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1、七星岩景区景七星岩景区景观观介介绍绍七星岩景区是第一批国家重点七星岩景区是第一批国家重点风风景名景名胜胜区区 星湖星湖风风景名景名胜胜区的重要区的重要组组成部分,是久成部分,是久负负盛名的旅游盛名的旅游胜胜地。七星地。七星岩景区分岩景区分为为四大游四大游览览区,其中中心游区,其中中心游览览区、仙女湖游区、仙女湖游览览区是区是景区的精景区的精华华所在,共有景点所在,共有景点 50 多个。中心游多个。中心游览览区又分区又分为红为红莲莲游游览览片、石室游片、石室游览览片、玉屏游片、玉屏游览览片、阿坡游片、阿坡游览览片等四个片片等四个片区。区。七星岩景区以岩峰、湖泊、熔岩地貌七星岩景区以岩峰、湖泊、熔

2、岩地貌为为主要景主要景观观。七座。七座岩山排列状如天上北斗,岩山排列状如天上北斗,镶镶嵌在广嵌在广阔阔的湖面上,岩峰挺秀,的湖面上,岩峰挺秀,湖水清澈,山湖水清澈,山环环水水绕绕,相互映,相互映衬衬, ,绰约绰约多姿。摩岩石刻,多姿。摩岩石刻,历历史史悠久,雕刻刀工,令人悠久,雕刻刀工,令人叹为观叹为观止,止,为为国家重点保国家重点保护护文物。仙文物。仙女湖充女湖充满满仙气、灵气、古朴自然;仙气、灵气、古朴自然;“禾花仙女禾花仙女”、 、 “出米洞出米洞”等等传传说说故事,美故事,美丽动丽动人;灵人;灵鸟鸟仙仙鹤鹤,展翅,展翅飞飞翔。翔。 “卧佛含丹卧佛含丹”天然奇天然奇景,蔚景,蔚为为壮壮观

3、观。登高。登高远远眺,湖山秀色,尽收眼底。水上泛舟更眺,湖山秀色,尽收眼底。水上泛舟更是快意悠悠,船在水上行,宛如画中游,如梦如幻。七星岩是快意悠悠,船在水上行,宛如画中游,如梦如幻。七星岩被誉被誉为为“岭南第一奇岭南第一奇观观”、 、 “人人间间仙境仙境”。 。IntroductionStar Lake Scenic Spots, known as one of the first key National Scenic Area, consists of Seven Star Crags and Dinghu Mountain, and covers 19.56km. This spot

4、which is divided into 4 tourist portions with the sights of over 50 is the most famous resort, moreover, Fairy Lake is the centre of attraction.Seven Star Crags consist of crags, lakes and caves. The seven crags, seen like the Big Dipper at a distance, stand one after another around a vast expanse o

5、f dark green lake waters. With strangely shape crags, fantastic caves and beautiful lakes, Seven Star Crags have long been reputed as a wonderful place boasting picturesque scenery of the West Lake in Hangzhou and the Hills in Guilin. There are 531 pieces of cliff inscriptions in this place. It is a

6、 major historical and cultural site under state protection. In addition, there are Fairy Lake, Fairy Stone Statue, Rice Flowing Carve, Reclining Buddha All are so fantastic and unsophisticated. Seven Star Crags enjoy the reputation of the No.1 Wonder in South China and the Fairyland on Earth. Ye Jianyings poem says: With waters borrowed from the West Lake, seven hills transferred from Yangshuo.The picturesque scenery will last ever under the sky. What an exact depiction!



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