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1、新起点国际英语由莲山课件提供 http:/ 资源全部免费新起点英语学校五下册单元卷(新起点英语学校五下册单元卷(1-2)Class Name Mark 听力部分听力部分一、认真听录音一、认真听录音,选出你所听到的单词选出你所听到的单词,将其序号填写在题前的括号内。将其序号填写在题前的括号内。10 分分 1.( ) A: hungry B: thirsty C: drink 2.( ) A: sleepy B: tired C: bored 3.( ) A: salad B: cream C: pizza 4.( ) A: practice B: pilot C: plane 5.( ) A:

2、always B: usually C: never 二、听句子,选择正确答语。二、听句子,选择正确答语。10 分分 ( )1、A、Yes, lets. B、No, I dont. ( )2、A、For here, please. B、No, thanks. ( )3、A、Dont be so sad. B、That sounds great. ( )4、A、Thats fantastic. B、Thats too bad. ( )5、A、Go to bed and get some sleep. B、Lets go out to play. 三、听短文,填空。三、听短文,填空。10 分分 M

3、y name is Jane. I am a girl. I like to _. I usually go swimming at the _. Sometimes I help my mom _. I want to be an _. Do you like _ ? Do you want to make friends with me ?笔试部分笔试部分一、看图,把下面的字母重新排序,组成正确地单词。一、看图,把下面的字母重新排序,组成正确地单词。12 分分Ceko ahmubregr zpzia _ _ _apeln iaopn oviinl _ _ _新起点国际英语由莲山课件提供 h

4、ttp:/ 资源全部免费二、按要求填空。二、按要求填空。 1010 分分 sandwich - three _ (三个三明治)(三个三明治) apple pie - _ _ (一个苹果派)(一个苹果派) orange juice - _ _ (两个橘子汁)(两个橘子汁)artist - _ _ (一个画家)(一个画家) French fries- _ _(四份薯条)(四份薯条) 三、选择合适的短语填入句子,使句子完整通顺三、选择合适的短语填入句子,使句子完整通顺, 注意书写。注意书写。5 分分 1、I want to _ . 2、I want to be _ . 3、She is _ . 4、

5、_ your dinner . 5、They cook _ . 四、连线,并仿照例子写出句子。四、连线,并仿照例子写出句子。 10 分分 1、thirsty go to see a doctor 2、tired have lunch 3、sleepy get some sleep 4、bored take a rest 5、hungry go out to play 6、a bad cold drink some water 例例: 1、 Whats wrong with you?Im (very)thirsty.(Lets)Drink some water. 2、 _ 3、 _ 4、 _ 5

6、、 _takes, visit, explore, stay, flies, have, hear, works, lives, feed practicing the violin wonderful food design spaceships Enjoy an engineer 新起点国际英语由莲山课件提供 http:/ 资源全部免费_ 五、选择正确的序号填写在题前的括号内五、选择正确的序号填写在题前的括号内 10 分分 ( )1. What do you usually do on the weekend? I usually the violin.A:fly B: help C:pr

7、actice( ) 2. What do you want to be?I want to be engineer.A:a B: the C:an ( ) 3. violin is this?Its Codys.A:Who B: Whose C:What ( ) 4. How is it ? _.A: Just great. B: Ok , lets. C: Me, too.( ) 5. She is a . She plays the .A: pilot violin B: doctor violin C: violinist violin( ) 6. I want to be an art

8、ist. _A:Thats too bad. B: Dont be so sad. C: That sounds great.( ) 7. How this coat?A: about B:do C:long ( ) 8. Do you want to be a _ ?A:swim B:swimming C:swimmer( ) 9. Whats wrong with him?He _ a bad cold.A: is B: have C: has ( ) 10. How making a birthday cake ?A: is B: do C: about 六、句型转换六、句型转换: 10

9、 分分 1.Thats Okay with me . (译成中文译成中文)2.go Lets to out play ? (连词成句连词成句)新起点国际英语由莲山课件提供 http:/ 资源全部免费3.I want to be a pilot. (对划线部分提问对划线部分提问)4.Does he wear glasses? (作否定回答作否定回答)5.Do you want to be a cook? (做否定回答做否定回答)七、阅读理解七、阅读理解 8 分分InIn thethe RestaurantRestaurantWaitress CanCan I I helphelp youyou

10、? ?May Yes,Yes, please.please. WedWed likelike .Tom IdId likelike a a hamburger,hamburger, somesome chickenchicken andand a a strawberrystrawberry milkshakes.milkshakes. HowHow abutabut you,you, May?May?May Thats Okay with me.Waitress Anything else? What would you like to drink?May A Coke.Tom And Id like a glass of orange juice.May OK. Wait a minute, please. Id also like an ice cream.Waitress For here or to go?Tom For here, please.I I 在下列句子前标上在下列句子前标上 T T 或或 F F。 ( )1 1 TomTom andand MayMay area



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