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1、七年级下册七年级下册 5-6 单元单元1在校门口_the school gate2你也一样 the same_you3骑车乘地铁公共汽车飞机火车船_bike/subway(英式:underground )/bus/ plane/train/ship/boat4快点儿;加油;来吧 come_5步行 on_6在工作日_weekdays 7看电视_ TV 8踢足球_ soccer9看电影_ a movie10在学校;在上课_school11去游泳 go_12去钓鱼 go_13.听音乐 listen_musIc14.看书_ books 15. -周一次两次_ _ a week16在某人的空闲时间 in

2、 ones_time17制作卡片_ cards18在电话上 _ the telephone19打牌_ cards20教师办公室_office21游泳池 swimming_22做清洁 do some_23当然 of_24寻找 look_25准时,按时_ time26一些(修饰可数名词复数) a _27在那边 over_28上课_lessons29在的后面 at the_ of30画画_ pictures31. 他的一些照片 some photos of_32. 有一天 _ day33有点困难 a_ difficult34一些其他学科 some_ subjects35在和之间 between_36

3、不同种类的different_of37从到_._38在二楼 _ the second floor39在近旁 next_40等等 and so_41上楼 go_42看一看 have a_43进来 come_44在前面 in_of45将收起 put_46照顾 look_47在中心 _the center of48在左边右边 on the_of49出租_rent50例如_ as51靠近 close_52做运动 do_53远离_ from54打电话求助 call_help55到达 get_56向有转_right57在第一个十字路口 at the first_58在对面_from59受伤 get_60丧

4、生,失去生命_ ones life/lives61遵守交通规则 obey the traffic_用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。1. I11 sit between_(he) and_(she). 2. You can find the post office_(easy).3. _ ( not turn) right. 4. Her school life is very_ (interest).5. She goes to the library_(two)a month.按要求完成句子。每空一词,含缩略词。1The office building is next to the hote

5、l (改为否定句) The office building_next to the hotel.2The supermarket is across from the bank (对划线部分提问)_ _ the supermarket?3. Can you tell me how I can get to the nearest shopping center?(改为同义句)Can you tell me_ _get to the nearest shopping center?4. There are also some new students in our school this ter

6、m (改为否定句)There_ _ new students in our school this term, _5Dont forget to call him up (改为同义句) Dont forget to_him a _.7. Bruce has art lessons twice a week.(对划线部分提问)_ _ does Bruce have art lessons?8Jenny is playing cards with her brother.(改为同义句) Jenny_ her brother_playing cards.9. We have music on Tue

7、sdays and Wednesdays.(对划线部分提问)_ _you have music?10广场上有许多人在散步。 (完成译句) There are_people_ on the square. 七年级下册七年级下册 7-8 单元单元1什么形状 what_2弹钢琴 play_piano3跳迪斯科 dance_disco4表演芭蕾_ballet5玩得高兴,过得愉快 have a good _= _ oneself6在岁时 at the_of7再也(不) , (不)再 notany_8摔倒 fall_9立刻,马上 at_10下次 next_11我们每个人_of us12用手工 _ hand

8、13许愿 make a _14吹灭蜡烛 blow_ the candles15也,还 as_16爬山_hills17堆雪人 make_18穿,戴 put_19戴太阳镜_sunglasses20应该,最好 had _21后来 later_22复苏;复活 come back to_23变绿_green24. 开花;出版,发行 come _25散步_ a walk26休息一会儿 have a short _27立即,马上 right_28与某人相聚 get_ with sb.29名胜 places of_30一年到头 all (the) year_31为作准备 prepare _ 32远离 keep

9、 away_33好运 good_34观看灯展 watch lantern _35挂起 put_36熬夜 stay_37捉弄某人 play tricks_sb.38享受一天的假期 enjoy a _ holiday用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。1. Did you enjoy_(you) at the party, Jim? 2.I _(stay) at home and_(study) for the math test last weekend. 3. _( luck), they got to the train station on time. 4. Where_(be) you an

10、 hour ago? 5. My birthdays on the _ (three) of November.按要求完成句子。每空一词,含缩略词。1Beth did her homework carefully (改为否定句) Beth_ _her homework carefully.2She hurt her leg on Friday night(对划线部分提问)_ _ she hurt her leg?3Youd better take a camera (改为否定句) Youd better_ _ a camera.4My home is near our school (改为同义

11、句) My home is _ _our school.5Sara hopes she can make more friends (改为同义句) Sara hopes_ _ more friends.6I believe there will be only one country (改为否定句)I _ there_be only one country.7It was windy in Beijing yesterday.(对划线部分提问)_ _ the weather in Beijing yesterday?8. You will have a good time if you go to the party.(改为同义句)You will_ _ _ if you go to the party.9Luckily, they reached the airport on time (改为同义句)Luckily, they_ _ _ the airport on time.10.我得在家照顾奶奶。 (完成译句) I have to_ _my grandma at home.



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