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1、六年级英语第一学期综合测验题六年级英语第一学期综合测验题 姓名_班别_学号 听力部分听力部分 一. 听句子, 选单词。 (10 分) ( ) 1. A. walk B. what C. work ( ) 2. A. right B. left C. night ( ) 3. A. uncle B. aunt C. mom ( ) 4. A. week B. weekend C. weather ( ) 5. A. comic book B. newspaper C. post card ( ) 6. A. music B. math C. art ( ) 7. A. drawing B. dr

2、iving C. diving ( ) 8. A. which B. what C. whats ( ) 9. A. teacher B. teaches C. picture ( ) 10.A. sales B. sells C. shes二听句子,判断对错,正确的写, 错误的写 (10 分)6. I usually go to school on foot. 7. I cant turn right here. 8. The cinema is east of the bookstore. 9. The park is far from here. 10. The rain comes f

3、rom the water in the river.三听问句选答语(10 分)( )1. A. Yes, they do. B. Yes, it does. C. No, they dont.( )2. A. Yes, I am. B: No, Im not. C. Yes, we are. ( ) 3. A. I can go with my mother. B. I can ride a bike. C. I can go next week. ( ) 4. A. On Sunday. B. Next Saturday. C. This Sunday. ( ) 5. A. Shes an

4、 actress. B. Hes an actor.C. Im an artist. 四听音写单词,补充句子完整。 (10 分)1. Im going to some books this weekend. 2. The come from the . 3. Turn at a green . 4. I like , but Amy like kites. 5. My aunt is an . She works in a .五听一段对话,选择与听力内容相符的正确答案(10 分)( )1. In Chen Jies class, every student has a _.A. classma

5、te B. pen friend ( )2. Blue is_favourite colour.A. Chen Jies B. ZhangPeng ( )3. Chen Jie_ to school.A. walks B. on foot ( )4. There is a science museum_ Zhang Pengs home.A. behind B . in front of ( )5. Zhang Pengs hobby is_.A. football B.basketball笔试部分笔试部分 六选词填空,在空格中填上适当的词,使句子完整。 (10 分) (boy, John,

6、then, Chinese, China, bookstore, cinema, dictionary, with, friend, take, at, go) )( )( )( )( )Hello, this is _. He likes _books very much. Hes going to the _. He is going to buy a _. He is going there _ his _. First, they are going to _ the No. 1 bus. Get off _ the cinema, _ turn right, _

7、 straight for five minutes. The bookstore is on the left.七 补全对话。 (10 分)Mary: Hello, Tim. How are you today? Tim: Fine. Mary: ? Tim: I like playing sports._? Mary: Me too. There is a basketball match in the park this Sunday. ? Tim: Yes, but, _? Mary: You can take the No. 2 bus. Get off at the library

8、, and the park is on the left. Tim: Thank you. _? Mary: Im going by bus. Tim: See you this Sunday. Mary: Bye.八看图,根据回答写问句。 (10 分)1、_?Yes, I have a new comic book.2、 _? You can go to the cinema by the No.15 bus.3、_? Its near the hospital.4、_?Im going to the zoo tomorrow.5、_? Im going to read the book

9、at 9:00.九.阅读短文,根据短文内容选择正确的答案。 (10 分)I am Helen. Im twelve years old. Im a student. I like Chinese art very much. I have learned Chinese art for two years. I love my family very much. My mother is a doctor. She hates smoking but likes cooking. She likes shopping, too. My father is an engineer. He wor

10、ks in a company. He likes smoking but hates shopping. He likes playing sports, too. Hes a football fan.1. How old is Helen? She is _. A. 20 B. 122. Helens mother works in a _. A. doctor B. hospital3. Whats Helens mothers hobby? _. A. Cooking. B. Smoking.4. Whats Helens fathers hobby? _. A. Playing s

11、ports. B. Shopping.5. Whats Helens father? _ A. Hes an engineer. B. He works in a company. 十、小练笔(10 分) 请以 The Story of Rain 为题写一段短文。 要求:结构完整,条理清楚,意思连贯,句子通顺,不少于 5 句话。六年级英语第一学期综合测验题听力内容六年级英语第一学期综合测验题听力内容二.听句子,选单词。(10 分)1. How do you usually go to school? We often walk to school.2. You should

12、 turn left here.3. My uncle works in a hospital.4. We are going to take a trip this weekend.5. Do you have a comic book? No, I have a new dictionary. 6. If you like drawing and math, you can be an engineer.7. On the weekend, I like driving my car to the park.8. Whats the cleaner doing? He is cleanin

13、g the zoo.9. What does John teach? He teaches English.10. What does the salesperson sell? She sells clothes.二听句子,判断对错,正确的写, 错误的写 。1. Do you go to school by bus? No, never, I go by subway.2. We must stop at a red light.3. The bookstore is east of the supermarket.4. She often visits her grandparents on the weekend.5. What are you going to do in Beijing? Im going to visit the Great Wall.6. I like wa



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