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1、1Unit 4 A Good Read Comic strip and welcome to the unit 班级 姓名 学号 等级 【学习目标学习目标】 (Learning aims) 基本目标:了解不同类别的书的英文表达。 挑战目标:能用英语谈论喜欢的书及喜欢的原因。 【重点、难点重点、难点】 (key points and difficulty) 词汇:read, cooking, Germany, knowledge, spare, French, writer, ugly, touch 词组:a book about, improve my knowledge of, in you

2、r spare time, French writer 句型:Have you decided what to do with these books?What do you like to read in your spare time?I like reading novels and plays. The story of the ugly man Quasimodo really touched me. 【学法指导学法指导】 (methods and skills ) 1. 自学指导:1)5 分钟拼读并掌握单词 2)5 分钟背诵 P.48-49 对话, 用直尺划出词组,并完成词组练习

3、2. 课堂上小组或同桌合作解决问题,教师点拨。 【学习过程学习过程】 A. 课前预习:课前预习: 1. 如何处理这些书 _ 2. 还没有 _ 3. 不得不使用他们 _ 4. 伸手够冰箱上的盒子_ 5. 一本好的读物 _ 6. 一本令人感动的书_ 7. 什么类型的书 _ 8. 二战中的德国_ 9. 对历史感兴趣 _ 10.提高我对过去的知识_ 11.在你的空余时间里 _ 12.阅读小说和戏剧 _ 13. 法国作家写的书 _ 14. 丑陋男人的故事_ 15. 完成一个关于阅读习惯的调查_ B. 课堂探究课堂探究 1. 课堂导入:了解学生以前阅读过的书,教师向学生提问:When Im free, I

4、 like reading books. Books help me improve my knowledge. Do you like reading in your spare time? What books have you read recently? 引导学生说出其阅读过的书名。 2. 小组讨论: 教师从学生的回答中选择类别不同的书名写在黑板上,让学生根据书名判断书的类别:What type of book is this? 3. 写出所知道的书的不同类别,然后全班交流。 4. 组内核对答案 C. 小组展示小组展示 1. 组内自主练习对话 (A-C, B-D) 2. 学生两人一组上

5、台表演对话,他组点评。 D、精讲点拨、精讲点拨 1. 自己找出重难点 2. 小组内解决不懂的重难点内容. 3. 教师点拨 4. 整理笔记 E、课堂巩固、课堂巩固 一、根据所给中文或英文的正确形式填空 1. This book is about _ (烹饪) while that book is about _ (科学). 2. I like to read _ (小说) and _ (戏剧) when I am free. 3. As we all know, The Huncheback of Notre Dame (巴黎圣母院) by the _ (法 国的) writer is a go

6、od _ (读物). 4. I like the _ (动人的) film because the characters in them really _ (触 动) me every time I watch it. 5. Mr Black usually spends his s time with his children. 6. Although the man looks very _ (丑), he is very friendly and helpful.27. My cousin comes from _ (德国), but he can speak _ (法语) very w

7、ell. 8. Lily has little _ (know) of Chinese history, so she cant answer this question. 9. At first, I learnt English by _ (listen) to the programme about _ (travel). 10. This story is a little _ (bore) and I am not _ (interest) in it. 11.-Have you ever read The (丑陋的)Duckling by Hans Christian Anders

8、on? 12. We often meet together and discuss what in the Reading Club(read). F、课后拓展、课后拓展 一、单选题: 1. Do you know _ to do with this problem? A. what B. how C. who D. where 2. Black Beauty is a sad story that it me when I read it last week. A. such; touchesB. such; touchedC. so; touch D. so; touching 3. I

9、ve got several novels written _ English. You can borrow _ if you like. A. in; one; B. by; it C. in; it D. by; one 4. - Goodbye, everyone! _. - Bye, Sally! I wont forget to write to you. A. Stay in touch B. Just wait and see C. Sounds great D. Come this way 5. The fridge is used _ food and fruit. A.

10、to store B. to storing C. for storing D. A will see B. dont; will seeC. didnt; havent seen D. dont; havent seen 14. There isnt any difference between the two caps. I really dont know .A. where to choose B.to choose whichC.to choose whatD. which to choose 15. -Is water pollution a problem now?- Yes,

11、the government is worried about it.A. really; reallyB. real; realC. real; really D. really; real 二、翻译句子 1. - 你为何对科幻小说( science fictions)如此感兴趣呢? - 因为我认为它们能提高我将来的知识。 _ 2. - 妈妈,你已经决定怎样处理这些旧衣服了吗?- 还没呢。3_ 3. - 你认为这些有关中国文化的书怎么样?- 我不认为它们有趣。 _ 4. - 你喜欢哪种类型的食物?- 淮扬菜,因为我喜欢甜食。 _5. 那个丑人 Quasimodo 的故事对我触动很大。_ 三、

12、阅读理解 Looking for a childrens book? Internet users can find hundreds of them. These books are from around the world. And they are free to readers. The United States has started a project called the International Childrens Digital Library. It is supported by the National Science Foundation, the Library of Congress and the institute of Museum and Library Services. The goal of the project is to offer more than 10,000 childrens electronic books in at least 100 languages. Some of the books show the similarities and differences in ways of life around t


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