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1、八年级(下)英语期中考试试卷八年级(下)英语期中考试试卷亲爱亲爱的同学:的同学:欢欢迎你参加本次考迎你参加本次考试试!做!做题时题时要要认认真真审题审题, ,积积极思考,极思考,细细心答心答题题, ,发挥发挥你的你的最好水平。祝你成功!最好水平。祝你成功!一一、语言知识运用 请从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白的最佳选项。 ( ) 1. - Will people use money in 100 years? - _ A. Yes, they do B. No, they dont C. Yes, they are D. No, they wont. ( ) 2. He said

2、 he would do better _ math next semester.A. in B. on C. at D. with ( ) 3. _Li Ping was practicing the piano , Zhang came into the room. A. When B. While C. Because D. But ( ) 4. In fact ,we find it _ to learn a foreign language in two weeks.A. easily B. different C. impossible D. nervous ( ) 5. Well

3、 stay here if it _ tomorrow.A. rain B. rains C. is raining D. will rain ( ) 6. Do you know _? -He will be an actor. A. what will he do B. what will he be C. what he will do D. what he will be ( ) 7. Our flight will _ at nine. Please meet us at the airport.A. fall B. drop C. follow D. land ( ) 8. He

4、feels lonely in Wenzhou because he has _ friends here.A. a few B. few C. a little D. little ( ) 9. He didnt know _.A. where he lived B. where did he liveC. he lived where D. where does he live ( ) 10. -Could I go skating with you, dad? -_ You have to practice piano at home. A. You should do that B.

5、Have a good time C. Of course D. I am afraid not. ( ) 11. I think there will be _tall buildings and there will be _pollution in the future. A. more; fewer B. more; less C. fewer; less D. much; fewer ( ) 12. He said he was having a birthday party _ his father_ Sunday night. . A. for; on B. from, in C

6、. with; at D. of; under( ) 13. What did he say? He said _. A. he is having a surprising party for him B. if she go to her home C. why she want to do that. D. the earth moves around the sun. ( ) 14. There is _in todays newspaper. I dont want to read it again. A. something new B. new nothing C. anythi

7、ng new D. nothing new ( ) 15. I dont know there. A. to get B. how get C. where to get D. how to get ( ) 16. He when he was only four. A. was able to swim B. able to swim C. was swimming D. cant swim ( ) 17. What the police at 4:00 pm yesterday? A. was; doing B. did; do C. were; doing D. does; do ( )

8、 18. Ill go there if it _tomorrow. A. not rain B. not rains C. doesnt rain D. wont rain ( ) 19-Whats the problem, Henry?-. _. A. I dont have many friends. B. Im happy to pass the exam C. Id love to D. you are welcome. ( ) 20.My clothes are out of style. What should I do? _. A. maybe you are right B.

9、 maybe you should buy some new ones. C. you should be glad D. you should take a part-time job. 二填空填空Once there lived an old manHe liked gold (金子) 1 than anything else in the worldHe often said “If I have a lot of gold,I 2 the happiest man in the world ” One day 3 he was traveling (旅行) in the desert

10、(沙漠),the old man lost his wayHe was 4 hungry and thirsty ,but there 5 only sand (沙子) around himJust then,he 6 a bagHe took up the bag 7 opened itHe 8 that the bag was full of goldHe was so 9 that he threw away the bag and began cryingNow,the old man knew that 10 was something better than gold in the

11、 world ( )1AgoodBbestCwellDbetter ( )2Awill beBamCisDwas ( )3AasBwhile CwhereDas soon as ( )4AmanyBmuchCveryDvery much ( )5AwereBareCwasDis ( )6AlookedBfoundCfindDwatched ( )7AandBorCbutDto ( )8AwatchedBlooked atCsaw Dseeing ( )9AhappyBsadCpleasedDinteresting ( )10AitBheCwhoDthere三、阅读理解 (A)Victoria

12、Middle School ReportStudent: Jenny BrownMathBgood work all yearChinese:Adoes well this yearEnglish:A+very interested in it and does a very good jobScience:Ca little weak in this subjectComputer:Dnot really interested and needs to improveSports:Acaptain(队长) of girls soccer team, and also on the baske

13、tball teamTotal GradeBDate: 25/4/08 Signed: Ms Yang( ) 1. Whose school report is it? A. Victorias B. Jenny Browns C. Ms Yangs D. We dont know( ) 2.Which subject of the following was Jenny best at?A. Math B. Chinese C. English D. Science. ( ) 3. How did Jenny do in sports?A. Well B. So-so C. Very badly. D. Badly.( ) 4. From the report, we can know that Jenny .A. is good at computer B. likes science better than mathC. does well in Chinese D. is the captain of the basketball team( ) 5. Which of the following is TRUE?A. Jenny is very interested in English. B. Jenny is the be



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