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1、1中南大学中南大学 2013 级非英语专业本科生第一学期期末口语考试级非英语专业本科生第一学期期末口语考试题型及评分标准题型及评分标准一、一、题型题型 Part I Self-introduction (10%, 1 分钟) Part II Situational Dialogue (30%, 3 分钟) Part III Topic Discussion (30%,3 分钟) Part IV Answering Questions (30%,3 分钟) 场景 10 个,讨论的话题 10 个,提前两周给学生准备。学生抽签决定考题。二、二、评分标准评分标准准确性准确性 指考生的语音、语调以及所使

2、用的语法和词汇的准确程度 语言范围语言范围 指考生使用的词汇和语法结构的复杂程度和范围 话语的长短话语的长短 指考生对整个考试中的交际所作的贡献、讲话的多少 连贯性连贯性 指考生有能力进行较长时间的、语言连贯的发言 灵活性灵活性 指考生应付不同情景和话题的能力 适切性适切性 指考生根据不同场合选用适当确切的语言的能力三、等级描述三、等级描述A 等(85-100 分) 能用英语就熟悉的题材进行口头交际,基本上没有困难B 等 (75-84 分) 能用英语就熟悉的题材进行口头交际,虽有些困难,但 不影响交际C 等(60-74 分) 能用英语就熟悉的题材进行简单的口头交际 D 等 (不及格) 尚不具有

3、英语口头交际能力* * 考生如能基本完成考试中的各项任务, 可视为及格。大外一分部2013 年 11 月 12 日2B 级学生用卷级学生用卷 Test 1Unit 1 Book 1 Part 2 Situational Dialogue Both A and B are freshmen. They meet in the Language Lab on the first day of English class. After greeting each other, they begin to talk about the new campus life in CSU. Part 3 To

4、pic Discussion College life is different from that in high school in many ways. Please have a discussion about the differences.Test 2Unit 3 Book 1 Part 2 Situational Dialogue A gets a good buy online. A tells B about it. B asks some questions about the stuff and B describes it. Part 3 Topic Discussi

5、on When you buy a dress or coat, which do you give first priority to: color, price, quality, style or brand name? Why? Test 3Unit 4 Book 1 Part 2 Situational Dialogue A invites B to dinner. They each order some food and drinks and enjoy a big meal. After the meal, B insists on sharing the expenses w

6、ith A. Part 3 Topic Discussion Talk about the differences or similarities between Chinese and Western table manners3Test 4Unit 5 Book 1 Part 2 Situational Dialogue A and B meet in the cafe, they talk about their daily schedule. Later Bs cell phone rings, thus their conversation comes to an end. Part

7、 3 Topic Discussion College life is supposed to be rich and varied. Please discuss your favorite activities on campus.Test 5Unit 6 Book 1 Part 2 Situational Dialogue A is a customer, B is a shopkeeper. A wants to buy a warm overcoat. They start a conversation, talking about the color, size, price, m

8、aterial, etc. Later he/she ends up buying one after bargaining for a long time. Part 3 Topic Discussion Shopping online has been common practice among young people. Which one do you prefer? Shopping online or in stores? Why?Test 6Unit 8 Book 1 Part 2 Situational Dialogue A and B talk about their res

9、pective family, family member, family history, and family rules. Part 3 Topic Discussion Which type of family do you prefer, nuclear family or extended family? Give reasons.4Test 7Unit 10 Book 1 Part 2 Situational Dialogue A and B talk about one of their embarrassing experiences to each other. Part

10、3 Topic Discussion Discuss with your partner about the first time you did something.Test 8Unit 11 Book 1Part 2 Situational Dialogue A is an interviewer in a business company, and B is an interviewee trying to get the post of secretary. They are having a job interview. Part 3 Topic Discussion Discuss

11、 with your partner about the factors needed to be considered in choosing a job.Test 9Unit 1 Book 2 Part 2 Situational Dialogue A and B talk about the food they like most. A likes traditional Chinese food, while B prefers western fast food. Part 3 Topic Discussion Chinese food safety problem is the p

12、ublic focus in recent years. Discuss with your partner about your idea about this phenomenon. 5Test 10Unit 2 Book 2 Part 2 Situational Dialogue Two students have just come back from summer vacation; they are exchanging their tour experience. Part 3 Topic Discussion Do you like traveling? Why or why not? Please have a discussion about it.



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