文选试题答案及评分参考英语科技文选试题答案及评分参考PART A: VOCABULARY. Directions: Add the affix to each word according to the given Chinese, making changes when necessary. (8%)1. illiteracy 2. customary 3. duration 4. encompass 5. fluency 6. bewilderment 7. crossbreed 8. differentiate 评分参考:每小

2、题 1 分,英语单词拼写正确且符合汉语意思得 1 分,否则不得分。. Directions: Fill in the blanks, each using one of the given words or phrases below in its proper form.(12%)9. obsessed with 10. a sense of 11. bumped into 12. suffice for13. stem from 14. In the event of 15. deficient in 16. bear out 17. within my reach 18. proport

3、ional to 19. at random 20. is associated with评分参考:选择正确,词型正确给 1 分;选择正确,词型不正确给 0.5 分;选择错误,给零分。. Directions: Fill in each blank with a suitable word given below. (10%)21. ago 22. invention 23. bring 24. which 25. showed26. sharing 27. guessed 28. watching 29. room 30. cartoons评分参考:每格一词,写对得 1 分,否则得零分。PA

4、RT B: TRANSLATION. Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, each using one of the given words or phrases below. (10%)31. The water piper burst out, with a shower of water.32. I dont know how he can afford a new car on his salary.33. It is customary to thank the people who invite y

5、ou to their party. 34. The fingerprints were identical with his.35. Good health is the perquisite of a happy life.评分参考:每小题 2 分。正确使用所给关键词,译文正确,得 2 分;未用所给关键词,译文正确,给 1.5 分;关键词用错,译文词不达意,得零分。语法、大小写、拼写、标点有误,酌情扣 0.51 分。第第 2 页页 共共 8 页页. Directions: Translate the following paragraph into Chinese. (15%)36. 尽管

6、天文学家能够对某个星系进行观察并根据其亮度推测它所含恒星的数量和尘埃气体的多少,但是当我们把众多星系作为一个独立存在的整体来观察其运动时就会发现,每个星系运动起来似乎比我们所看到的要重得多,这就像我们看一辆儿童手推车以卡车般巨大、难以阻挡的惯性向前奔驰一样。可是,隐蔽在星系耀眼光芒中间的到底是什么物质呢?迄今仍无人知晓。评分参考:(1)译文准确、流畅,得 15 分;(2)译文准确,但不够流畅,得 12 分;(3)译文基本准确,得 9 分;(4)译文错误率达 1/2 左右,得 6 分;(5)译文错误率达 2/3 左右,得 3 分;(6)译文全错,得零分。PART C: READING COMPR

7、EHENSION. Directions: Read through the following passages. Choose the best answer and put the letter in the bracket. (20%)37. A 38. B 39. B 40. C 41. B 42. A 43. B 44. B 45. D 46. C评分参考:每小题选择正确得 2 分。 Directions: Read the following passage, and then fill in the table with the information based on the

8、 passage. (10%)47. heavy48. squat or kneel49. Li-ion batteries50. on a single charge51. provide power sockets to spare for military accessories评分参考:每个空格填对给 2 分。如不完整酌情扣分。PART D: WRITING. Directions: Write a passage (150-200 words) in English on the following title. Develop the ideas according to the

9、Chinese outline given below. (15%)52. 评分参考:(1)内容、字数合乎要求,条理清楚,语言表达正确,给 15 分;(2)内容、字数合乎要求,条理较清楚,语言表达基本正确,给 12 分;(3)内容、字数基本合乎要求,语言表达尚可,给 9 分;(4)内容不完整,字数低于 120,语言错误较多,给 6 分;第第 3 页页 共共 8 页页(5)内容严重欠缺,字数低于 80,语言错误严重,给 3 分;(6)文不对题,不知所云,给零分。2008 年年 4 月全国高等教育自学考试英语科技文选试题答案及评分参考月全国高等教育自学考试英语科技文选试题答案及评分参考(课程代码:

10、00836)I. Directions: Add the affix to each word according to the given Chinese, making changes when necessary.(10%)1. astronomical 2. permanence 3. recurrence 4. analytical 5. hemisphere 6. malnutrition 7 forerunner 8. underlie 9. supercompressed 10. interconnect评分参考:英语单词拼写正确且符合汉语意思得 1 分,否则不得分。. Dir

11、ections: Fill in the blanks, each using one of the given words or phrases below in its proper form.(10%)11. on the edge of 12. stands for 13. short of 14. gave off15. ended up 16. is bound up with17. a host of 18. in memory of19. at work 20. comply with评分参考:选择正确,词型正确给 1 分,词型不正确给 0.5 分;选择错误,给 0 分。.Di

12、rections: Fill in each blank with a suitable word given below.(10%)21. very 22. wing23. to 24. over25. same 26. with27. bread 28. for29. it 30. other评分参考:每格一词,写对得 1 分,否则得 0 分。.Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, each using one of the given words or phrases below.(10%)31. Foll

13、owing the economic crisis, people no longer perceived that the value of their houses would continue to rize.第第 4 页页 共共 8 页页32. He is the CEO in the company, but always accessible to others.33. I hope my book will elucidate the complex issues we face.34. Why do you take it for granted that you will f

14、ail?35. How she manages to do so much in a way is beyond my comprehension.评分参考:正确使用所给关键词,译文正确,得 2 分;未用所给关键词,译文正确,给 1.5 分;关键词用错,译文词不达意,得 0 分。语法、大小写、拼写、标点有误,酌情扣 0.51 分。VDirections: Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.(15%)36. 当然, 网络空间并不意味着只是打个电话。它包括数以几百万计的调制解调器,通过电话系统联与商业联网系统相连接的个人计算机以及数以百万

15、计通过高速通路与局域网络、办公电子邮件系统以及国际互联网相连接的计算机。它还包括了日新月异飞速发展的无线通讯服务系统:能传送大量蜂窝、移动电话信号和数据的微波发射塔;运行在地球同步轨道上串珠般的通讯卫星;以及象发怒的蜜蜂在地球上空嗡嗡乱飞,把因相隔遥远或奔波不停而无法使用有线通讯设备的人们连接在一起的低空卫星。将来有可能有一天,连我们的电视机也会成为网络空间的一部分,被那些所谓全方位网络改造成交叉/互动式“电视机算计”;如今,就有好几家有线电视公司(包括时代华纳公司在内)正在原有电缆的基础上,利用光缆和高速开关技术建设这种全方位的网络系统。评分参考:1)译文准确、流畅给 15 分;2)译文准确,单不够流畅给 12 分;3)译文基本准确给 9 分;4)译文错误率达 1/2 左右,给 6 分;5)译文全错给零分。.Directions: Read through the following passages. Choose the best answer and put the letter in the bracket.(20%)37. C 38. C 39. C 40.C 41. B 42. B 43. A 44.C 45. A 46



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