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1、1课堂口语练习 8 Opinion 类 What do you thinkshould be like? (What special features do you thinkshould have?) I think it takes a lot of things to.Off the top of my head, It is a prerequisite(前提条件) of being.Another quality is that .On the top of it, Sample: What do you think a real friend should be like? Ans

2、wer: I think it takes a lot of things to be a real friend. Off the top of my head, a real friend should be able to give you a listening ear, a warming shoulder, a helping hand and the most sincere words whenever you are in need. It is a prerequisite (前提条件) of being a real friend. Another quality is

3、that a real friend should be honest, easy-going, and humorous. When it comes to friends, honesty is the best policy. Besides, friends must be able to get on well with each other. On the top of it, a real friend should be a soul mate 知己. They must share the same feelings, attitudes and beliefs. Pract

4、ice Topic 1: What do you think a great teacher should be like? Topic 2: What do you think a successful interview candidate should be like? Topic 3: What special features do you think a trustworthy journalist should have?I think it takes a lot of things to be a great teacher. Off the top of my head,.

5、 It is a prerequisite(前 提条件) of being an excellent teacher. Another quality is that On the top of it, Expressions for Topic 1 1. A great teacher should be knowledgeable and conscientious. 好的老师应该知识渊博、尽职 尽责。 2. He should be able to encourage students to show their initiative rather than kill their cur

6、iosity and passion to learn. 他应该鼓励学生显示他们的主动性而不是扼杀他们的好奇心和热情。 3. The exam-oriented cramming teaching methodology has proved to be unwelcome. 以考试为目 的的填鸭式教学法令人生厌。 4. A great teacher should be able to inspire students to learn rather than always force them to learn. 好的老师应该激励学生学习而不是强迫他们学习。 5. It is why pe

7、ople are always saying that “A mediocre teacher tells, a good teacher explains and a great teacher inspires.” 这就是为什么人们说“普通老师讲解,好老师解释,出色的老师激 发(学生学习) ”Expressions for Topic 2 1. A successful interview candidate should make a good preparation. 成功的面试者应该做好充 分准备。 2. He should find out all he can about the

8、 job he is applying for and the organization he hopes to work for such as its services, products and reputation. 应该尽可能多地了解申请的职位和应聘 的单位的相关信息,比如单位的服务、产品和名声。 3. He should step into the interviewer s shoes. 他应该站在面试官的立场上换位思考。 4. He should try to get a feel for what they need from him - they want somebody

9、 who is hard-2working with a pleasant personality and a real interest in the job. 想象一下面试官想从他身上看 到什么样的品质-工作卖力,性格讨人喜欢,真心热爱工作。 5. A successful interview candidate should ensure a good first impression. 成功的面试者应该能 给人留下良好的第一印象。 6. He should arrive five or ten minutes early for the actual interview so that

10、 he will have a little time in hand. 面试当天,他应该提前五或十分钟到,这样手头留些富余时间。 7. He should dress in clean, neat, conservative clothes. 穿着应该干净、整洁、正统。 8. A successful interview candidate should communicate effectively. 成功的面试者要有效沟通。9. When asked to demonstrate his ability to handle a task, he might use examples fr

11、om work, school, community services or any setting in which hes had work-related success.面试者可以用 以前在工作、学校或社区服务中与工作相关的成功实例来展示处理具体问题的能力。Expressions for Topic 3 1. A trustworthy journalist must be an individual with honesty and integrity. 可信赖的记者应该 是一个诚实、正直的人。 2. When confronted with temptations, only pr

12、ofessionals with high moral values can adhere to their code of ethics. 当面对诱惑时,只有具有崇高道德价值观的职业人士才能忠实于自己的 道德准则。 3. So, the courage to always pursue and expose the truths about trustworthy events is really crucial to a journalist. 因此,对于记者来说, 勇于挖掘报道可靠新闻的真相,至关重要。 4. A trustworthy journalist must be an ind

13、ividual with immense determination and perseverance. 可信赖的记者应该是具有非凡的决心和毅力的人。 5. It is not unusual that a journalist receives severe warnings or even death threats from gang members or business tycoons when he set out to trace crimes and business scandals. 记者在着手 调查罪行和商业丑闻时,经常会接到来自犯罪团伙成员或商业巨头的警告甚至死亡威胁。

14、 6. A trustworthy journalist should be able to present keen observation on the covered events. 可信 赖的记者必须要对报道的事件进行敏锐的观察。 7. A reporter must possess the capacity to analyze and synthesize the information he gathers. 记 者要具备分析综合搜集到的信息的能力。 8. This requires penetrating insight and outstanding analytical skills. 这需要敏锐的洞察力和杰 出的分析能力。


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