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1、Syllabus for Sociology of Deviance and Law(BILINGUAL COURSE) Ma-tian Ouyang(Xiamen University) Textbook: (1)Perspectives on Deviance, written by A.E.Liska, published by Prentice-Hall(2)Law, Order, and Power, written by W. Chambliss and R. Seidman, published by Addison Wesley Publishing CompanyThe fo

2、llowing paragraphs and figures from part 1 to part 7 are all from PERSPECTIVES ON DEVIANCE written by A.E.LiskaPART 1, INTRODUCTION 11. SUBJECT MATTER OF STUDY 111. DEVIANCE AS NORM VIOLATION What is deviance or deviant behavior? There are different answers to this question. To the general public, t

3、he term “deviance” refers to the following “bad behaviors” such as cheating, unfairness, crime, immorality, dishonesty, betrayal, corruption, wickedness. Although the commonalities underlying these behaviors are difficult to identify, sociologists have attempted to formally demarcate an area of stud

4、y which captures their common meaning. While different in some respects, many sociologists such as Dinitz, Dynes, and Clark(1969), Clinard(1968), and Matza(1969) defined deviance as NORM OR RULE VIOLATION, particularly violations which are negatively evaluated in society. In particular, crime refers

5、 to behaviors which violate law. To these sociologists, the study of norm violation refers to the study of behaviors which violates social rules and of individuals who violate them. In principle the violation of all rules of social behavior is the subject of study. In practice, however, research has

6、 focused on rules adhered to by most members of society, particularly by the middle and upper classes. The study of norm violations can be divided into norm-violation rates and individual norm violations. The former refers to norm violations summed for social-political units (cities, provinces or st

7、ates, and countries) and is generally expressed as the number of violations per one thousand population. Various questions about norm violation are asked. Such as: what are the rates? What are the social consequences of high and low norm-violation rates on community life? Why are rates higher in one

8、 city , province, country than in another? The second major area of study concerns individual norm violations. Usually, the following questions are asked: who are the norm violators? What characterizes people who violate norms? Why do different people violate different norms to different degrees? Wh

9、y do some people violate a norm only once or sporadically while others are regular or systematic violators? NORM VIOLATION AND RELATED AREAS OF STUDY It is important for students to differentiate between courses entitled “deviance”, “social problems”, “criminology”, and “ mental illness”. These four

10、 courses are highly related and frequently overlap. SOCIAL PROBLEMS are social conditions which the public and government agencies evaluate negatively and wish to change. CRIME refers to that behavior which violates the law. Definitions of PSYCHOLOGICAL ABNORMILITY are shaped by general theoretical

11、frameworks. (1)psychoanalysts define abnormity in terms of emotional problems; (2)cognitive theorists define abnormality in terms of nonrational decision making; (3)and behaviorists discuss abnormality in terms of nonproductive behavior. In sum, some norm violations are law violations; some are soci

12、al problems; and some reflect psychological abnormality. 1.1.2. DEVIANCE AS A SOCIAL DEFINITION Since the 1960s sociologists have also studied deviance as a social definition. “The deviant is one to whom that label has successfully been applied; deviant behavior is behavior that people so label” (Be

13、cker, 1963). The study of deviance as norm violation and as a social definition constitutes the sociology of deviance. The study of deviance as a social definition centers on two questions: what is labeled deviance, and who is labeled deviant? The former refers to the study of the emergence and deve

14、lopment of social norms and social labels for describing norm violation and violators, and the latter refers to the study of how such labels are used in specific cases and situations. Generally, the social definition approach to the study of deviance focuses on the following questions: What

15、 is labeled deviance? a) What are the general and situational social norms, and how have they emerged? b) What are the social categories and labels for describing norm violations and norm violators, and how have they emerged? c) As a special case of the above, what are the legal norms (laws) and the

16、 legal categories for describing law violators and violations, and how have they emerged? Who is labeled deviant? a) Who is socially labeled deviant? b) What are the consequences of being labeled a norm violator? c) As a special case of the above, who is labeled a law violator, and what are the consequences of being so labeled. 1.1.3. Sociology of Deviance and Ethics The relation of Sociology of Deviance and Ethics reflects the general relatio


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