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1、12010 学年第二学期期末考试初一英语复习提纲学年第二学期期末考试初一英语复习提纲Unit 6 一、单词一、单词1. poemn.诗;韵文2. endv.结束3. temperaturen.气温;温度4. dropv.降低;减少5. blackboardn.黑板6. awfuladj.糟糕的7. sillyadj.愚蠢的;傻 的8. everywhereadv.到处;处处9. nothingpron.没有什么10.disappointedadj.失望的11. sadlyadv.伤心地12. shiverv.发抖13. grasshoppern.蚱蜢14. antn.蚂蚁15. lazyadj

2、.懒惰的二、词组二、词组 1.start shining 开始照耀 2.start growing 开始生长 3.make nests 筑巢 4.make you think of 使你想起 5.walk in wet and dirty streets 走在又湿又脏的街上 6.see them flying around the flowers 看到它们在花丛中飞舞7.all summer 整个夏天 8.all the time 一直;总是 9.make a house 造房子 10. take into 把搬入 11. plenty of food 很多食物 12. at last 终于;

3、最终 13. look for food everywhere 到处找食物 14. out of 从里出来三、词性转换三、词性转换1. leafn.叶子leavespl.叶子(的)复数2. interestn.趣味interestingadj.有趣的interestedadj.感兴趣的3. funn.乐趣funnyadj.滑稽可笑的4. awfuladj.糟糕的awfullyadv.可怕地5. disappointedadj.失望的disappointv.使失望6. sadlyadv.伤心地sadadj.伤心地sadnessn.伤心7. collectv.收集collectionn.收集四、语

4、法要点四、语法要点 1. 掌握词组:start doing = start to do 2. 使役动词词组:make sb. do sth. ;let sb. do sth. (make 后接动词不定式时,不能带 to) 3. 形式主语的句型:Its + adj. + to do sth. (表示“做某事怎么样”)如要说明动词不定式表示的动作是谁做的,可以在动词不定式前加一个 for 引导的短语。Its + adj. + for sb. to do sth. 4. 词义辨析:look for , find , find out 5. 词义辨析:see sb. doing sth. (意为“看见

5、某人正在做某事” ,表示动作正在进行)2see sb. do sth. (意为“看见某人做了某事” ,表示动作的整个过程) 6. 掌握 plenty of 的用法。 7. 功能对话:询问“怎么了?出什么事情了?” Whats the matter (with sb./sth.)? = Whats wrong (with sb./sth.)? Whats the trouble? = Whats the problem?五、写话五、写话 1. My Favourite Season 1) What is your favourite season? 2) What does that seaso

6、n make you think of? 3) What do you usually do in that season? Of all seasons, I like spring best. Spring is the first season of a year. The weather is getting warmer and warmer. Everything begins to turn green. Flowers come out. Birds sing in the woods. In spring I like to go outing and have a picn

7、ic with my friends. I usually go sightseeing in the season. Spring can make me think of a lot of things. I like spring best. (70)Unit 7 一、单词一、单词1. ableadj.有能力的2. planetn.行星3. pilln.药片;药丸4. mealn.餐;一顿饭5. hopen.希望;期望6. secretn.& v.秘密的7. signn.签名;签字8. everyonen.每人;人人9. sealn.密封二、词组二、词组 1.in the future

8、在将来 2.talk about 讨论;谈论 3.enter a new century 跨进了一个新世纪 4.be able to 能够;有能力 5.live on other planets 住在其他星球上 6.space station 航天站;宇宙空间站 7.speak the same language 说同样的语言 8.understand each other better更好地相互理解 9.take pills for meals 用餐时吃药丸 10. travel to other planets in spacecraft 坐飞船去其他星球 11. in ten years

9、 time 十年后 12. make a time box 做一个时光盒 13. seal it with tape 用胶带封好它三、词性转换三、词性转换1. ableadj.有能力的abilityn.能力;才能enablev.使能够2. hopen. & v.希望hopefuladj.有希望的hopelessadj.无望的3. secretadj.秘密的secretaryn.秘书4. signv.签名signaturen.签名5. enterv.进入entrancen.入口36. terribleadj.可怕的terriblyadv.可怕地7. pollutev.污染pollutionn.污

10、染8. changen. & v.变化changeableadj.多变的四、语法要点四、语法要点 1. 掌握一般将来时的用法:will + do 2. 掌握句型:What do you think will happen in the future?这个句子是针对“I think + 一般将来时的宾语从句”的从句部分提问的。 3. 功能对话:表达自己对他人所说的观点赞成与否。I think so, 表示赞成他人的看法;I dont think so, 表示不赞成他人的看法。 4. 掌握词组:be able to 5. 同义转换:no = not any, Perhaps there will

11、be no water or air on the earth.= Perhaps there wont be any water or air on the earth. 6. 掌握动词 hope 的用法。(一般不用于进行时)hope 是不及物动词,所以后面不能跟宾语。所以只有 hope to do sth.hope + that 引导的宾语从句。I hope so 意为“我希望如此” ,否定形式为 I hope not. 7. 掌握词组:in ten years time五、写话五、写话 1. Life in the future 1) What do you think of life

12、in the future? 2) What do you think will happen in the future? What do you think our life will be like in the future? Perhaps people will have robots. The robots will help us to do all the housework. Perhaps there will be computers and vision phones in every home. The children will learn from comput

13、ers. Perhaps people will be able to fly to the moon and live on it. I think people will be able to live under the sea. How wonderful life will be in the future! (77)Unit 8 一、单词一、单词1. enjoyableadj.使人快乐的2. conductv.组织;安排3. modernadj.现代化的4. laboratoryn.实验室5. experimentn.实验;试验6. organizev.组织;筹备7. imposs

14、ibleadj.不可能的8. necessaryadj.必要的9. unnecessaryadj.不必要的10.uninterestingadj.无趣的11. yourselvespron.你们自己12. ourselvespron.我们自己13. themselvespron.他们自己14. herselfpron.她自己15. himselfpron.他自己16. idealadj.理想的二、词组二、词组41.want sb. to do sth. 希望某人做某事 2.conduct a survey 做调查 3.find out 查明;弄清楚 4.modern science labor

15、atories现代化的科学实验室 5.do experiments 做实验 6.organize sports activities组织体育活动 7.Its adj. to do sth. 做某事是 8.make some changes to 针对做一些改变 9.decorate the display board 装饰布告栏 10. put up 张贴;置于明显处 11. clean up 打扫(或清除)干净三、词性转换三、词性转换1. enjoyableadj.使人快乐的enjoyv.喜欢joyn.快乐;高兴2. conductv.组织;安排conductorn.售票员3. organi

16、zev.组织;筹备organizationn.组织4. impossibleadj.不可能的possibleadj.可能的possiblyadv.可能地5. necessaryadj.必要的unnecessaryadj.不必要的needv. & n.必须;需要6. uninterestingadj.无趣的interestingadj.有趣的7. difficultadj.困难的difficultyn.困难8. air-conditionedadj.有空调的air-conditionern.空调机四、语法要点四、语法要点 1. 同义转换:want sb. to do sth. = would like sb. to do sth. 2. 句意辨析:Would you like some coffee? Yes, please. (No, thanks.)Do you like tea? Yes, I do. (No, I dont.)Would you like to see a fil



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