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1、高三英语第一轮复习教案Senior Book I Unit 17 Unit 18江苏省东台市第一中学I. Words1. inspire _n. -_/ _ adj. 2. popular _ n. 3. value _adj. 4. admire _ n. 5. refer _n. 6. prepare _adj. _n. 7. promise _adj. 8. lead _adj.- _n. 9. describe _adj. - _n. 10. lie _ _ _ lie- _ _ -_ lay _ _ - _ 11. explain _n. inspirationinspired in

2、spiring popularity valuable admiration reference preparedpreparation promising leading leader descriptive description lay lain lying lied lied lying lay laid laid explanation1 admire vt. 赞赏;佩服;称赞等。我羡慕他的新车。I was _.我钦佩他的诚实。I _ his sincerity. Cf: admire 和 envyenvy的侧重点在于强调“羡慕和嫉妒”。 admiring his new car.a

3、dmire him for3. regret vt. & n. 对惋惜,遗憾,抱歉, 后悔,失望。 1) 跟 to do,表示“对要做的某事感到遗憾”, to say, to tell you, to inform 2) 跟doing,表示对已经做过的事感到后悔, 3) 跟宾语从句时无此意思上的区别。很抱歉我不能帮你的忙。I _ that I cant help you.我真后悔对他说了那些话。I _ what I said to him.regret to say felt regret about 4 settle v.解决;定居;放置;使安静;栖息。有许多问题要解决,新当选的总统困难重重

4、。With a lot of difficult problems _, the new president is having a hard time.他们结了婚并在伦敦定居。They got married and _.一只鸟栖息在树支上。A bird _.他的话平息了我的恐惧。His words _.to settle settled in London settled my fears settled on a branch5 inspire v.鼓舞;激励;引发;赋予 灵感inspired adj. 有灵感的inspiring adj. 鼓舞人心inspire sb. to do s

5、th. inspire sth. in sb. / inspire sb. with sth.。他朋友的话使他振奋起来再试一次。His friends words _.那位父亲激发了儿子的信心。The father _ his son _. =The father _ confidence _ his son.inspired him to try again inspired with confidence inspired in 6 value n. 价值, 有价值,数值He paid above / below the market value for the watch.Reading

6、 is _ to us.v. value sth. at sth.给某物估价 value sb. as sth.重视某事物/ 某人He _ for me _ $80,000.The students have always _.valuable 贵重的,有价值的 valueless 无价值的,无效果的is of great value valued the house atvalued their teachers as friends 7 promise n.诺言;有指望,有前途;可能性I cant promise, but Ill do my best.The clouds promise

7、 rain._信守诺言 _不守诺言_ 履行诺言 fulfill a promise 实现诺言keep a promise break a promise carry out a promise 1 put up, set up, build, build up, foundput up 搭起,建筑。常用来指建造比较简 陋的东西。还可表“接待,为提供食宿, 举起”set up 建立,成立。常用于摆放或竖起某 物或成立某一机构或团体。build 建立。一般用语,表建起建筑物。build up表“建立,逐渐造成或获得声誉或 局面”或“建筑物遍布某地”found 表“创办,创立”尤其用于“提供资 金”

8、创办,创建(组织,机构等)The Student Union _ in 2001.He _ a good reputation for his goods.This settlement _ in 1582. They are _ several new houses on the street.was set up has built up was founded putting up / building watch, look, see, notice, observe, stare at, glare at watch: “仔细观看,监视”,指仔细,认真地看着 目标。 look: 有意

9、识地使用眼睛或视力“看”。“看着某物 (某人)用“look at” see: “看”,一般用语,还可表示“明白,清楚” notice: “注意,看到”,指用眼睛看到或其他感官 感觉到。 observe: “观察”,指用眼睛看到并认真地观察。 stare at:“凝视,注视”,指由于吃惊,害怕或深 思而睁大眼睛看。 Glare: “怒视,瞪着”,指由于生气而睁大眼睛瞪 着某人。He often _ TV on Sunday. He _around but didnt _anything. Sorry, I didnt _when he left. He _ the stars all his l

10、ife. Crusoe _the footprint, full of fear. Suddenly he saw two eyes _ him out of the darkness.watches looked see notice has observed stared at glaring at 3. hope, wish, hope forhope 指过去,现在或将来有关的希望, 不能接名词双宾语或复合宾语。wish指美好的祝愿,或表达的是过去, 现在或将来发生的令人遗憾的事,接从句 时使用虚拟语气。hope for希望,期待,对(某物)有信心We _ youll be very h

11、appy.I _ I had gone to that party.We havent heard from for a long time but we are still_ a letter.hope wish hoping for 4 as it is 照本来的样子,根据现在的情况可作插入语,通常放在句首,有时也入在 句末,意思是“事实上,实际上”但愿我能付钱给你,事实上我一文不名。I wish I could pay you. _, I dont have any money.放在句末时,往往作“照原来的样子,按现 状”解。这房子是照原样买的。The house was bought

12、_.leaveas it is. 照原样(放着),别动,别管别动,照原样摆放着。 Dont touch it. _.As it isas it isLeave it as it isas it were 就好像是;可说是; 他是我的好朋友,也可以说,是我 的第二个自我。 He is my best friend, my second self, _.as it were5 What has become of her?她怎么样了?become of 指命运等降临,使遭遇,相当 于 happen toI wonder what _ the people who lived next door.I

13、 dont know what _ him.become ofhas become of6 beyond 在句中用介词,意为“在的那边;超出 ;除以外”The road goes beyond the village up into the mountain.beyond sb. 对某人来说难以想像,理解或估计。Its beyond me how people design computer games.beyond 还可用作副词,表示“在远处,向远方”We must look beyond for signs of change.7. population 在句中用作名词,表示“人口,居 民”。对此进行提问时,要使用 what;人口 的“多,少”使用 large, small ;表示“有多少人”时使用 has a population of-_ the po



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