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1、外语下载中心 http:/外语下载中心 http:/TautologyIn the study of literature, the term refers to a figure of speech in which the same idea is repeated in different words.RhythmIn the study of literature, especially poetry, the term refers to the pattern of sound that is based on the arrangement of stressed and uns

2、tressed syllables in a line of verse.RepetitionIn the study of literature and rhetoric, the term refers to kind of rhetoric device in which a word, a phrase or a clause is repeated in order to achieve a special or rhetoric effect.ParonomasiaIn the study of literature and rhetoric, the term, also kno

3、wn as pun, refers to a play on words that are similar or the same in pronunciation but different in meaning in order to achieve a special or rhetoric effect.ParallelismIn the study of literature and rhetoric, the term refers to a figure of speech in which two or more similar or related ideas are exp

4、ressed by using the same grammatical structure.HumorIn the study of literature and rhetoric, the term refers to the kind of effect of being able to arouse amusement or laughter in the audience through 外语下载中心 http:/外语下载中心 http:/verbal or nonverbal means. In the creation of literary works, writers som

5、etimes employ various figures of speech to create humor in their literary works.ChiasmusIn the study of literature and rhetoric, the term refers to a figure of speech in which one language expression is formed by just reversing the word order of another language expression.ClimaxIn the study of lite

6、rature and rhetoric, the term may refer to a figure of speech in which words, phrases, clauses or events are arranged in such an intentional order that the most important occurs at the end position to create a rhetorical effect. The term may also refer to the highest point or moment of conflict or t

7、ension in a piece of literary work after which the action begins to fall and the resolution begins to come out.AssonanceIn the study of literature and rhetoric, the term refers to a kind of rhyme that is based on the correspondence or similarity of vowel sounds alone and not necessarily consonants.

8、Assonance is characteristic of the style of poetry. Assonance is different from rhyme in that rhyme is a similarity of both vowel and consonant sounds. For example, wake and make demonstrate rhyme, while wake and mate demonstrate assonance.Antithesis外语下载中心 http:/外语下载中心 http:/In the study of literatu

9、re and rhetoric, the term refers to a figure of speech in which two contrasting ideas are expressed side by side by means of similar or identical syntactical structures.AnticlimaxIn the study of literature and rhetoric, the term, also known as bathos, refers to a figure of speech in which words, phr

10、ases, clauses or events are arranged in such an intentional order that the trivial, humorous or ridiculous occurs at the position where something important, serious or dignified is expected to create a certain rhetorical effect.Allusion(典故)(典故)In the study of literature and rhetoric, the term refers

11、 to a rhetoric device or a figure of speech by means of the deliberate referring to a person or an event in the classical literature or culture or in the history of a given culture.AlliterationIn the study of literature and rhetoric, the term alliteration refers to a rhetorical device by means of th

12、e repetition of the initial consonant sound in a sequence of words. There are many English idioms and collocations and verse lines that are created by the exploitation of alliteration. There should be at least two successive repetitions in order to create alliteration. For example: Peter Piper picke

13、d a pack of pickled pepper. The initial consonant sound p is repeated many times. 外语下载中心 http:/外语下载中心 http:/SimileIn the study of literature and rhetoric, the term refers to a kind of figure of speech in which a direct comparison is made between two things that are essentially unlike each other, but

14、 like each other in one certain way by using comparative terms such as like, as, as if, as as etc.MetaphorIn the study of literature and rhetoric, the term refers to a kind of figure of speech in which an indirect comparison is made between two things that are essentially unlike each other, but like

15、 each other in one certain way without using comparative terms such as like, as, as if, as as etc.AnalogyIn the study of literature and rhetoric, the term refers to a figure of speech in which a comparison is made between two things in which one complex or abstract thing is described in terms of the

16、 other simple or specific thing on the basis of the similarities existing between the two things in some respects.PersonificationIn the study of literature and rhetoric, the term refers to a figure of speech in which an inanimated entity or concept is described as if it were an animated human being.Metonymy(换喻,转喻)(换喻,转喻)外语下载中心 http:/



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